Let me reinstate my firm belief that modern day Russia is not the Soviet day Russia. I firmly believe that Russia is the only country that stands between Muslims achieving shariah rule and the Caliphate they desire for our entire planet. If others can't see that, that's their problem. If others can't see that Russia has turned religious and turned to Christianity with an vengeance, that's their problem. As far as I am concerned, I see Russia as the only country that's becoming more Christian with each passing day while other supposedly "Judeo-Christian" countries are going to the dark side. I fully agree with the analysis and opinions as opined in the video below. Please take a listen where Stefan Molyneux and Paul Craig Roberts discuss Neo-Conservatives and the ongoing situation in Ukraine.
In my firm opinion, and I am sure there are millions more who think like me, if you are old enough to commit a crime, then you are old enough to be treated like any other adult offender. Canada needs to change the silly outdated law about shielding the identity of a young offender. Canada is no longer the country it used to be. We have immigrants here from countries where "kids" as young as 5 yr olds are taught how to chop off heads. The public needs to, and should demand that the names of young offenders be made public.
The Toronto Police Service would like to make the public aware of arrests in the investigation into a series of bank robberies. It is alleged that: - between Friday, January 3, 2014, and Wednesday, February 26, 2014, there was a series of seven bank robberies, four in the east end of Toronto, and three in Pickering and Courtice - during the robberies, one-to-three suspects entered the banks with their faces masked and armed with guns, while another remained in the getaway vehicle It is further alleged that: - on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, two bank robberies occurred, one in the Ellesmere Road/McCowan Road area, followed by a second in the King Street East/Townline Road area of Courtice - during the first robbery, several victims were assaulted, one requiring seven staples for a head wound Shortly after the second robbery, Toronto Police Hold Up, in conjunction with Durham Regional Police Major Crimes Robbery Unit, arrested four boys. It is also alleged that the following was seized during the arrest: - two replica handguns - cocaine - marijuana - money stolen during the robberies A boy, 17, of Toronto, was charged with: ........... A boy, 17, of Toronto, was charged with: .......... A boy, 17, of Durham, was charged with: ........... A boy, 17, of Durham, was charged with: ............
More videos below: Ukraine crisis: Airport access cut off by roadblocks Don't you just love the way everybody "slams" Russia for being a naughty boy. There are no other naughty boys found anywhere else. Acting president slams Russia for "escalation of violence" in Crimea More helicopters in the skies of Crimea Kurt Nimmo writing at InfoWars: ....Coup Government in Kyiv Demands U.S., Britain Mount Military Response in Crimea. The new government of Ukraine, installed after a violent coup last week and headed up by former central banker Arseniy Yatsenyuk, is calling on the United States and Britain to intervene militarily after unidentified armed men seized government buildings and airports in the semi-autonomous Crimea. The corporate media in the United States identify the armed men as Russian soldiers, although it was reported on Thursday they “were wearing uniforms without any insignia, refused to talk to journalists, and it was not immediately clear who they were,” according to ABC News. Ukraine’s scandal plagued speaker of Parliament, Oleksandr V. Turchynov, who is now the acting president of Ukraine, convened a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council to discuss the situation in Crimea. “Terrorists with automatic weapons, judged by our special services to be professional soldiers, tried to take control of the airport in Crimea,” he said. Arsen Avakov, the newly installed interior minister and member of Yulia Tymoshenko’s Batkivshchyna party, said the incidents in Crimea amount to “military invasion and occupation.” “It is a direct provocation of armed bloodshed in the territory of a sovereign State,” he wrote on Facebook. In response to the activity by unidentified forces in the Crimea, the coup government in Kyiv demands the United States live up to an agreement signed in 1994. The Budapest Memorandum was signed by Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma. It promises to uphold the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for the former Soviet republic relinquishing its nuclear weapons..............
The Guardian article below has views expressed by their readers ...really worth reading. The pic at bottom of this post reminded me of what I had personally seen when visiting Cuba a few years ago. You would see similar queues there, even for basic food items. The arrival of a shipment of T-shirts got the people waking up at dawn to stand in a queue outside the "lucky" store whose owner was deemed fit to get the shipment from the government, to take first peek and if they had the money, to buy. We hear from Venezuelans who did not take part in the recent anti-government demonstrations for their take on what’s happening in the country. Last week, we published a readers’ panel on the Venezuelan protests, sourced via GuardianWitness and Guardian comments sections. We sought to hear from those who were taking part in the protests, and those who supported them. We received many responses. At the same time, a social media campaign was taking off, using #SOSVenezuela on Twitter and Facebook in particular, to highlight the situation in the country...........
From LibCom: ...A second novelty, as suggested in our previous paper, is that Caracas has ceased to be the epicenter of the national mobilization. On Saturday February 22 both those pro-government and the opposition, made called to march in the city of Caracas, both with large attendance . However, in at least 12 cities of province, some dissident demonstrations were proportionally, as massive as those that were performed in the capital. In the case of the city of San Cristobal, capital of Tachira (border with Colombia); the intensity of the protests and conflicts where were including students, middle class people, and others from popular and rural areas; has led to the militarization of the city being controlled remotely from Caracas. The state governor Jose Vielma Mora, of the ruling party PSUV, publicly criticized the crackdown and called for the release of detainees, and so far, this one has been the first public criticism from a member of the government, of one decision of Nicolas Maduro.......
All that Iranian shiites know to do is boast about their nuclear shit and their scientific prowess, blah, blah, blah .... but the clear evidence the rest of the world has about their cavemen culture is how they treat their prisoners in the most inhumane way. What's the use if the country has millions of doctors, engineers, scientists and "intellectuals" when they are all happy residing inside the dark of their caves? Sheesh!!
From BosNews: ... A pastor of Iran's largest evangelical church movement will return to prison after undergoing surgery for injuries linked to mistreatment behind bars, Iranian Christians said Monday, February 24. Pastor Behnam Irani of the 300-member Church of Iran congregation in Karaj city, 20 kilometres (12 miles) west of capital Tehran, was reportedly suffering from severe bleeding due to stomach ulcers and colon complications, which even caused him to lose consciousness. Advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) confirmed that the operation in Karaj's Shahid Madani Hospital "was successful". CSW said Pastor Irani would be returned to Ghezal Hesar Prison in Karaj on Tuesday, February 25. Irani, who is in his 40s, began a one-year prison term in 2011 but was later told he would also have to serve a five-year, previously suspended, sentence for "crimes against national security". Local Christians have expressed concern that the married father of two children may also face execution, after a court advised such a sentence for alleged "apostasy", or abandoning Islam..........
One can never ever tell. Not when we have warmongers here, there, everywhere. Not when we have weapon-making manufacturers as the biggest propellers of our economy.
I have been throwing light (pun intended) on this danger from way back 2009 but who gives a damn about what a dodo has to say, eh? Listed below are my previous posts on the terrorist tactics employed by terrorists but our ostrich-government keep treating these terrorist acts as "youth mischief." Don't the numbskulls in the areas of "serve and protect" know about how terrorists in Syria are using children as soldiers? Don't they know about how well Palestinian children are well-trained in rock throwing? Children, especially well-trained youngsters, can be as dangerous and many a time even more so than adults. My post dated Aug 2009 My posting of Oct 2009 My post of Oct 2010 Now, here's what I don't understand. Read the article below and see for yourselves. Three Muslims have been caught and fined for aiming laser beams at a helicopter in Edmonton. Fined $3000 each. Does that make sense to you? This was a terrorist act and yet our justice system didn't see it as such? What's wrong with Canada?
Otiena Ellwand writing at LeaderPost: ....Three young men were each fined $3,000 for pointing a laser at the Edmonton police’s Air-1 helicopter in September, an unprecedented fine in Alberta. Mohamed Cheikh-Mohamad, 19, Khaled Ahmad Safi, 20, and Mohammed El-Mustapha, 19, pleaded guilty to endangering the safety of an aircraft under the Federal Aeronautics Act in provincial court on Tuesday. On Sept. 7, 2013, police were flying above 153rd Avenue and 117th Street in the Castle Downs area just before midnight when the pilot saw a flash of green light, Crown prosecutor Breena Smith told court. He put on protective glasses and was able to pinpoint the source. Police on the ground arrested the three men, who beamed the laser at the helicopter for two minutes. Smith said the laser could have damaged the pilot’s retina or left him with a temporary loss of vision. It was a “continuous and relentless attack,” Smith said. “It could have been catastrophic.”............
170 jihadis, multiply by 72 virgins for each jihadi = 12,240 virgins. Now, just picture those bloody and torn jihadi body parts all over those pristine virgins humping away somewhere in those cottony clouds up above. No wonder we had that snowy thunderstorm kind of weather today over here. Too much humping going on up there resulting in dislodging all those snowflakes on us down here.
From LiveLeak: 170 terrorists from different nationalities killed in Eastern Ghouta today near the Otaybah lake. A Syrian Army military source said that an army unit eliminated scores of terrorists of 'Jabhat al Nusra' and the so-called "Islam battalion" according to intelligence information in an ambush in the Eastern Ghouta in Damascus Countryside. It added that 175 terrorists were killed, clarifying that most of them Saudis, Qataris and Chechens. A field leader said that this operation is an outcome of the cracking down on the armed terrorist groups in the Eastern Ghouta and the preparation of army units to prevent terrorists from infiltrating ....
Do you get the feeling that Ukraine might sink into a civil war? Who knew that there were millions of Tatars (Muslims by another name) in Ukraine, and they hate Putin and his admin for what they are doing to their terrorist brothers in the Northern Caucasus. Have you ever known any region of the world where these aggressive-natured people have not demanded that things go their way and their way only? Now, take the Tatar element in Ukraine and mix it with the Nazi ingredient (which is also another surprise ... who knew, eh?) and see what you get. Tatars, as is their nature, hate everybody who is not of their book ... that includes Christians and Jews. On the other hand, the Nazis or skinheads or the extreme right, hate Jews, Muslims and anybody and everybody else who dare to go around in skin not as white as theirs.... so my guess is, we have to wait and see how the mess in Ukraine becomes a bigger mess and might even lead to the big war everybody is expecting but hoping they won't get. What's gonna happen when Ukraine joins EU and French-Africans and Malmo Muslim gangs drop there for a visit? Fun times ahead.
Alessandra Prentice writing at Reuters .... Taking matters into their own hands, separatist-minded protesters at a rally on Sunday voted to appoint Alexei Chaly, a Russian businessman, as the de facto mayor of Sevastopol in a show of hands. The next day the presence of a large crowd on the streets outside a meeting of the city administration ensured his appointment could not be blocked. The chaotic events, followed by more protests on this week, and more calls for secession, underline how difficult the transition of power may be in Ukraine, especially in Crimea...... ....Rumours that protesters from Kiev's barricades might be on their way from the capital to put down separatist moves have prompted some Crimeans to create informal self-defence units. Around 3,000 men have signed up in Sevastopol alone, with military veterans and former members of the Berkut riot police training the younger recruits, the organisers say..... Michael Petrou writing at Macleans: ....“We’re here to protect Sevastopol,” said one of the men who stopped our car on the road south from the Crimean capital of Simferopol to the more famous port city he claimed to be guarding.
He and his friends stomping their feet around a campfire wore the same ramshackle outfits as the “Self Defence” units guarding barricades throughout central Kyiv: military surplus camouflage and ratty balaclavas. They held anti-riot shields and even gave themselves the same name Self Defence name as their Kyiv counterparts. The most visible difference, and one that spoke volumes, was the flag affixed to a military-style truck parked nearby. It was not the blue and yellow of Ukraine, but the red, white and blue tricolour of Russia........ Andrei P. Tsygankov writing at MoscowTimes: There is no question that to Russia, the revolutionary transition of power in Ukraine constitutes a major geopolitical defeat. All the talk about a non zero-sum nature of Ukrainian transformation in the interest of the "people of Ukraine" is little more than a smoke screen covering the West's ambition to have the final say in Kiev. To think otherwise is to pretend that international politics does not exist...... Intriguing to note that an USA oil company had a big foot inside Ukraine.
Uwe Klubmann at Spiegel: ....The situation in Ukraine remains volatile -- and presents Russian President Vladimir Putin with a difficult conundrum. Should Ukrainian nationalists continue to gain power, pressure will grow on the Kremlin to take action...........
If you have a mind to listen to the Nuland "fuck EU" conversation, the whole thing is in the tweet below. Nice clear cut evidence of the USA playing god as usual.
Paul Craig Roberts at his blog: ....Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Declare that Power Comes Out of the Barrels of their Guns. ....Members of President Yanukovich’s ruling party, the Party of Regions, have been shot, had arrest warrants issued for them, have experienced home invasions and physical threats, and are resigning in droves in hopes of saving the lives of themselves and their families. The prosecutor’s office in the Volyn region (western Ukraine) has been ordered by ultra-nationalists to resign en masse . Jewish synagogs and Eastern Orthodox Christian churches are being attacked. To toot my own horn, I might have been the first and only to predict that Washington’s organization of pro-EU Ukrainian politicians into a coup against the elected government of Ukraine would destroy democracy and establish the precedent that force prevails over elections, thereby empowering the organized and armed extreme right-wing. This is precisely what has happened. Note that there was no one in the Obama regime who had enough sense to see the obvious result of their smug, self-satisfied interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine.....
Israel Shamir at his blog: .....Their great neighbour, Russia, does not appear overtly concerned with this ominous development. Both Russian news agencies, TASS and RIA, didn’t even place the dire Ukrainian news at the top, as Reuters and BBC did: for them, the Olympics and the biathlon were of greater importance, as you can see on these print screens.... This “ostrich” attitude is quite typical of the Russian media: whenever they find themselves in an embarrassing position, they escape into showing the Swan Lake ballet on TV. That's what they did when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. This time it was the Olympics instead of the ballet.....
....This hands-off approach could have been expected: Russia did not interfere in the disastrous Ukrainian elections 2004, or in the Georgian elections that produced extremely anti-Russian governments. Russia gets involved only if there is a real battle on the ground, and a legitimate government asks for help, as in Ossetia in 2008 or in Syria in 2011. Russia supports those who fight for their cause, otherwise Russia, somewhat disappointingly, stands aside.
The West has no such inhibitions and its representatives were extremely active: the US State Department representative Victoria “Fuck EC’’ Nuland had spent days and weeks in Kiev, feeding the insurgents with cookies, delivering millions of smuggled greenbacks to them, meeting with their leaders, planning and plotting the coup. Kiev is awash with the newest US dollars fresh from its mint (of a kind yet unseen in Moscow, I’ve been told by Russian friends). The US embassy spread money around like a tipsy Texan in a night club. Every able-bodied young man willing to fight received five hundred dollar a week, a qualified fighter – up to a thousand, a platoon commander had two thousand dollars – good money by Ukrainian standards........
From RT: The Supreme Council of Ukraine's Autonomous Republic of Crimea passed a no-confidence motion dismissing the regional government, on Thursday in Simferopol. The local parliament has also voted in favour of holding a referendum to decide the future of Crimea on May 25. The vote will reportedly concern the autonomous status of Crimea and the scope of its powers. The announcement triggered a positive reaction of the crowd outside the Crimean Parliament. Despite the demands of the pro-Russian protesters being met, many remained on site in the hope of bringing the referendum forward in time.
I really and truly needed a good laugh today and Jessica Chasmar's article at Washington Times provided it.
....Harlem church sign warns: Obama has released ‘the homo demons’ A church sign in New York City’s Harlem is warning black women to be on the lookout for a “white homo” trying to steal their man. “Obama has released the homo demons on the black man. Look out black woman. A white homo may take your man,” reads the marquee for ATLAH World Church at Lenox and 123rd. The pastor of the church, James David Manning, has been very critical of President Obama, calling him “The Long Legged Mack Daddy” and often blaming him for the destruction of the black family, the Village Voice reported. “This homosexual demon hoping to enforce as many black males to subscribe to ideas …, ” he said during a sermon the church posted on YouTube Tuesday. “So we have the outing of people like Jason Collins, who is an alleged basketball player, and Michael Sam, a football player. Two blacks that have come out of the closet and have received national acclaim from Obama, from Michelle ‘the fistbumper’ Obama, from Oprah Winfrey, from all black people encouraging more black men to come out of the closet.” “You’ll have a very hard time competing against a white homosexual male,” Mr. Manning continued. “He’s usually got money. The white homo usually has an American Express card. He usually has an opportunity at the theater. Homos love the theater. They love to go out to dinner, parties. They love that kind of thing.” Carmen Neely, president of PRIDE, a Harlem-based LGBT group, called the sign “shameful.”.........
Wonder how many thousands like her have infiltrated some of the highest echelons of power and have already done untold damage and continuing to do more.
Jillian Kay Melchior writing at NationalReview: .....Convicted Terrorist Worked as Obamacare Navigator in Illinois. Woman involved in deadly terror bombings kept her past secret from authorities in President's home state. A terrorist from Jordan briefly worked as an Obamacare navigator in Illinois while authorities remained unaware of her conviction for involvement in a deadly grocery store bombing and two other attacks. Rasmieh Yousef Odeh was convicted in Israel for her role in several bombings, including the 1969 attack on an upscale Shufersol grocery store, which killed two Hebrew University students who had stopped in to buy groceries for a hiking trip in the Jerusalem hills. Leon Kanner and Eddie Joffe were killed by a bomb hidden in a candy box tucked on a shelf, which also injured nine or 10 others, according to a website maintained by the Israeli government to commemorate terror victims. The Illinois Department of Insurance quietly revoked Odeh’s certification as a Navigator In-Person Counselor on November 24, explaining in a disciplinary report that the decision was “based on an investigation which revealed that she had been convicted in Israel for her role in the bombings of a supermarket and the British Consulate in Jerusalem and failed to reveal the conviction on her application.”..........
For me, the most telling thing from the chart below was to see Italy's dissatisfaction with their government standing at 97% (if the research is accurate) because that's a clear indication that the Italians don't like the ongoing invasion of their country by Muslims, which their government is either unable to do anything about or even if they want to, they cannot because they are slaves to their masters in Brussels. The face and makeup of Italy is changing, just as it has in France. Very, very soon, so will Italy's religion. But, then, we come to the question of "Why is the general public helpless, why are the Italians letting themselves be taken over? The answer to that my dear friends is simple: Christianity has made them into spineless cowards, so much so that they are unable to recognize evil even if Evil incarnate pushed itself into their faces. Christianity has drummed into their skulls that every single person is a good human being, some humans might be misled, but they are still good and all are to be loved and cuddled. Sheesh!
Andy Kiersz at BusinessInsider: ....Like many things, optimism about a country’s course varies widely around the world. In some countries, an overwhelming majority of citizens feel like their country is on track, and in others, an equally overwhelming majority believe the opposite. To see this, below is a map based on data from the 2013 Pew Research Global Attitudes Project. It shows the percentage of the populations in the surveyed countries that were satisfied with their country’s direction.....
I wish someone could explain in layman's terms why a country that should be rich because of all the oil they export is still in the grips of shortage of food,etc. Is America and America's allies playing havoc with Venezuela's currency? Are the riches they gain by selling their oil in any given week, translate into less than half the next week because of the financial manipulation by bully powers? Something smells to high heaven.... but being the dodo that I am, I can't figure it out. The trouble there can't all be because the country's govt. is socialist. If you believe that, you also believe in Santa Claus and Big Foot.
From ASCOA: ....February 26: Pro- and anti-government demonstrations take place in Caracas ahead of President Nicolás Maduro's "peace conference" with different sectors of society. The opposition Democratic Unity coalition says it will not participate in the conference, calling it a "simulation of a dialogue." February 25: The United States expels three Venezuelan diplomats from the U.S. embassy in Washington, after Venezuela expelled three U.S. diplomats on February 16. A State Department representative says the U.S. government wants to see more "positive steps" from the Venezuelan government before it appoints an ambassador. However, the Venezuelan government goes ahead with the announcement of its new ambassador to the U.S. Foreign Minister Elías Jaua taps Maximilian Arveláez—a former ambassador to Brazil—for the position. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter offers to mediate between the government and opposition on an upcoming April visit to Venezuela. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio says he plans to propose sanctions against Venezuela. Lilian Tintori, the wife of imprisoned opposition figure Leopoldo López, tells Chile's El Mercurio that López is in a 6.5 foot by 6.5 foot cell and though he is cut off from any communication, authorities are allowing family visits. The death toll rises to 15......
What's not to like about our empty-headed politicians in the West? They are the very best! Give them a big hand everyone. More power to them for giving the power to those who desire to caliphate our world.
From DailyMailUK: ....Preparing for war: Putin 'orders immediate test of troops' combat readiness' as 10,000 Muslim supporters of Ukraine's new government clash with pro-Russian group in Crimea. President Vladimir Putin has reportedly ordered an immediate test of combat readiness of troops in central and western Russia. Russia's defence minister Sergei Shoigu is reported as saying Putin ordered the test at 2pm Moscow time on Wednesday. Violence has also broken out in Ukraine's eastern Crimea region as Muslim supporters of the new government clash with pro-Russian demonstrators. Over 10,000 Muslim Crimean Tatars rallied in support of Ukraine's interim leaders, waving Ukrainian flags and chanting 'Ukraine is not Russia' and 'Allahu Akbar'........... Yuras Karamanau of AP at CTVnews: ....Fistfights broke out between pro- and anti-Russian demonstrators in Ukraine's strategic Crimea region on Wednesday as Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered massive military exercises just across the border. The tests of military readiness involve most of the military units in central and western Russia, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said in a televised statement. He said the exercise would "check the troops' readiness for action in crisis situations that threaten the nation's military security." He did not specifically mention the turmoil in Ukraine, which is bitterly divided between pro-European western regions and pro-Russian areas in the east and south....
I hope Canadians are proud today that they let a foreigner demand and get an apology from one of our political parties' leader.... Justin Trudeau. I see this as a precedent for many worse things to come. I am sure now that the Ukraine Ambassador to Canada who demanded an apology from the Liberal Party leader and got it, has started the ball rolling for umpteen more apologies from our leaders. Waiting in line is CAIR-Canada who are demanding an apology from the Prime Minister and his office. When are they gonna get it, dear Leader? It was disgusting to see SunTV (no wonder I am going off the Sun media) making mountains out of molehills and gloating over how Liberal party leader Trudeau had to apologize for the humor he used when opining about Ukraine's recent Canada-USA organized, funded and operated "revolution." When one attacks one's own family in favour of an outsider, you have reached the bottom of the barrel. Ugh!!
Killing off babies is nothing but Murder, but the mighty govt who has become god and religion for millions of citizens, has made murder of babies legal. Recently, a devil's advocate friend of mine said to me that if abortion was not legal, than we would have at least a billion more people on earth and that would be unsustainable given the state of the economy of our present time. To which I told her that if the holocaust had not happened the science, inventions and technology on Earth would have been 200 years in the future and we would know how to sustain much more life than the "billion" more. The killing off of six million Jewish brains deprived Earth of the scientific richness we would by now have gained with which we would have already colonized other planets or changed the deserts of our own Earth into thriving cities.
Kelly Clinger writing at LifeNews: ....This past Wednesday my friend John posted a picture of a girl who arrived at OWC to abort her twin baby girls. She already had daughters and didn’t want anymore. She was about 20 weeks along, but because she was pregnant with twins, she had a BIG belly. Within a few hours, the picture went viral. I began to get phone calls & emails from friends who had no idea this was going on. Many offered financial help and MANY offered to adopt her babies. Thousands of people all of over the world were praying that this girl would change her mind…and thousands were saying the picture was a hoax or that what she was doing was illegal. I found myself repeating over and over again, “Abortion is legal in America up to the day you give birth.” In fact, in our nation’s capital, there are 2 doctors who “specialize” in abortions this late in pregnancy. One of those doctors has been working with a suspended license for several years. The Partial Birth Abortion Ban only stopped the use of that procedure late in a woman’s pregnancy. Now, as long as the baby is dismembered BEFORE removing he or she from the womb, it’s perfectly legal. Look up the laws in your state. Keep in mind that any state that has exceptions for the health of the mother can mean that if a woman has bad heartburn that’s a threat to her health. A late term abortion starts around $2,000 and can go up to about $15,000 depending on how far along a woman is in her pregnancy...... .....If each of us had to watch a late term abortion, surely there would be a revolution, right? After the Holocaust ended, German civilians were taken to Buchenwald concentration camp to see the atrocities that happened there. Over and over they were heard saying, “We didn’t know.” Now, because of the internet and social media, we have no excuse for ignorance. The hands of America are covered with blood…perhaps her eyes and ears are covered as well. The girl I mentioned earlier ended up aborting the twin girls in her womb even though we had every kind of help she would ever need ready for her. She admitted that she didn’t want girls and that she had no compassion for the babies she was carrying. Through a 2 day process, she actually had to go into labor and deliver her sweet babies into a toilet. Abortions like these happen ALL over the country EVERYDAY...............
I think I have read all of James Clavell's works .... but if only I could remember at least some of them. Watching the 1st part of the 4-part series below brought back some remembrance .... but only some. The perils of growing old and losing one's memory is something horrific!!! ugh!
The case of the killing which took place in mid 2011 is being heard this month in a Toronto courtroom. The CINOs (Conservatives in Name Only) ruling over here in Canada, import planeloads of Muslims on a daily basis and these Muslims come laden with their dangerous culture held close to their hearts. Many of us are coming to the sad realization that there is not much of a difference between any of the political parties .... not here in Canada and not anywhere else in the supposedly "Judeo-Christian" countries. Politicians are nothing but betrayers to the people who vote for them and traitors to their country.
Michele Mandel writing at TorontoSun Aug 4, 2011 .....Another honour killing in our midst and the silence is deafening. Shaher Bano Shahdady was just 21, a young mother who wanted to live her Canadian life as a free Canadian woman. And for that, she was strangled to death in front of her toddler. From the Baloch region of Pakistan, she came to Toronto as a little girl. At 14, her father, Mullah Abdul Ghafoor, sent her back to Pakistan to study at a religious fundamentalist madrassa and a few years later she was forced into an arranged marriage with her first cousin. But her precious son was her ticket back home. Complications in her pregnancy allowed her to return to Toronto. Her baby was born with a serious heart defect that eventually required a transplant, but at least she was back in Canada. Shahdady was a devoted mother, her friends say, and while she lived with her strict religious family in Scarborough, she managed to escape through Facebook where she chatted with friends and administered a Baloch entertainment page that had 6,000 members. She began to change, friends say. Shahdady no longer wanted to wear a burka that covered her face and body but would don just the hijab head scarf instead. She’d registered at the Adult Learning Centre to work on her high school diploma this fall and was hoping to one day realize her dream of becoming a doctor. “All her friends were finishing college or university and getting good jobs and she felt she was being left behind,” explains family friend Zaffar Baloch. “She wanted to throw away the veil and live an ordinary independent life of a woman.” But she had to sponsor her husband here and his arrival in May forced her back into the cage she had struggled so long to escape. He wanted her to wear a burka, to stay away from Facebook, to put aside any plans she had of resuming a secular education.........
Sam Pazzano writing at TorontoSun Feb 24, 2014: Hubby disguised himself in burka for honour killing. A Muslim man wore a traditional woman’s burka and female shoes before he strangled his estranged wife in the company of their toddler son. Abdul Malik Rustam admitted he donned the headdress — which disguised his face — and wedge shoes when he killed his wife, Shaher Bano Shahdady, after she asked for a divorce. Rustam, now 30, pleaded guilty on Valentine’s Day to second-degree murder in the July 22, 2011, slaying. He will be sentenced Thursday by Justice John McMahon. Shahdady fought for her life, leaving scratch marks on his face and neck and keeping his DNA underneath her fingernails, court heard. On the day of the murder, Rustam confessed to his brother he “finished her by the throat.”.....
Now it looks like the Muslims in Tanzania want Zanzibar for themselves so they can make it into their sharia paradise.
From ChristianToday: ...Christ Church Anglican Cathedral was among the target of bomb attacks in Zanzibar this week. The bomb went off at the main entrance to the cathedral in Stone Town at around 1pm local time on Monday. Eyewitnesses said the bomb was detonated remotely. This was followed by a second bomb explosion at Mercury's, a well-known restaurant named after Freddie Mercury, who was born in Zanzibar. The attacks came one day after a church belonging to the Evangelistic Assemblies of God Tanzania was bombed as the service was coming to a close. Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports that the number of injured and the extent of the damage remain unclear. The semi-autonomous status of Zanzibar and its relationship with the mainland is a key issue in Tanzania's forthcoming elections, and a separatist group called Uamsho (Awakening) has been campaigning for Zanzibar to become a fully independent nation..........
I am against lobbying as much as I am against Labor Unions. The corruption within both kind of entities is pure evil.
Lee Fang writing at TheNation ....On paper, the influence-peddling business is drying up. But lobbying money is flooding Washington, DC like never before. What’s going on?........ .... On Capitol Hill, the real financial engine of Washington, the selling of access and policy hummed along at full speed, and I was in the midst of it. Many of the people assembled around me, I noticed, were former lawmakers and their associates. Former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle was there, along with officials from his firm DLA Piper, to escort a group of international attorneys into a meeting with lawmakers. Men who said they were with Alston & Bird, another law firm heavily involved in lobbying, convened a few feet away. A cluster of businessmen with the credit-rating firm Experian prepped their own series of meetings with congressional staff.
Behind me, I heard the distinctive croak of Zach Wamp, a former congressman who was busy talking up his new job to current members of Congress. He boasted that he is now working for Palantir, the controversial intelligence contractor. “I’m kind of overseeing their operations up here,” Wamp said when I asked what he does for Palantir. He ended the conversation abruptly when questioned about the scandals associated with the firm, which include allegations of spying on activists and other privacy violations.
I returned to a computer later that day and pulled up the lobbyist-registration database to run the few names I had managed to write down. In theory, lobbyists are required to register under the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) to give the public some idea about who is attempting to influence the laws and regulations that govern us. To my surprise, however, Wamp and most of the others were nowhere to be found. (Palantir’s corporate counsel, Matt Long, would not comment on what Wamp does for the company.).....
Shame on them! All that Nigerians know to do is send phishing emails about their fucking relatives having found billions of dollars in some fucking Nigerian banks and if you send them a money order for just a few thousand dollars they will be happy to send you millions of dollars in return. Fucking Nigerian cons and cowards are letting Boko Haram kill their children. Lowest of the low in Africa .... the Nigerian Christians. Spineless cowards and corrupt to the core. When the final count is done, some fear the number of children dead will go up by at least 10 more.
From CBSnews" ....Boko Haram Islamic militants storm Nigeria boarding school, kill 29 children. Gunmen from Islamist group Boko Haram stormed a boarding school in northeast Nigeria overnight and killed 29 pupils, many of whom died in flames as the school was burned to the ground, police and the military said on Tuesday. “Some of the students bodies were burned to ashes,” Police Commissioner Sanusi Rufai said of the attack on the Federal Government college of Buni Yadi, a secondary school in Yobe state, near the state's capital city of Damaturu.
All those killed were boys. No girls were touched, Rufai said. The Islamists, whose struggle for an Islamic state in northern Nigeria has killed thousands and made them the biggest threat to security in Africa's top oil producer, increasingly are preying on the civilian population. Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is sinful” in the northern Hausa language, have frequently attacked schools in the past. A similar attack in June in the village of Mamudo left 22 students dead. In September, suspected Islamic extremists attacked an agricultural college in the same region, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in dormitories and torching classrooms. More than 200 people were killed in two attacks last week, one in which militants razed a whole village and shot panicked residents as they tried to flee. A teacher from the school, who escaped with some other staff members, told The Associated Press that he feared as many as 40 pupils might have been killed. Military forces were still on the scene, trying to locate victims. .....
So much propaganda.... a dodo like me just don't know which way to turn. Going by what has happened with Libya, where we were involved ... I fear that our involvement in Ukraine's "successful" revolution might also come back to haunt us. I like listening to all sides of whatever opinion is out there, whether it be Left or RIght or midway, matters little to me. I like to hear all sides because without listening to all one cannot come to a proper conclusion or even close to a correct opinion. Listen to Corbett Report interview with Paul Craig Roberts and judge for yourselves. Another rumor making the rounds is that the Youtube video "I am Ukranian" was done by an NGO funded by the Harper Govt and the USA and that the Ukrainian "mafia" is the strongest in Canada and headquartered in Toronto. Wow! It's going to be struggle for the Conservatives to win another term if the Ukrainian revolution proves to be a failure. I fear the worst. This might be the straw that broke the camel's back.
If you are as confused about the situation in Thailand as most people, including moi ...the article below might shed some light on the why of it all. I travelled to Thailand many years ago. The cities are dirty, especially Bangkok but the countryside is gorgeous and the people welcoming and friendly. The best fruits I have ever eaten were in Thailand and the prices were dirt cheap. Never seen any of those exotic varieties anywhere else.
Euan McKirdy writing at CNN: ....Thailand in crisis What's happening on the ground and why. As the political situation in Thailand worsens with deaths on Bangkok's streets this week, CNN takes a look at the root causes of the protests, and what the latest developments might mean for the country's political future. Who is protesting and why? Unlike the 2010 protests, which saw red-shirted supporters of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra turn out in force, this time around it is opponents of his younger sister Yingluck Shinawatra's government who are protesting in the capital. As with previous protests, the country is largely divided between a younger, educated urban middle-class and a conservative class of poor rural voters, largely from the north of the country. It is the former group who have taken to the streets and are currently battling the police after months of deepening political division. The protestors, led by Suthep Thaugsuban -- a deputy prime minister in the previous Abhisit Vejjajiva-led government -- rejected YIngluck's poll in early February and are calling for the creation of an unelected "people's council" headed by a premier appointed by Thailand's king.
What triggered the current crisis? Yingluck's prime ministership was largely stable until her party attempted to pass a controversial amnesty bill in November. The bill would have nullified former Prime Minister Thaksin's corruption conviction and would have allowed him to return to the country. The policeman-turned-tycoon has been living in exile in a number of different locations, most recently Dubai, since he was removed in a bloodless coup in 2006. He briefly returned to Thailand in 2008. Later that year, he was convicted by a Thai court of corruption and sentenced in absentia to two years in prison over a controversial land deal. Courts have also frozen billions of dollars of his assets, but he is believed to still have a great deal of money held elsewhere. What is Thaksin's role in the current crisis? While he technically plays no part in the current political situation, the deeply-divisive Thaksin is never far from the heart of Thai politics, communicating with supporters via social media and video messages. With his younger sister in power since 2011, his influence remains strong. Critics say Yingluck is Thaksin's proxy but she insists she has always been independent. The current protests were sparked by attempts by her government to enact the amnesty law that opponents said was designed to protect him and others, facilitating his return to the country -- and ultimately, to an active role in Thai politics......... What role is the Thai king playing in all this? Despite the turbulent nature of Thailand's democratic political scene the country is home to the world's longest-serving monarch. Bhumibol Adulyadej, aged 86, is universally revered in Thailand but prefers to remain ostensibly neutral in matters of government, although he called for national unity in his birthday speech in December............
I don't think so! Muslims don't even allow their own Muslim women access to their mosques, and even when they do they have to sit in the back or hidden away in a cellar-like enclosure. I used to think that the backlash on the blood-thirsty Muslims would begin in Russia. What a surprise that it has started from CAR, the heart of Africa. Nigeria's Christians will soon follow in the CAR Christian footsteps as they too have been suffering for years from Muslim atrocities and I am sure by now their patience has run out. We are seeing the backlash now from the first two countries ... Myanmar and CAR. What was bound to happen ... has happened, although not in the countries we expected it to happen. And, again I ask the question: Why are jihadis from the Muslim diaspora in the West who were lightening quick to make their way to Syria, not finding their way to CAR? Hah! Black-skinned Muslims are expendable, aren't they dear muzzies?
From AlJazeera: ....Hundreds of Muslims are seeking refuge in a Catholic Church in the Central African Republic town of Carnot following the killing of at least 70 people in the country's remote southwest. The Muslims fled to the church after Christian fighters known as the anti-Balaka attacked Guen, about 100km away, earlier this month, said Catholic priest, Father Rigobert Dolongo. Dolongo told the Associated Press news agency on Monday that he helped bury the bodies of those killed. At least 27 people were slain in the first day of the attack, while 43 others were killed on the second day, he said. Ibrahim Aboubakar, 22, said the anti-Balaka stormed Guen and killed his two older brothers after they were heard speaking in Arabic. "Later that day they rounded up dozens of people and forced them all to lie down on their stomachs. Then they shot them one by one," he said from the church. Those Muslims still in Guen appealed by telephone for African peacekeepers in Carnot to rescue them, according to two Muslim residents who insisted on anonymity because they feared for their lives. They also confirmed the heavily armed anti-Balaka were still in control of the village on Tuesday. However, the local commander for the peacekeeping mission said he needed permission from his supervisors in the capital, Bangui, to go to Guen.....
If American investigators want to prove they are made of the real stuff, than they must solve the case of the helicopter crash plus all the other disastrous incidents involving SEALS and lay bare and transparent the "who", the "how" and the "why." The vids below are from a couple of years ago.
Bob Cusack writing at TheHill: ....Lawmakers to grill Pentagon on deadly attack that killed 30 Americans A congressional panel on Thursday will hold a hearing on a mysterious helicopter crash in Afghanistan that killed members of the Navy's elite SEAL Team 6 unit. Many questions about the Aug. 6, 2011 attack, which killed 30 Americans, will be asked during the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee on National Security. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who heads the panel, told The Hill that the hearing is aimed at getting answers from the Pentagon and "honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice." The 30 Americans were killed three months after Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by Team 6 forces. The timing has sparked speculation that the attack was payback for the bin Laden raid.
I n all, 38 died when Afghan militants shot down a CH-47 Chinook helicopter. Twenty-two Navy SEALs perished, along with seven Afghan soldiers and an Afghan translator. The U.S. forces were on a rescue mission called Extortion 17. The 38 bodies were recovered, but the chopper's black box wasn't. Department of Defense (DOD) officials claim it couldn't be recovered because of a flash flood that occurred after the assault. All 38 bodies were cremated.
Pentagon officials have defended the cremations to the soldiers' families, saying the bodies were badly burned. Chaffetz has said he has seen a photo of a deceased SEAL that was not. Chaffetz said the Pentagon will be asked about the flash flood assertion and the cremations. He stressed that "we're not out to embarrass the Pentagon or the administration." He said the victims' families deserve answers to many outstanding questions.........