Abadir Jimale, 28, of no fixed address, is charged with:
1. Trafficking in Firearms 2. Possession of Proceeds of Crime 3. Possession of Unregistered Restricted Weapon 4. Careless Storage of a Firearm 5. Restricted Weapon: Occupant of Motor Vehicle 6. Possession of a Firearm Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized 7. Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm 8. Possession of a Firearm Contrary to Prohibition Order
Toronto police have made a second arrest after a man was found dead in a ditch earlier this week.
The body of Nirosan Thillainathan, 22, was found at the side of McCowan Road, south of Highway 401, on Sunday morning. He died from stab wounds to the chest, police said.
Hussain Saeed, 20, was arrested on Friday and charged with second-degree murder.
Hassan Khoormabady−Nejad, 47, of Toronto, is charged with:
1) Traffic in Heroin 2) Possession of Proceeds of Crime 3) Unauthorized possession of a firearm 4) Possession of a firearm knowing its possession is unauthorized 5) Possession of a restricted firearm with ammunition 6) Unauthorized presence of a firearm in a motor vehicle 7) Firearm careless storage 8) Careless storage ammunition 9) Weapons Dangerous
Behroz Sadeghi−Niaraki, 53, of Toronto, is charged with:1) Traffic in Heroin2) Unauthorized possession of a firearm 3) Possession of a firearm knowing its possession is unauthorized 4) Possession of a restricted firearm with ammunition5) Unauthorized presence of a firearm in a motor vehicle 6) Firearm careless storage 7) Careless storage ammunition 8) Weapons Dangerous

....Reza Moazami, 28, was the first British Columbian ever charged with trafficking minors after he was arrested last October at a bawdy house in the southern part of Vancouver’s west side. Two underage girls from Metro Vancouver were found in the residence during his arrest, which led to 18 criminal charges.
Since then, nine more alleged victims — all teenagers — have been identified by police.
Moazami was thrown back in jail on Aug. 9 and charged with another 18 prostitution-related offences. He remains in police custody.
Investigators have now identified a total of 11 alleged victims who were between 14 and 19 years old at the time of the offences, said to have occurred between February 2009 and October 2011......
Taqi Hayder, 24, of no fixed address, is charged with:
1. 11 counts of Robbery 2. eight counts of Weapons Dangerous 3. Assault with a Weapon 4. nine counts of Fail to Comply Recognizance 5. Threatening Bodily Harm 6. Possession of Property Obtained by Crime (over) 7. Obstruct Peace Officer
...The body of 21-year-old Samir Anbari was found in the rubble of an east-end convenience store that was closed for renovations when the fire broke out Aug. 4.
Police say Anbari died from smoke inhalation due to fire, and that a preliminary investigation has revealed the cause of the blaze was arson.
Police arrested 25-year-old Amanda Gillett on Monday and charged her with arson and manslaughter.
Police say she was in a relationship with
Sami Karnaz, 30, of Mississauga, who was charged earlier this month with arson and second-degree murder.
On Tuesday, August 28, 2012, police arrested a man in connection with a sexual assault investigation.....
.Ahmed Alakozay, 44, of Toronto, has been charged with: 1) Sexual Assault 2) Forcible Confinement
....A judge convicted an admitted bigamist Friday of assaulting, sexually abusing and threatening to kill the woman he’d brought from an Algerian village to be his bride.
All the while the 41-year-old man — who can’t be named to protect his victim — told her that no one in Canada would help or believe her.

“Your body belongs to me because I’m your husband and you must do as I say,” she testified he told her.
“By Canadian law you must do as I say and no one will believe you because you are an immigrant and I am Canadian.”
But Judge Kent Kirkland did believe her.
“The main issue before me is one of credibility,” Kirkland said, concluding that the woman was “credible and consistent” and the man’s denials not believable.
The woman testified that she was raised in a sheltered and religious family but earned a university degree through sheer determination.
She’d never had a boyfriend until she met her husband, an
Algerian-born Canadian, on the Internet in 2009.
Suspicious deaths involving suspicious Muslims who may or may not be involved in the suspicious deaths:
...Phon’s husband, Ziad Ziade, also 32, has a lengthy criminal record dating back to his youth and, according to police, was recently spotted consorting with criminal gang members.
Yet since 2000, the government’s attempts to deport him have been stymied by court rulings that claim he should be allowed to stay for humanitarian and family reasons.
Now his wife is dead, cut down in a hail of bullets fired by an assassin with what police believe to have been a silenced revolver.
Constable Nathalie Lorrain of the Laval police said detectives believe the assassin may have mistaken Phon for her husband.