USA to Canada: Arrest that woman n send her in chains to me.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 6, 2018
Canada to her master: (groveling) Yes Massa, right away Massa. Your wish is my command Massa.
"Trade Truce Over? Canada Arrests Huawei CFO At US Request" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli
American warmongers going about their biz of killing one kind Muslims with help from the other kind of Muslins n changing the kinds from war to war. “Persian Gulf of Tonkin” Ingredients All in Place for US War on Iran?..#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 6, 2018
"..In recent weeks, the US State Department has been heavily lobbying the world not to allow Huawei’sinvolvement in cellular network upgrades to 5g."— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 6, 2018
Huawei Executive Arrested in Canada, Will Be Extradited to US #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli
Remember how good old Britain created Australia? Here's Denmark's version. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 6, 2018
Jimmy Dore makes mincemeat out of The Guardian n Politico fake news and propaganda on behalf of the establishment. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 6, 2018
Prof. As`ad AbuKhalil: "Israel’s Overlooked Strategic Losses in Wars Against Arabs" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 6, 2018
Glenn Greenwald: "It is possible Paul Manafort visited Julian Assange. If true, there should be ample video and other evidence showing this."— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 6, 2018
Visit The Guardian 4 only their cryptic Xwords, give all else a miss. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli by @ggreenwald
Wanna take a look at their beloved friends and allies, the UAE n KSA? "Selective Morality In London And Washington" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 7, 2018
Worth a read. Also, don't miss Tucker Carlson talking to Russia-expert Stephen Cohen. "Why Russia won't invade ..... #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 7, 2018
— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2018
Wonder what it will take to bring down Mr Macron Antoinette, the rich people's prez of France. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2018
All Xi has 2do is get Canadian Chinese 2dump their real estate holdings, stop buying new cars every other month n Canada will soon exchange one Massa (USA) for another.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2018
"Beijing Threatens "Severe" Retaliation Against Canada...#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpolli
Very interesting. Did u know that Putin had requested Russia b member of NATO, also inclusion off Russia in2 EU? He was refused both n thwarred at every turn. This is a MUST WATCH 4 students of Politucs. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 9, 2018
Let's first fix the title! "Meet SOME of the Senators Who Took Saudi Money" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli via @amconmag— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 9, 2018
TRUE!! ".This perhaps reflects the fact that today’s Left, which has little affinity with ordinary working people and is obsessed with Cultural Marxist identity politics, has become quite anti-Russian with the demise of communism..#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
Wolf Nation!! TVs, streetlights, cellphones and now Vacuum Cleaners, Gran Ma? All the better to see u dear!! "DEA Spy Cameras In Vacuum Cleaners: Surveillance State" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
Wonder why this author fails to mention that US/Israel/Sunni nations' war on Syria has created the influx of Syrian jihadis in2 her Dutch paradise. Let's mention the root of the problem, dear madam.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
"Does Holland Have A Problem?" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli
A journalist Interviews another who managed to get to Assange after almost a dozen attempts in 9 months. "The Trials of Julian Assange. Why Washington Sees Wikileaks as an Existential Threat ... #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli via @grtvnews— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
".. tax on fuel serves the interests of powerful creditor institutions.The tax proceeds will be channelled into servicing France’s spiralling public debt which is estimated at 2.2 trillion euros, equivalent to 96.8 percent of GDP...#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
"The Myth of the Just War"— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
To a soldier,Nothing, absolutely NOTHING should justify the killing of human beings on orders of madnen in power.
— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
If you wanna know why South Americans, especially from Honduras are fleeing their countries and converging on the US borders, watch this. "Chris Hedges talks to Dana Frank, History prof and author of "The Long Honduran Night"#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
Ken Livingstone: "Honest debate needed about legacy of Israel’s expulsion of the Palestinians" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2018
Willing 2bet come next election #Trudeau will not get even 20% of the Canadian Chinese vote due to this unsavory event carried out on behest of ths USA. In other words, Trudeau has committed political suicide. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 11, 2018
Here's what China is discussing re the kidnapping of a Chinese citizen by Canada on the orders of Mr Bully USA. #cdnpoli #tcot #POpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 12, 2018
— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 12, 2018
"Video: Behind the US Attack on Chinese Smartphones"— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 12, 2018
"..600 projects which have been implemented by China in 112 countries, including 41 oil and gas pipelines, 199 energy centrals,most of them hydro-electric, (including seven dams...#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli
Lessons never learnt!!! "Canary In The Coal Mine": House Flipping Returns Crash To Six-Year Low....#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 12, 2018
Wanna know why two Russian bomber jets have landed in Venezuela? Rick Sanchez gives a summary of NATO's broken promises. Hope u know that NATO=USA. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 12, 2018
Canada, a severely servile colony of USA, kidnaps n holds 4ransom a Chinese citizen on behalf of US. The hostage will b freed when China signs certain trade deals set out by its bully Prez. BUT, u won't hear that gory tale fm our FM. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 13, 2018
Tit for Tat! No one country should have so much power over our planet. If v r supposed to b equal as hunan beings, countries r also equal as indivudual entities to trade n ally w whomsoever they want to trade/ally with. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) December 13, 2018
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