
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

On the Armenian genocide and the continuing persecution of Armenians ....

which is ignored by the Western press.  Nobody wants to voice the reason why the MSM ignores and avoids mention of Armenia or Armenians. The reason why  is simple:  Armenia is a Christian country allied with Russia and because the West is joined at the hip with the Sunni Muslim countries in that part of the world, why would the Western media care about anybody but their  "allies" in the Sunni dictatorships, eh?  Moreover, isn't Russia the country we have been brainwashed to hate no matter even if it is no longer "Soviet" Russia?

The video at bottom is not related to the Armenian church named in the article, but deals with  the same area where many other churches have been destroyed.

Oliver Duff, editor of IndependentUK writes:
My enemy’s enemy is my friend. And so we end up, in a script worthy of Waugh or Heller, with the official head of the Syrian rebels proposing a new civil war for his country, a second civil war, in which his forces will ally with those of their mortal foe,  Bashar al-Assad, to drive out extremists linked to al-Qa’ida. And then what? Resuming their old conflict, the one that has claimed at least 117,000 lives in less than three years? Our Defence Correspondent Kim Sengupta has the story.

When the House of Commons voted against UK military intervention in Syria this autumn, people expressed relief that we would not be further entangled in this sorry chapter of Middle Eastern history. Let us dream on. Western security agencies rank Syria as the most potent terror threat to Europe, with hundreds of young men from the US and, in smaller numbers, Britain, having gone to fight. Talks in the new  year between rebels – disillusioned by Western inaction – and the Assad government may lead to them uniting against a common enemy.

The West also wishes to see the Syrian army survive the Assad regime – a sensible desire, given the  chaos in Iraq when its army was stupidly disbanded after Saddam’s  fall in 2003. That left 250,000 angry  men with guns redundant overnight.

As for Britain? We await the return of our terror tourists.

This is the report from Kim Sengupta that was referred to above:
The spectre is looming  of a second Syrian civil war with the head of the opposition’s official forces declaring that he is prepared to join regime troops in the future to drive out al-Qa’ida-linked extremists who have taken over swathes of rebel-held territories.
General Salim Idris, the commander of the Free Syrian Army warned that in particular Isis (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham), with thousands of foreign fighters in its ranks, was “very dangerous for the future of Syria” and needs to be confronted before it becomes even more powerful.

Western security agencies now believe that Syria poses the most potent threat of terrorism in Europe and the US from where hundreds of Muslims have gone to join the jihad. MI5 and Scotland Yard’s anti-terrorist branch recently tackled the first case of men sent from there specifically to carry out attacks in London........

Robert Fisk writing at IndependentUK:
Nearly a century after the Armenian genocide,   these people are still being slaughtered in Syria
And now, almost unmentioned in the media, their holy places are also being desecrated.
Just over 30 years ago, I dug the bones and skulls of Armenian genocide victims out of a hillside above the Khabur River in Syria. They were young people – the teeth were not decayed – and they were just a few of the million-and-a-half Armenian Christians slaughtered in the first Holocaust of the 20th century, the deliberate, planned mass destruction of a people by the Ottoman Turks in 1915.
It was difficult to find these bones because the Khabur River – north of the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zour – had changed. So many were the bodies heaped in its flow that the waters moved to the east. The very river had altered its course. But Armenian friends who were with me took the remains and placed them in the crypt of the great Armenian church at Deir ez-Zour, which is dedicated to the memory of those Armenians who were killed – and shame upon the “modern” Turkish state which  still denies this Holocaust – in that industrial mass murder.

And now, almost unmentioned in the media, these ghastly killing fields have become the killing fields of a new war. Upon the bones of the dead Armenians, the Syrian conflict is being fought. And the descendants of the Armenian Christian survivors who found sanctuary in the old Syrian lands have been forced to flee again – to Lebanon, to Europe, to America. The very church in which the bones of the murdered Armenians found their supposedly final resting place has been damaged in the new war, although no one knows the culprits..

Yesterday, I called Bishop Armash Nalbandian of Damascus, who told me that while the church at Deir ez-Zour was indeed damaged, the shrine remained untouched. The church itself, he said, was less important than the memory of the Armenian genocide – and it is this memory which might be destroyed. He is right. But the church – not a very beautiful building, I have to say – is nonetheless a witness, a memorial to the Holocaust of Armenians every bit as sacred as the Yad Vashem memorial to the victims of the Jewish Holocaust in Israel. And although the Israeli state, with a shame equal to the Turks, claims that the Armenian genocide was  not a genocide, Israelis themselves use  the word Shoah – Holocaust – for the Armenian killings...........

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