This in Canada - but you thought Australia, Austria and New Zealand had collectively gone crazy ? Our Canadian "leaders" went round the bend long b4 the rest, but ever so slyly slowly the world didn't notice.#cdnpoli #TOpoli #skpoli
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 1, 2021 via @PADailyHerald
Everything is controlled by the Deep State and the military complex is a big part of it.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 1, 2021
"..The CIA followed this project up by acquiring the rights to 1984. You got it: Big Brother owns Big Brother..#Pentagon #DeepState #CIA
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 1, 2021
...Mark Zuckerberg’s wealth grew by $35 billion; Google’s Sergey Brin by $41 billion; Jeff Bezos by $86 billion; Bill Gates by $22 billion and Michael Bloomberg by nearly $7 billion...#cdnpoli #TOpoli #USpoli #Fauci #liars
Report then discusses discusses “rumors” (now confirmed by victims) that Maxwell was hosting “bizarre parties at her house to which she invites a dozen or so young girls, then brandishes a whip and teaches them how to improve their sexual techniques.”
— Whitney Webb (@_whitneywebb) November 29, 2021
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 2, 2021
The rich n powerful are hungering 4the times their ancestors owned slaves. Let's start with this unelected leader of the EU.
Coming up I will show you slaves at Gates daughter's wedding, etc.#cdnpoli #TOpoli #USpoli #slaves #LBRY via @OdyseeTeam
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 2, 2021
Look at the slaves. You don't see them?
They are the ones wearing masks.
Masks wearing people are the slaves of the rich and powerful. No question about that !!#cdnpoli #TOpoli #USpoli #masks #BillGates
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 2, 2021
Yes, the masked are the slaves of the rich and powerful of 21st century Planet Earth. There's a vid I had seen of a masked slave holding hypocrite #AOC 's dress tail as she walked in.
We have our eyes wide shut#cdnpoli #TOpoli #USpoli #slaves #masks
Pfizer trials end May, 2023
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) December 1, 2021
Moderna trials end Oct, 2022
These are just facts. Publicly and widely available facts.
Information is good.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 2, 2021
Masters and Slaves.#masks #slaves #cdnpoli #USpoli #onpoli #TOpoli
Of course ... "scientists" are as easy to bribe as politicians.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 3, 2021
"..Up to 10 scientists were approached by Israeli agents and agreed to destroy the underground A1000 centrifuge hall at Natanz in April...#cdnpoli #TOpoli #USpoli #Iran #Israel #Traitors
Paradise in Australia.
— Evelyn Rae (@_evelynrae) December 3, 2021
Happening in Canada.
— Bret 🍁 (@Bret_Sears) December 3, 2021
Grocery stores in NB can now refuse to sell food to people who didn't take mRNA injections. How am I supposed to eat?
F**king insane!#cdnpoli #nbpoli
Austria 🇦🇹
— The Juggernaut (@TheJuggernaut88) December 3, 2021
Austrians fought back today after it was announced they are to enter full health apartheid on Monday, and talk of forced vaccination from February
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 4, 2021
Derrick Broze Interview – The Great Narrative And The Metaverse: Your Coming Dystopian Future Part I#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #WEF #Metaverse via @yourealldunces
"..Klaus #Schwab... sat with Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, to announce the launch of The Great Narrative. This announcement represents the next phase in the #WEF’s “Great Reset” agenda..#metaverse
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 4, 2021
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 5, 2021
... poor countries are supposed to benefit from access to vaccines that might not otherwise be affordable...#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #vaccines #BGMF
Forwarding this item of the sad outcome in the Philippines only as FYI, no malevolence intended.@jyduclos @JustinTrudeau @celliottability @fordnation @CPHO_Canada @epdevilla
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 5, 2021
Reposting this again to honor the talented creators we have in Canada.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 5, 2021
"MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"#cdnpoli #onpoli #TOpoli @jyduclos @JustinTrudeau @fordnation @CPHO_Canada @celliottability @epdevilla via @YouTube
This is a world with mad scientists and madder politicians. It has stopped being about greed for $s n health. This is pure unadulterated insanity.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #fatalities #Dead #AdverseReactions
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 6, 2021
When the nukes start flying,
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) December 6, 2021
when we see the mushroom cloud growing on the horizon,
when reality comes crashing down in the most overt way possible,
when the realization slowly dawns that this really is the end,
none of our old stuff will matter anymore.
HAHAHAHHA thank you for the laugh James Corbett.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 7, 2021
"... identify as an attack helicopter.....
What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett #cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #trans #madness #LBRY via @OdyseeTeam
— Free to Fly (@f2fweb) December 5, 2021
Hannukah is followed by Christmas, not April Fools!
— Roman Baber (@Roman_Baber) December 6, 2021
Windsor Essex is bringing back restrictions and check out these poor souls returning from South Africa on @CP24 this morning. #onpoli #cdnpoli
Brook Jackson Interview - Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Cover Up Calling Vaccine Data Into Question #BrookJackson #Pfizer #Ventavia #BMJ #Whistleblower
— Ignatius J. Reilly (@YoureAllDunces) December 2, 2021
I like that football game analogy !!
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 7, 2021
So easy to understand, perhaps even politicians and "academic" doctors MIGHT be able to get it.#cdnpoli #onpoli #TOpoli #football @JustinTrudeau @jyduclos @CPHO_Canada @fordnation @celliottability @epdevilla
Maybe the NY Times can instead feature this image from Israel, which a Pfizer exec has described as a “sort of laboratory”
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) December 7, 2021
"The Unboosted"
— Jesse Berger (@jayberjay) December 7, 2021
... So it begins
Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release, by @CeliaFarber
— Tina Fay (@TinaFay21578736) December 7, 2021
The persecution of Dr Patrick Phillips by not only the "academic" doctors of Canada but now also by @Twitter by suspending his account.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 7, 2021
In the long run, Dr Phillips will be proven to be on the side of humanity and his persecutors against all that's good.
“PCR tests are quick and extremely sensitive, but their very sensitivity makes false positives likely”reported the NY Times,“and when hundreds or thousands of people are tested, as occurred at Dartmouth,false positives..#cdnpoli @fordnation @CPHO_Canada
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 7, 2021
JUST NOW from Dr. Kieran Moore
— Kelly Brown (@rubiconcapital_) December 7, 2021
"A basic means of protecting individuals is stopping the mixing of unvaccinated and vaccinated."
This appalling language must stop immediately !
Chatham-Kent has zero persons in hospital with COVID, yet its unelected Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Colby, has capped Christmas dinners at 10 persons, and requires you to record the contact information of your guests before they sit down for turkey.
— Ryan O'Connor (@rpoconnor) December 7, 2021
Defeating the lockdown narrative will help collapse the entire narrative. More Ontarians & even media are coming around.
— Roman Baber (@Roman_Baber) December 7, 2021
The @fordnation gov't is responsible for countless lives lost. Exposing the lethal consequences of its lockdown policy will help end this nightmare. #onpoli
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 7, 2021
Dr Mattias Desmet of Ghent U gives psychoanalytic analysis of the mass psychosis many have fallen into and solutions 2get out of it.#cdnpoli @fordnation @JustinTrudeau @jyduclos @CPHO_Canada @celliottability @epdevilla #LBRY via @OdyseeTeam
An Italian elderly woman can't get on public transport as she hasn't got a mobile phone to show her green pass
— Heidegger (@Kukicat7) December 7, 2021
Israel and Turkey have made Russia appear weak in Syria, as a consequence US govt official Sen. Roger are talking about nuking Russia on live tv.
— Syrian Girl 🇸🇾🎗 (@Partisangirl) December 8, 2021
Wars on Muslim nations by the warmongers of USA/EU/Canada/Australia/NZ created refugees. Almost all citizens of those countries didn't protest the wars, but now they protest the incoming deluge of refugees. Hypocrites !!#cdnpoli #onpoli #TOpoli #USpoli
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2021
A German police squad detains an old woman unable to show them her vaccine
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) December 8, 2021
Ancient looted Gilgamesh tablet finally returns to Iraq. #Iraq has recovered 18,000 stolen artefacts, 17,899 of which were found in the United States via @TheCradleMedia
— Sharmine Narwani (@snarwani) December 8, 2021
Dirtiest of intel agents working on behalf of a foreign government to entice n entrap people in positions of power to have sex with underaged kids for blackmail purposes.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2021
The real puppet masters' names will never be devulged.#cdnpoli #USpoli #crime
That's why we need another platform very similar to Twitter but minus the mad censorship.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2021
"...Big tech has gotten too powerful, and they can silence us anytime they want....#TwitterCensorsCourtReporting #CrimesAgainstWomen
Some judges seem to be coming out of the mass psychosis of the covid lunacy and bringing some authoritarian bullies to heel.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2021
NYC vaccine mandate blocked by judge in blow to Bill de Blasio#cdnpoli #USpoli @fordnation @JustinTrudeau
My kid takes swimming lessons at our local Y. The instructors wear masks IN THE WATER. The masks are soaking wet. Madness.
— EmBoddy (@EWBSW14) December 7, 2021
Ah yes of course! The ruling class (Masters) make the rules for us the peasants (Slaves), but they don't have to follow them or even remember making them.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2021
Finland PM apologizes over Covid-related mishap #cdnpoli #USpoli #MastersAndSlaves
The Canadian MSM is joined at the hip with the government.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 8, 2021
Canadian media did not disclose child vaccination expert’s Pfizer funding#cdnpoli #BCpoli #onpoli via @truenorthcentre
This should disturb all Canadians. Additionally what is their scientific basis for the 90-day period that a representative is not allowed in the Legislative Assembly after contracting Covid-19? Is this just another of the government's unscientific, self-serving, made-up policies?
— Dr. M Schoffro Cook (@mschoffrocook) December 8, 2021
Dr. Fauci 100 years ago:
— Tyler Fischer (@TyTheFisch) December 8, 2021
When corporate media hears about a new variant
— Tyler Fischer (@TyTheFisch) December 2, 2021
Gonna open a Gab account today in order to support Dr Patrick Phillips. Let @TwitterSupport go merrily down the suicidal censorship path it's on, with my blessings.#onpoli #TOpoli #TwitterCensorship
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 9, 2021
We need both platforms to make YT irrelevant. But it seems ego is always in front of everything. That's one of many reasons our individual freedom is dying!
— Eddy (@Eddy_Akt) December 9, 2021
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Audiobook (1/2)#cdnpoli #books #audiobook #onpoli #corruption
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 9, 2021 #LBRY via @OdyseeTeam
US liberals want Assange to rot in prison for one reason only: his reporting in 2016 - based on true and accurate documents - reflected poorly on Hillary Clinton and the DNC. They believe opposing Democrats is a crime and want their adversaries imprisoned. They are a true menace.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) December 10, 2021
Remember how seasonal respiratory viruses were managed pre-2020?
— Kulvinder Kaur MD (@dockaurG) December 9, 2021
If you felt unwell, you stayed home.
If you felt well, you were healthy.
That made sense. Still does.
NB health minister @ShephardDorothy is the first Canadian politician to understand that starving the unvaccinated is a bold approach to the pandemic, and clearly the best way to enhance public health and safety in New Brunswick!
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) December 9, 2021
Check this website:
My sympathies to New Brunswick residents, many of whom might soon meet their end by starvation because they have elected amazing leaders who love them to death.#cdnpoli #NewBrunswick @fordnation @JustinTrudeau @jyduclos @CPHO_Canada @premierbhiggs
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2021
".there is an appetite out there to tag someone or something with the fault for the wreckage. The #unvaccinated are the scapegoats to distract from the real problem of discovering and holding to account those people who undertook this experiment..#madness
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2021
Ah yes ... the warmonger who said US missiles raining down on people in those far away lands was a beautiful sight. Dirty SOB
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) December 10, 2021
Doug didn't have courage to face the public. 90% are vaccinated but listen to the CMOH stealing Christmas.@fordnation gov't never had an exit strategy. There will always be another variant, but many Ontarians can't bare more PH intervention. We need a #BetterWayForward! #onpoli
— Roman Baber (@Roman_Baber) December 10, 2021
I'll find the exact time stamp in this where it reports public health has very little oversight, once I do I'll post it for those uninterested in learning some Canadian history. I think it's important for many to see in 2010 CBC reported this.
— Trena Thompson (@UniqueChicka333) December 10, 2021
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