#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "Did Israel Inadvertently Make Case for Staying in Nuke Agreement?":— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 4, 2018
Are u kidding? Trump is putty in Netanyahu's evil hands leave alone all the other Israeli-firsters. https://t.co/3o4eHagPyj
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "Who's Funding The White Helmets?"— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 4, 2018
"Follow the money and you will find numerous ties to government funding from not only the U.S., but the U.K., the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany....https://t.co/t7hzkY09L6
#worldwars ".estimate in 2000 found a total of 714,231 casualties, 377,231 French and 337,000 German, for an average of 70,000 casualties a month; other recent estimates increase the number of casualties to 976,000 during the battle, with 1,250,000.... https://t.co/WKokyryy7v— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 4, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Ever seen an "Opinion" piece written by "The Editorial Board"? Yup, that how much individual writers are afraid 2say averse stuff abt US Military Complex n #Trump's Israel n of late, KSA.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 4, 2018
"Why Are American Troops in the Yemen War?" https://t.co/hiNh8lRg5n
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli WARNING, this is graphic but we in our cocoons of Western comforts and security should see the reality of war on people who least deserve it. Are these folks not people like us? They r not capable of grief and pain? https://t.co/LHzTl5RhEJ— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 4, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "UAE forces 'occupy' sea and airports on Yemen's Socotra Island" Of course, why not, eh? UAE has the backing of USA and Israel to do as their backers do. https://t.co/wHKf5WZTnK— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 4, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Here's more proof that the 1%ters luv to show their prowess over us the 99%ters. "Media on Trial event banned" https://t.co/DkBVCRHXSh via @offguardian0— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 5, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Police State America ...Part 31 (watch from about the 10 min mark)https://t.co/noNvHEnWgy— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 5, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Got up, read this, now I have a severe headache. "How to understand Stephen Hawking's final paper. Or at least try... https://t.co/SRl4tzAJxQ— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 6, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Carla Stea "..The deadly recurrence of Russophobia bears comparison to the psychosis of the Salem witch trials, several centuries ago, and with the pathology of McCarthyism in the USA in the 1950’s. https://t.co/cHt4SeELCF— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 6, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "As US Military Effectiveness And Diplomacy Fade, Many Countries Start Ignoring Washington....— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 6, 2018
....which may explain the excellent progress that has been seen.
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "..It is remarkable that McKenna’s long article (some 12 thousand words) about the war in Syria mentions Israel only once (aside from a footnote citing Israeli national news as a source). And this mention actually equates Israelis... https://t.co/6KdhjKHGYP— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 6, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Nat Parry: "On This Date in Consortium News: May 4, 2004, Apocalypse Again"— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 6, 2018
". collective punishment against the civilian population in Fallujah, rounding up thousands of young Iraqi men on the flimsiest of suspicions and holding. ..https://t.co/VQrz08TdZL
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli More on the kidnap by India of Princess Latifa of Dubai and India's role in returning her (if she was in fact returned in one piece) back into the claws of Dubai's evil rulers. https://t.co/UCAcYkpFuG— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 6, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 7, 2018
USA and Israel ((#Trump)) ((Netanyahu)) ((American Israel-firsters))
"Accursed are the warmakers, for they shall be called the children of Satan."https://t.co/UzURNDXyAC
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "US Human Rights Racket Defends Thailand’s Joseph Goebbels" https://t.co/WGIcRIn1ar— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 7, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Isn't it lovely?! I think some1 is trying to send a msg to the dumbed-down sheeple what shariah means and what it entails. ‘10 lashes per hour, every hour from 9am to 5pm’: Aussies to debate Sharia-style justice system https://t.co/or9Ai963rk— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 7, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli ".people from the former British empire and Commonwealth who were formally given the right to settle in Britain by the British National Act of 1948, and who take their name from a ship—the HMT Empire Windrush-- which brought.. https://t.co/TwndJz3USz— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 7, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Good one!!— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 8, 2018
"WATCH: "9/11 explosive evidence" https://t.co/VudUqybTZ2 via @offguardian0
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli The idiot prez #Trump will b giving a trump card to the hardliners in Iran by reneging on the deal. Those religious nuts r as nutty or probably even nuttier than Jewish nuts desiring a "2nd coming" https://t.co/b4SInjYVos— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 8, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Ahh...another Weinstein emerges, eh?! With those kind of last names, I m not surprised w the sexual depravity. Also, c how Trump Mafia working overtime. "NY AG Schneiderman Resigns After Multiple Abuse Allegations https://t.co/fRc0VDeHzX— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 8, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli This is the reason why I throw up when the MSM here shows endlessly celebrities wearing clothes worth 1000k $s while kids starve and die from US n UK bombs. Our horrible, horrible world! https://t.co/2UaPILJ5uA— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 8, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Dr Ron Paul: "..the US government intercepted and stored information from more than a half-billion of our telephone calls and text messages in 2017. That is a 300 percent increase from 2016. All of these intercepts were “legal”... https://t.co/tiF4xpgrzj— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 8, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "..The president cited "evidence" from Israel to back his claims on Iran's activity"— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 8, 2018
Yup...that says it all.
Trump Pulls US Out Of "Unacceptable, Defective" Iran Deal; Obama Slams Decision As "So Misguided" | Zero Hedge https://t.co/9rwa6HNqdK
#cdnpoli #TOpoli I hope the Green Party sues the daylights out of the "media executives" who decided that v the voters didn't need to hear from the Greens. Disgusting!! https://t.co/7LEUgvWUFK— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 8, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 8, 2018
"..They were paid $60 each time they wore the orange shirts to meetings in October and February. Some got $200 for a “speaking role,” .....
And, you wonder why some people refuse to believe anything anymore. https://t.co/PnujRxHJr6
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Prof Michel Chossudovsky on "Global Warfare. Preparing for World War III? Targeting Iran.... https://t.co/hSaCanpfN5 via @grtvnews— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 9, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "..Instead, as Ariel Sharon famously said one month after 9/11: “We, the Jews, control America, and the Americans know it.” The very fact that this outrageous statement was quickly buried makes its point self-evident for, as Gilad.. https://t.co/ghSwb9zvAE— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 9, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "..largest donor to any campaign was oligarch Sheldon Adelson, who gave $25 million to the Trump campaign, and who in 2013 said that the US should drop a nuclear bomb on Iran.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 9, 2018
After his election win, Adelson gave another $5 million.. https://t.co/KvzdvrPzCt
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli AND, all because of war-dependent, US Military owning, apartheid state of Israel.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 9, 2018
"..U.S. credibility has been seriously damaged. Its soft power is gone. Its hard power has shown to be inadequate in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria..."https://t.co/0kPUVGUubM
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli USA and Israel destroying our planet. No doubt about it, NONE at all. https://t.co/WxCTvwBSCI— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 9, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli If one has even a small mom N pop store, one can make more than what an average US Senator makes and make it the honest, hardworking way. Not supplement the $170k with bribes from Jewish billionaires. Ugh!! https://t.co/pd1wR9hRQZ— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 9, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli "Afghanistan, The Graveyard of Empires" living up to its reputation. "At Least Seven Killed In Attacks On Police Stations In Kabul... https://t.co/UsD9BSAxAn— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 9, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Police State America...Part 32 continued.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 10, 2018
look at how the IDF-trained gestapo bullies in blue are treating Ray McGovern. So very vomit-inducing that a once great country has fallen to this unforgiveable depth. https://t.co/0wYUysvD6j
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Police State America ... Part 32.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 10, 2018
"Watch CIA Veteran, 78, Get Dragged Out Of Haspel Confirmation And Tackled By Capitol Police..... https://t.co/YsIlsrAS6N
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Joe Lauria: "Haspel Says CIA Won’t Torture Again as Ray McGovern is Dragged Out of Hearing"— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 10, 2018
Does any1 still believe Americans tell even an iota of truth???https://t.co/3yOZynFI9x
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Yup..I bet Mr.Judas (Putin) Iscariot did, has done b4 this n will keep doing. "Did Putin Green-Light Tonight's Massive Israeli Strikes On Syria? .... https://t.co/cBv7QXb8J0— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 10, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Huh???? BUT isn't that's how it's supposed 2b? Every1 able 2 n can, shld find employment. Nothing crazy abt Bernie's ideas. "Bernie's (Latest) Boondoggle... https://t.co/31nFQqw5Qk— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 10, 2018
".. After the widespread vote-buying scandal, voters were left with only two choices, don’t vote or vote against continued corruption. Neither choice favoured Hariri, hence the low turn-out and that his party, the Future Movement Party,went down in defeat..https://t.co/zZ19zFSKRB— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 10, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli The 1%ters want Assange 2 lose his sanity n commit suicide which a lesser man wud hve done by now. Ecuador seem to have caved in 2 blackmail n bribes. "Ecuador’s new rules ban Assange from taking visitors and phone calls–WikiLeaks " https://t.co/0H2JgUw31r— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 10, 2018
#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli Hey, but, but, but ".. The MP is Jewish, representing the largest Jewish community in the Middle East outside Israel, one that is growing in size while those in almost all other Muslim countries in the region have shrunk severely...https://t.co/VLsLMKpjj7— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) May 10, 2018
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