#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Mucho ado about nothing! If Amazon decides 2open 2nd HQ outside US, #Trump Mafia will bankrupt Amazon b4 u can say "Bezos" "We've got the talent to attract to attract Amazon but we need more housing: Don Pittis ....https://t.co/FtRRAuJ8DK
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli LOL ..yes, it's true. BBC, CNN all MSN can't distinguish between Arabs n Indians. All Browns look same 2 White-contolled MSM. "Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images.... https://t.co/9YWL0wVcC1 via @grtvnews
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli. "...No physician would dream of irresponsibly prescribing narcotics to a family member of an oligarch...." But to the rest, take as many as u want my dear ...and c u at your funeral. https://t.co/ZRA3svb93T
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Will there be a US nuclear sneak attack on North Korea?" Only if the USA wants to go out with a bang and take South Korea and Japan along with it. https://t.co/lTdJMcjZHZ
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli ".. In a 2016 interview, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “We stopped the arrest for low-level marijuana possession.” But that’s simply not true: 96 percent of those arrested in New York were busted for low-level possession...https://t.co/EgbChNPUAx
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Sending more US killers to foreign lands = More killing in that land, whether by US serial killers or by local serial killers, is irrelevant. "95 killed, 158 wounded in Afghan car bombing.... https://t.co/8yUYGlZt6F
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Economic Collapse And Dollar Hegemony - How Did it start?.. ".The real revolution began in the 1700s when the French central bank began to take gold bars from its citizens in exchange for pieces of paper with the corresponding .... https://t.co/3DCc7SItUt
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "..Facebook employs a security team of 10,000—7,500 of whom “assess potentially violating content”—and that “by the end of 2018 we will more than double” it to over 20,000. Social media companies are intertwined with and often work.. https://t.co/6U7g1rig9K
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Famed Whistleblower Reveals US Missile Miscalculations,,, ".. The reality at that time, in late 1961, turned out to be that they had four ICBMs to our 40 — not several hundred and not 1,000. General Power was wrong by.... https://t.co/2Z4jKzx2RX
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Worth a watch. Little further, midway on, check what happens during protest marches in Quebec and Toronto and how Canadian police pretend to be protestors but are actually agent provocateurs. https://t.co/IihyxT0634
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Now that most of our planet's vomit-inducing rulers have learnt from the warmonger USA, that war industry does wonders for one's economy, these human killing sprees will continue no end. https://t.co/eL8R442zN4
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli All those signed this statement will now become Mossad's targets for blackmail, threats, hypnotism n worse. Watch how some will meet "natural" deaths "French Intellectuals’ Statement on Palestinian Child Prisoners.... https://t.co/SJNEZ19ANX via @grtvnews
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "..Those killed were travelling in a convoy which had been deployed to support a dawn raid on suspected IS militants in the area.... B4 they cud get there, they were hit. U really think this was a mistake n not safeguarding ISIS? https://t.co/bx0Dneeaca
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "..Robert Parry’s Legacy is Truth in Media! At this juncture in our history during which independent media is threatened, Robert Parry lives in our hearts and minds." Michel Chossudovsky, January 29, 2018https://t.co/tq7v30hqxb
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Here's my prediction. If Doug Ford can somehow get nominated, he will not only win the PC leadership but go on to win the Ontario premiership. "Doug Ford enters race for leader.... https://t.co/j5u7HUiDPd
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli 1) ".. alarming statistic from the Vatican’s statistical yearbook of the Church showed a 71-per-cent decline in Canada’s Catholic marriages from 1975 to 2008, more than double the decline of weddings in general.... https://t.co/mHxhliX1x6
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Looks like the Kurds' ideology is not unlike ISIS ideology. "Female Kurdish Fighter Kills Turkish Troops in Likely Suicide Bombing in Syria.... https://t.co/UoOjoxAJDe
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli The far-left r 2 despicable 4words. Disgusting! There's so much hatred in their souls that I fear it will translate in2 violence. https://t.co/xhvoG9IpIZ
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "... another two years before most American military troops pulled out of Vietnam, and another four before the war came to an end—after the deaths, he noted, of “three million people, fifty-seven thousand Americans, for nothing...https://t.co/Msc6b2YVPC
The billionaires of the war industry must be full of happy anticipation and working overtime pulling the strings on their puppet Trump to do their bidding. Both Japan and South Korea will suffer equally or perhaps even worse than North Korea if the American warmongers launch a strike. We are living in dangerous times indeed.
Bill Van Auken at WorldSocialistWebsite Will there be a US nuclear sneak attack on North Korea? Under the cover of the pre-Winter Olympics thaw between North and South Korea and the momentary lull in the “fire and fury” rhetoric from the Trump White House, there are growing signs that the Pentagon and the CIA are pressing ahead with preparations for a preemptive war against North Korea, including the use of nuclear weapons.
There have been multiple reports in the American corporate media of behind-the-scenes discussions between the US military and intelligence apparatus and the Trump administration of the feasibility of a so-called “bloody nose” attack, involving US air strikes on North Korean nuclear facilities, with the expectation—however ill-founded—that they would not provoke a full-scale war.
In a rare public speech, CIA Director Mike Pompeo hinted obliquely at these plans. Speaking before the right-wing think tank American Enterprise Institute Tuesday, Pompeo warned that Pyongyang was a “handful of months” away from achieving the capability of staging a nuclear attack against the US mainland.
The CIA director said that Washington was “going to foreclose that risk” and “denuclearize permanently” North Korea.
While asserting that the Trump administration was committed to a “solution through diplomatic means”—a claim belied by Trump’s chiding of his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson last October for “wasting his time” by seeking negotiations with the government of Kim Jung Un—Pompeo said that the CIA was working with the Pentagon to “prepare a series of options to make sure that we can deliver a range of things so the president will have the full suite of possibilities.”.......
He added that he would “leave to others to address the capacity or the wisdom of a preemptive strike.”
The issue of “capacity,” however, is already being decided through a series of ominous actions taken by the US military...........
Are you a dictator in need of public support for your latest draconian clampdown on dissent? Or a deep state plotter hoping to topple a foreign government who doesn’t comply with your every wish? A low-level Machiavellian schemer looking for the ultimate trick for defeating your enemies without lifting a finger? Then look no further than this handy-dandy guide to “How To Engineer A Crisis.”
Last week on The Corbett Report we considered the possibility that the recent protests in Iran have been assisted by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia, all of whom are actively plotting against the Iranian government. As I detailed in that report, the idea only sounds outlandish to those who are ignorant of the history of repeated interventions by foreign powers in the internal politics of Iran.
The joint British/American intelligence operation to overthrow Iranian President Mohammad Mosaddegh—codenamed “Operation TPAJAX” and led by Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.—was a textbook example of how such operations proceed. It is not that the protest movement against Mosaddegh was created out of whole cloth; rather, it was the CIA’s job to take a nascent protest movement, a small minority of people within the country already angry at Mosaddegh, and then to fund, equip, enlarge and inflame that movement, greasing the skids to the eventual transfer of power with millions of dollars in cash and promises of further support........
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Afghans r not your run-of-the-mill invaded n conquered like the Africans, Indians, Japanese and South Koreans.They fight back, always will. 14 hotel guests killed, 22+ injured. "Taliban claims Kabul Intercontinental hotel siege..... https://t.co/QNJ9UhzfF1
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Sooo, I guess if this takes off n bcomes a success, the rich will bcome richer n the poor ex-workers will bcome soylent green. "History In The Making: Amazon's First Fully-Automated Grocery Store Opens To The Public..... https://t.co/jzZp4lSIod
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Yup...and this kind of warships r hoping 2topple Russia? Our winters r nothing compared to theirs. "New US warship trapped in icy Montreal waterway.... https://t.co/VqaFAswDwe
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "..Tibet is one of the oldest and most clear-cut examples of a political controversy used.." "...led by the Dali Lama, the so-called spiritual leader of Tibet and a political figure the US through the Central Intelligence Agency... https://t.co/6bTPBuIMfd
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Nor does CBS’s December 21account mention the occupation, which structures every interaction between Palestinians and Israelis.(The fact that occupied people have a legal right to resist occupation is left out of all of the articles https://t.co/MYE01GGszD
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli What an unholy mess courtesy the United States of America. A dying state is truly a dangerous one when it knows it's on its last legs. https://t.co/eoCrrJ34AC
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli LOL... tongue in cheek. "...India might as well count itself in as a founding member of this lavatorial bloc... "India and US Bonhomie: Time for a Reality Check... https://t.co/ENV73V8QAM
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli What!! R v talking abt Greece or Yemen? "..Public hospitals and schools are either privatized or closed because of lack of budget. Medication is scarce, as part of imposed import restrictions, imposed by Greece’s lovely European... https://t.co/txRr6BRu81
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Warmonger-in-charge Mattis: “...Our competitive edge has eroded in every domain of warfare – air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace,” he said. “And it is continually eroding..... "A National Defense Strategy of Sowing Global Chaos .. https://t.co/k2pCrSPEnS
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Hmm...seems some1 at NYTimes is reluctant to see repeat of this pic if rogue USA continues Syria invasion "A Syria Plan That Breaks the Law" https://t.co/NltvARbeKI
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Take heed Canada, especially puffhead #Trudeau. Same csn happen in Canada if immigrants, more so the burkha kind, r pampered 2much." Sweden Hell: Armed Migrant Teens Roaming With Kalashnikovs; Military May Be Deployed... https://t.co/S3tEimsnLt
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "..Profits are so good that now there is a new business: importing inmates with long sentences, meaning the worst criminals. When a federal judge ruled that overcrowding in Texas prisons was cruel and unusual punishment, the CCA.... https://t.co/DjczjHAY0m
Nothing good! And, it's not like Sweden was not warned about it all. From ZeroHedge Sweden Hell: Armed Migrant Teens Roaming With Kalashnikovs; Military May Be Deployed As we reported last week, Sweden may or may not be preparing for civil conflict - as Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said that the government would do whatever it takes - including deploying the military - to end the wave of gang violence coming primarily from young migrants in the country's "no-go" zones.
"It’s not my first action to put in a military, but I’m prepared to do what it takes to ensure that the seriously organized crime goes away," Lofven said after the party leadership discussion in parliament, adding “it is also obvious that there are social problems... ...We see criminals with total lack of respect for human life, it’s a terrible development I’m determined to turn around.”
Lofven's comments come on the heels of a spate of gang related murders, including that of a 21-year-old man in Malmö last weekend, shot in the head as he stepped out of a taxi near a grocery store.
The same weekend, a 16 year old boy found shot in Rosengård district of Malmö died in the hospital next to a bus stop. Two people were taken in for questioning by the police.
In April, 2017, three Swedish female police officers were beaten as they attempted to apprehend a violent refugee. Watch vid below
And on January 3rd a 22-year-old man was shot in the Fosie district of Malmö, the day after an 18-year-old woman was taken to the hospital with gunshot wounds ten minutes away in Rosengård.
In Malmö, where a fifth of the 340,000 inhabitants are under 18, children as young as 14 roam the streets with Kalashnikov assault rifles and bulletproof vests. The average age of gang members is 22, the vast majority of them hailing from migrant families. -thetimes.co.uk
The increase in crime has been so overwhelming that Swedish authorities admit they are unable to investigate rape cases right now because of the enormous backlog of gang crime under investigation. “We are forced to choose between two evils,” said police........
I am on neither. Let them kill each other. Both Turkey and the Kurds were/are against the secular rule of the present government. Turkey was all for wahhabi rule only a few months ago and the Kurds, on the instigation of Israel, were all set, and to all intents and purposes they probably still are, dreaming of riches promised them if somehow they can make Assad disappear. So...yeah, let them fight and kill each other and do away with some US soldiers between them for relish.
Ron Paul LibertyReport Turkey vs Syrian Kurds: Whose Side Are We On?
it matters not who or which political party controls America. The warmongering nation will continue to commit atrocities and take wars to every nook and corner of the globe. Ulson Gunnar at LandDestroyer Continuity of Agenda: US Encirclement of China Continues Under Trump The United States has pursued a decades-long policy of encircling, containing and if possible, undermining China as part of a larger strategy of achieving and maintaining what US policy papers call "primacy" over Asia. US policy has led to deeply-rooted networks operating within China's borders and along China's geopolitical peripheries to divide and destabilize the immense and increasingly powerful Asian state. These networks are funded and supported regardless of who occupies the White House. While the rhetoric shifts from president to president regarding "why" the US is providing so-called "activists" and "opposition" fronts aid, the aid and the agenda it serves continues.
Under current US President Donald Trump's predecessor President Barack Obama, this ongoing policy was marketed to the American and international public as the "Pivot to Asia." It was spun as a means for the US to reengage with Asia but in reality constituted an overt attempt to co-opt the governments of China's neighbors and break up the region's growing ties with Beijing.
Obama's "Pivot" was a failure, but one within the greater context of a general decline in US primacy both in the Asia Pacific region and around the world.
Under Trump, this policy of encircling and containing China continues. It is now marketed to the public as an "Indo-Pacific" strategy, with the US forced to court India, Australia and Japan on the fringes of Asia Pacific after failing to make progress within Asia Pacific itself.
It is important to understand just how long-term these polices are so that when Trump announces them to the public, the public understands that it is not "Trump's" policy, but simply Trump continuing to carry out the agenda of the very special interests (the so-called "Deep State") he vowed to resist upon taking office.
Understanding that these policies serve special interests and at the cost of the American public helps inoculate the public to rhetoric claiming that confronting China and destabilizing Asia is somehow part of "making America great again."....
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Jonathan Cook: "Why there are few Christians left in the holy town of Bethlehem" "...And irony of ironies, it will have been fellow Christians who helped to harry this community to extinction..... https://t.co/MTow7WNH0U
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli ONLY warmongers, n writer of of this article must b 1 2, wants this expense so those wheeling, dealing, making big $$ on WMDs can continue sales on FEAR. "Trudeau may be uniquely positioned to finally sign Canada on to ballistic.. https://t.co/n0eCyvu90o
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Police State America ... Part 20. "L.A. County sheriff's deputy is charged with selling drugs and offering to hire other cops to protect dealers.... https://t.co/dPifJarcOE
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Warmongers at summit to decide North Korea's fate r of the opinion if war breaks out n nukes are used, they n their families will somehow escape it all. "Vancouver summit on N. Korea failed to provide alternative... https://t.co/fDvVPNfLL7
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli All this goes on but u won't c any Americans protesting in streets against invasion of Syria..which goes 2 prove majority r 4wars."Syria - U.S. Traps Itself , Commits To Occupation, Helps To Sustain The Astana Agreement.... https://t.co/TMmoH1PbBJ
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli These r the kind of "thinkers" n movers responsible 4 the Empire's death: Clint Watts, sr fellow in the Foreign Policy Research Inst Program on Natl Security says ‘low-level educated population’ attracted 2 Russian "propaganda" https://t.co/QU9m3PPGKQ
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli I can imagine blood-brothers the Israelis n Saudis rubbing their claws 2gether n combining their telepathic powers n going "Shoot, Shoot". "Syria Vows To Shoot Down Turkish Jets As Erdogan Orders Putin "Do Not Oppose" Assault... https://t.co/OYvUIsg4ng
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli HAH!! And, people still think America is a democracy just cuz Americans say it is!! "Senate Votes To Reauthorize NSA Spying Program.......... https://t.co/0VcIlbtv4Y
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli We shld b terrified of ultra-rich people. Nukes r mosquito bites compared to the harm these folks can do. "Reclusive U.S. billionaire Robert Mercer helped Trump win the presidency — but what does he really want?.... https://t.co/l2pkoYUbUu
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Yup...killing human beings, incl women n kids done u no harm, not invaded yr country, not done 9/11...must b very tiring 4 serial killers. 2much fun can b exhausting. https://t.co/8OsjEXqGAs
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Turkey had joined US+gang to create wahhabi hell in Syria but now US+gang teams up w Turkey's foes against Turkey. Karma dear Erdogan, Karma! "Turkish attack on Syrian Kurds marks major escalation in Middle East.... https://t.co/bCwu0wBrX1
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Don't believe in UFOs/aliens - just facts like these: "There are 2,397,863 people registered with Ukraine’s health ministry to receive ongoing Chernobyl-related health care. Of these, 453,391 are children - none born at the time of.. https://t.co/V2DODUqE4J
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Most of the attending states (SLAVES OF THE WAR COMPLEX) were part of the original US-led military force which fought against North Korea during the 1950-53 war. A war which killed as many as two million North Koreans... https://t.co/90cJUsmL7L
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Only mega stupid govts like we are straddled with in Canada, trusts the USA, others have woken up. "Turkey dismisses US denial of plan for pro-Kurd border force in Syria" https://t.co/XKBclWPJwp via @MiddleEastEye
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Police State America ...Part 21. "Journalist among J20 defendants still being charged. " "..The most the indictment alleges is that Mr Cantu was present at the demonstration, followed along with it, and was wearing dark clothing... https://t.co/SjYfPb5Nuy
Bio weapons?? I won't be surprised if this is true. Anything and Everything depraved can be believed of the monster that is the present day USA. From SouthFront The Pentagon Bio-Weapons
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva is a Bulgarian investigative journalist and Middle East Correspondent. Over the last two years she has published a series of revealed reports on weapons smuggling. In the past year she came under pressure from the Bulgarian National Security Agency and was fired from her job in the Bulgarian newspaper Trud Daily without explanation. Despite this, Dilyana continues her investigations. Her current report provides an overview of Pentagon’s vigour in the development of biological weapons.
The #Pentagon produces deadly viruses, bacteria&toxins in secret biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world https://t.co/a3OPGpE83S
The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases. Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.
The US Army has been deployed to Vaziani Military Air Base, 17 km away from the Pentagon bio-laboratory at The Lugar Center.
Georgia is a testing ground for bioweapons
The Lugar Center is the Pentagon bio laboratory in Georgia. It is located just 17 km away from the US Vaziani military airbase in the capital Tbilisi. Tasked with the military program are biologists from the US Army Medical Research Unit-Georgia (USAMRU-G) along with private contractors. The Bio-safety Level 3 Laboratory is accessible only to US citizens with security clearance. They are accorded diplomatic immunity under the 2002 US-Georgia Agreement on defense cooperation.....
I covered the war in El Salvador for five years. It was a peasant uprising by the dispossessed against the 14 ruling families and the handful of American corporations that ran El Salvador as if it was a plantation. Half of the population was landless. Laborers worked as serfs in the coffee plantations, the sugar cane fields and the cotton fields in appalling poverty. Attempts to organize and protest peacefully to combat the huge social inequality were met with violence, including fire from machine guns mounted on the tops of buildings in downtown San Salvador that rained down bullets indiscriminately on crowds of demonstrators. Peasant, labor, church and university leaders were kidnapped by death squads, brutally tortured and murdered, their mutilated bodies often left on roadsides for public view. When I arrived, the death squads were killing between 700 and 1,000 people a month.
An insurgent army arose, the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (known by the Spanish-language abbreviation FMLN), named for the leader of a peasant uprising in 1932 that was crushed through the slaughter of thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, many of them killed in summary executions. The FMLN seized huge parts of the country from the corrupt and demoralized military. In the fall of 1983, the rebels, supplied with weapons from the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, were on the verge of capturing the country’s second largest city. I did not, at first, travel with the army. It was too dangerous. It was far safer to go into combat with the FMLN. Without outside intervention, the rebels would have seized control of El Salvador within months and ousted the oligarchs.
But, far to the north, was a shithole country ruled by a former B-list movie actor who had starred in “Bedtime for Bonzo” and who was in the early stages of dementia. This shithole country, which saw the world in black and white, communist and capitalist, was determined to thwart the aspirations of the poor and the landless. It would not permit the profits of its companies, such as United Fruit, or the power of the pliant oligarch class that did its bidding in El Salvador, to be impeded. It had disdain for the aspirations of the poor, especially the poor of Latin American or Africa, the wretched of the earth, as writer Frantz Fanon called them, people who in the eyes of those who ruled the shithole country should toil in misery all their lives for the oligarchs and the big American companies allied with them. Let the poor, brown and black people go hungry, watch their children die of sickness or be murdered. Power and wealth, those who ruled this shithole country believed, was theirs by divine right. They, as the lords of shithole-dom, were endowed with special attributes. God blessed shithole countries.
The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda understood how those who ruled the shithole country looked at the wretched of the earth. He wrote:
When the trumpet sounded, it was all prepared on the earth, the Jehovah parceled out the earth to Coca Cola, Inc., Anaconda, Ford Motors, and other entities: The Fruit Company, Inc. reserved for itself the most succulent, the central coast of my land, the delicate waist of America.
It rechristened its territories as the ‘Banana Republics’ and over the sleeping dead, over the restless heroes, who brought about the greatness, the liberty and the flags, it established the comic opera: Abolished independencies, presented crowns of Caesar, unsheathed envy, attracted the dictatorship of flies. …
The dictatorship of flies had its downside. It elevated the imbecilic and the inept, men whose main attributes were brutality, mendacity and thievery. .......
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli How very nice!! US releases headchoppers after rest-n-recuperation so they can soldier in proxy armies in Syria and elsewhere. "US-backed Forces In Syria Release Hundreds Of ISIS Members.... https://t.co/V5wrcFxHtl
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Crimes of UK are neverending. Now the deplorable country refuses to recognize Assange's new status given to him by Ecuador. How disgusting!! "Ecuador Grants Citizenship To Julian Assange Amid "Threats To His Life" https://t.co/Nt0QhjoxD1
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Coverage of Iran Protests Illustrated With Protests Not in Iran..." "..organized by a fringe, cult-like group, Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK)—in place of images of the entirely unaffiliated protesters, 6,000 miles away.. https://t.co/ozb9qZ3azB
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Who Moved My Xanax?" "The moral panic of “the Resistance” is back in DefCon 1 mode overnight just as the righteousness orgasm of the Golden Globe Awards was wearing off..... https://t.co/qxtvgwJhyU
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Is this happening on our planet? Yes, it does and the world remains scared shitless of holocaust descendants and their US military mafia https://t.co/Ps853coDEF
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli I admire how RT personnel r adept at combing through archives to show us the hypocrisy of Americans n slap those shameless hypocrites. Well done!! "7 times Trump critics called Russia a ‘s***hole’ & worse, and no one cared.... https://t.co/ggHsAGpkIV
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli I m betting all must hve been either Israeli or Americans or that dangerous breed known as "dual citizenship holders" or employees of both nations n KSA "Russian Special Forces Eliminate Militants Behind Syrian Airbase Attacks... https://t.co/x0DAwpM9LB
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Caitlin Johnstone: "I Paid To See A Movie About Singing. I Got Ninety Minutes Of Pentagon Propaganda." "..it’s an established fact that these depraved agencies of destruction and domination are balls-deep in Hollywood production... https://t.co/7c4Qr3NWtt
The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ben Cardin [Md.], has become a big star in national media by routinely denouncing Russia as a dire threat to American democracy. The senior senator from Maryland personifies the highly dangerous opportunism that has set in among leading Democrats on the subject of Russia.
Chelsea Manning confirmed on Sunday that she is challenging Senator Cardin’s re-election effort in the Democratic primary this June. Her campaign has real potential to raise key issues. One of them revolves around the kind of bellicose rhetoric that heightens the dangers of conflict between the world’s two nuclear superpowers.
In a typical foray into reckless hyperbole, Cardin told a public forum in November: “When you use cyber in an affirmative way to compromise our democratic, free election system, that’s an attack against America. It’s an act of war. It is an act of war.”
Cardin is far from the only member of Congress to use “act of war” rhetoric about alleged Russian cyber actions. Republican ultra-hawk Arizona Senator John McCain has hurled the phrase at Russia. But the most use of the phrase comes from a range of Democrats, such as Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal and the normally sensible Northern California Representative Jackie Speier.
As his party’s ranking member of the key Senate committee on foreign policy, Cardin is at the tip of the anti-Russia propaganda spear. After three decades in Congress including nearly a dozen years in the Senate, he’s an old hand at spinning. No one has worked harder to get political mileage out of “Russiagate.”....
Washington's policy of worldwide violent regime change has spurred Pyongyang to develop nuclear weapons, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has said, adding that Pyongyang is being saddled with “unrealistic preconditions” from the West.
Gabbard pointed out on Twitter that the US already found itself “seconds away” from a nuclear attack during the Cold War in 1962. She said “peace with North Korea requires immediate and direct talks without preconditions.”
The Hawaii Rep., who is an Iraq War veteran, blamed American behavior on the international arena for creating the very preconditions for the current crisis on the Korean Peninsula.
We have seen this nuclear threat during the Cold War when the Soviet Union and the US were seconds away from an attack. Peace with North Korea requires immediate and direct talks without preconditions. pic.twitter.com/NHURYyGajN
“Regime change war policy is the reason why North Korea sees nuclear weapons as their only deterrent from a US-led attack. Kim Jong-un sees what the US has done to Gaddafi in Libya, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and the effort underway to decertify the nuclear deal with Iran.”
She said the removal of Gaddafi and Hussein from power was “a mistake” and called on the White House to “end our policy of regime change, and implement a policy of de-escalation and peace.”
“Our leaders have set unrealistic preconditions to negotiate with North Korea for decades. If we set a precondition that Kim Jong-un must get rid of his nuclear weapons, there would be nothing to negotiate. We need to invite North Korea to the table and talk about peace,” Gabbard wrote.....
In part 1 we examined the early history of the West's domination of Persian natural resources, especially the establishment and rise of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company which led to multiple 20th century British interventions in Iranian politics in an attempt to ensure permanent access to oil. Part 2 tells the story of Operation Ajax.
"The Empire Must Go On"
Once Europe erupted in world war (WWI), the British dispatched their armed forced to refineries all over Iran in order to protect what they considered their property - Iranian oil. After the cessation of hostilities in 1919, the British bribed and intimidated the new regime of Ahmad Shah into accepting the terms of the much hated Anglo-Persian Agreement which in all but name, made Iran a protectorate of the British Empire. No longer would the Iranians control their own army, transportation system, and communications network. It all passed under the control British occupiers and with it the last vestiges of Iranian sovereignty. This once again ignited the fervent nationalist spirit across Iran and new rounds of protests and opposition.
Even the U.S. president, Woodrow Wilson, disapproved of the agreement. But, true to their colonial and imperialist spirit, the British rebuffed such protestations and opposition by saying, “These people have got to be taught at whatever cost to them, that they cannot get on without us. I don’t at all mind their noses being rubbed in the dust.” The empire must go on.....
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Eternal shame ... but what else cud US+gang do knowing their pals the Israelis n Saudis made up 50% or perhaps even more of that headchopping contingent? "New Video Emerges Of ISIS Convoys Leaving Raqqa Under US Coalition Watch.. https://t.co/QKArWBlhIp
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli This = spouses, parents, siblings with loved ones in Afganistan brace yrselves 4 more body bags.These r consequences of bribing Pak n then taking away those bribes "Chaos Strikes As 1.4 Million Afghans Have 30 Days To Leave Pakistan https://t.co/xpHjCCWsjp
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Our world where Anglo nations make wars, create homeless refugees. "Homeless in Brussels receive portable cardboard tents to get through winter (VIDEO) https://t.co/xhr4rrkJmQ
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "..for those who can’t afford to pay the court fines heaped on top of the penalties ($302 for jaywalking, $531 for an overgrown yard, or $120 for arriving a few minutes late to court), there’s probation (managed by profit-run.... https://t.co/CZjlqBa2bv
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Who Will Pay the $250+ Billion Reconstruction Cost in Syria?" USA/Israel/KSA/France/Germany/Canada/UK/Brussels/Italy/UAE/Qatar/Turkey/Kuwait/Bahrain/NewZealand/Australia/Norway/Poland/+ should pay. https://t.co/dvOMyEbssM
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli AND cud v at same time throw these tax "activists" behind bars n drop the keys in the deepest part of the ocean? "Time to slap a 'sin' tax on meat? https://t.co/303i3X9Kr2
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpolj "... The chaotic domino effect which would lead modern Iran into the hands of the Ayatollahs was set off from the moment the CIA intervened with its 1953 coup d'état in Tehran, which became known as 'Operation Ajax...https://t.co/eujnzHDN6c
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli Our planet needs divine intervention to give the USA, Israel n KSA what can at long last bring peace n quiet to the rest of us. These jihadis r trained/supplied/funded by the 3 rogues. "Russia Defends Syrian Military Bases From... https://t.co/jGPYRxwHP5
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli BULLSEYE! "What is striking is that MSNBC is clearly extremely critical of Donald Trump, yet it has passed on one of the best opportunities to condemn his policies. Instead of covering some of Trump’s worst, most violent actions... https://t.co/STJckYxj3o
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "Judging by the scathing comments on The Guardian’s Facebook post, the general public didn’t buy it either. The Guardian, like Channel 4 News and Snopes, whitewashes terrorism in Syria, employs non-sequitur arguments, promotes war... https://t.co/Xgo16z94b0
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli "..We do know, however, that the FSA were amongst the terrorists who stormed Syria from Turkey and beheaded many of Lilly Martin’s Christian neighbours.[3].... ... desecrated the primarily Christian town of Maaloula, .....https://t.co/SQIaeye3QW
#cdnpoli#tcot#TOpoli ".There was Ivanka and Dina Powell (a former partner at Goldman Sachs) hastily putting together a visual presentation about Bashar al-Assad’s chemical attack in Syria – because Trump couldn’t concentrate whenever General McMaster...https://t.co/sNr9r5HiFb