USA, UK, Canada, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Australia, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, New Zealand, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine....
WW3 October 3 post is here.
Like I have been saying, Turkey will hamper those who are sincerely and earnestly trying to kill the plague of ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz. Below is more proof.... and this is not the first time either that Turkish soldiers have gone after Kurds and it won't be the last time either.
From BBCNews:
Kurds clash with Turkish security forces on Syria border
Turkish Kurds and refugees from fighting in Syria have clashed with Turkish security forces on the border between the two countries.
Troops used tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters angry at the situation in Syria, where IS militants are closing in on the town of Kobane.
Meanwhile unconfirmed reports say at least 35 militants were killed in US-led air strikes over northern Syria.....
From Reuters:
Syrian border town still under siege by Islamic State despite allied air strikes.
Islamic State forces shelled the Syrian border town of Kobani on Saturday and its Kurdish defenders said they were expecting a new assault to try to capture it.
U.S.-led coalition warplanes had struck at Islamic State targets overnight to halt the insurgents' advance and Saturday's barrages were less intense than the previous day.
"Clashes continue now, they are shelling on all three fronts. They tried to invade Kobani last night but they were repelled," senior Kurdish official Asya Abdullah told Reuters from the town on Saturday.
"We think they are planning to launch another big attack but YPG is prepared to resist them," she said, referring to the Kurdish armed group defending it...........
From Xinhuanet:
U.S. strikes kill 35 IS fighters in northern Syria: activists
At least 35 fighters of the Islamic State (IS) militant group were killed Saturday by the strikes of the U.S.-led anti-terror coalition in northern Syria, the oppositional Syrian Observatory for Human Rights was cited by the pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV as saying.
The strikes, which were carried out by U.S. drones along with Jordanian war jets, targeted the IS positions in the countryside of the northern province of Hasaka and the vicinity of the predominantly Kurdish city of Kobane in the northwestern province of Aleppo, bordering Turkey.
Meanwhile, the Kurdish People's Protection Unites, or the YPG, said in a statement Friday that its fighters were able to stop the advancement of the IS fighters toward Kobane, killing 67 of them over the past 24 hours.
From CBC:
Ukraine ceasefire breached again as 12 rebels killed in Donetsk
Fight for airport in eastern city
Despite a ceasefire declared a month ago between the Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels, the biggest city in eastern Ukraine remains embroiled in fighting that includes daily artillery and rocket barrage hitting residential areas.
The fighting focusing on the airport of the rebel-held city of Donetsk shows the difficulties of enforcing a truce that has held in most other areas of eastern Ukraine since it was declared on Sept. 5.
Pro-Russian separatists lost 12 men in attacks on buildings at Donetsk airport, Ukrainian military officials said on Saturday........
Wouldn't you know it! The Ukraine coup regime won't even pick up their dead soldiers. This is the govt. that Canada and USA supports? It makes me want to puke every time I see the disgusting nature of the Ukrainian mentality. Ugh! They have so much in common with the Muslim mentality, it's uncanny.
From AP:
Dutch to send fighter jets to strike at IS in Iraq
The Dutch government is sending six F-16 fighter jets to strike at the Islamic State extremist group in Iraq, Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher announced Wednesday.
The Cabinet met for hours behind closed doors before approving the deployment of six planes and two reserve jets along with 250 pilots and support staff. The Dutch also will send about 130 military trainers to Iraq to school Iraqi and Kurdish fighters battling the Islamic State group on the ground.......
From Xinhuanet:
7 injured in remote controlled blast in Quetta, Pakistan

From ConsortiumNews:
For the past three years, Official Washington has viewed the Syrian civil war as “white-hatted” rebels against “black-hatted” President Assad, but finally some of the “gray-hatted” reality is breaking through, though perhaps too late, Robert Parry reports.
In late summer 2013, Official Washington was rushing to the judgment that the “evil” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had launched a barrage of missiles tipped with Sarin gas to slaughter hundreds of civilians in rebel-held neighborhoods near Damascus.
It was inconceivable to virtually every person who “mattered” in Washington that there was any other interpretation of the events on Aug. 21, 2013. Washington Post national security columnist David Ignatius even explained the “big picture” reason why President Barack Obama needed to launch punitive bomb strikes against Assad’s government for crossing Obama’s “red line” against using chemical weapons.
“What does the world look like when people begin to doubt the credibility of U.S. power?” Ignatius wrote a week after the Sarin incident. “Unfortunately, we’re finding that out in Syria and other nations where leaders have concluded they can defy a war-weary United States without paying a price.
“Using military power to maintain a nation’s credibility may sound like an antiquated idea, but it’s all too relevant in the real world we inhabit. It has become obvious in recent weeks that President Obama … needs to demonstrate that there are consequences for crossing a U.S. ‘red line.’ Otherwise, the coherence of the global system begins to dissolve.”
At the time, there were only a few of us raising questions about Official Washington’s Sarin-attack “group think,” partly because it made no sense for Assad to have invited United Nations inspectors into Syria to examine chemical weapons attacks that he was blaming on the opposition and then to launch a major Sarin attack just miles from where the inspectors were unpacking at their hotel...........
Just like Israel, USA too does not gives a fuck about civilian deaths.
From YahooNews:
White House exempts Syria airstrikes from tight standards on civilian deaths
Amid reports of women and children killed in U.S. air offensive, official says the 'near certainty' policy doesn’t apply
The White House has acknowledged for the first time that strict standards President Obama imposed last year to prevent civilian deaths from U.S. drone strikes will not apply to U.S. military operations in Syria and Iraq.
A White House statement to Yahoo News confirming the looser policy came in response to questions about reports that as many as a dozen civilians, including women and young children, were killed when a Tomahawk missile struck the village of Kafr Daryan in Syria's Idlib province on the morning of Sept. 23.
The village has been described by Syrian rebel commanders as a reported stronghold of the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front where U.S officials believed members of the so-called Khorasan group were plotting attacks against international aircraft...........
Expect to hear this kind of talk from our Western powers while they ensure that the missiles keep dropping and billionaires kept happy so they can donate more money to their individual political campaigns.
From NYTimes:
Syrian Army Fights for Last Major Rebel Route Into Aleppo
The Syrian army clashed with insurgents on the northern edge of Aleppo city on Friday, residents and activists said, threatening to take the last main rebel supply route into the city and trap opposition forces and civilians inside.
Although there are smaller, more indirect routes into Aleppo, taking the road would significantly reduce the rebels' ability to resupply and it would also allow the army to besiege areas of the city which fell to insurgents two years ago......
Listing of those actively in the WW3, those providing weaponry and funds and those voicing support but on the sidelines for now.
From WashingtonPost:
What the 60-plus members of the anti-Islamic State coalition are doing..........
Wonder what the price tag was for this action. US$ 1 M or more? Yup....I think much more. So...probably 2 M $s for taking out one pickup truck with a couple of jihadis? Okaaaay!
From BBC:
RAF Tornados bomb Islamic State pickup truck
RAF jets have conducted fresh strikes on an Islamic State (IS) vehicle in Iraq, the Ministry of Defence has said.
It said two Tornados had carried out a "successful" operation against an armed IS pickup truck overnight.
The strikes were in support of Kurdish fighters on the ground who were advancing on an IS position in north-east Iraq, the MoD said.
RAF jets have been taking part in the international military campaign in Iraq since a vote in Parliament last week.
Confirming the latest sorties, the MoD said the two Tornados had provided "vital air support" to local forces.
It said the Tornados had conducted "a successful precision attack on an armed pickup truck with a Paveway IV guided bomb".
There has been no independent confirmation of the targets.....
Reports of jihadi camps in America were first brought to the public's attention by the website that is considered to be a loony tunes one. Alex Jones was the first to bring that news but hey .... only dumb fucks ever visit his site or listen to him, eh? We are above all those who talk like Alex Jones aren't we? Those stupid conspiracy nuts!
From France24:
Belgian police launch probe into ‘jihadist training camp’ in woods
Belgian law enforcement officials opened an investigation Friday into an alleged jihadist training camp in the Ardennes region of northeastern Belgium, according to local media reports.
Photos of so-called combatants at the site were recently posted on Facebook.
Sporting combat fatigues, balaclavas and bullet proof vests, the men stomp around the sylvan Belgian countryside, wielding what appears to be dummy guns and looking incongruously menacing in the Western European forest.
But in a tiny European nation that has seen a disproportionate percentage of its population joining jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq, the photographs sparked alarm, prompting a police investigation into the possibility that Belgium’s Ardennes region was being used to train would-be jihadists, Belgian media reported on Friday.
“This looks nothing like a simple game of paintball with friends, but more like a radical training camp,” Belgian newspapers Het Nieuwsblad and De Standaard quoted a police source as saying.
From AlAkhbar:
Syrian gov't: Turkish intervention would be "act of aggression"
The Syrian government said Friday any Turkish military intervention on its soil would be considered an act of aggression, and urged the UN Security Council to prevent any such action by Ankara.
A day after Turkey's parliament authorized military action against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group in Syria and Iraq, the foreign ministry said the "declared policy of the Turkish government represents a real aggression against a member state of the United Nations.".....
From AlJazeera:
Australia to send troops to Iraq to help in fight against ISIL
Australia's cabinet Friday authorized the deployment of special forces and military air strikes to tackle the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), Prime Minister Tony Abbott said, a day after the Turkish government won parliamentary approval to deploy troops in Iraq and Syria.
"Today, cabinet has authorized Australian airstrikes in Iraq at the request of the Iraqi government and in support of the Iraqi government," Abbott said. "Also, subject to final legal documentation, cabinet has authorized the deployment of Australian special forces into Iraq to advise and assist Iraqi forces."
About 200 troops, including special forces soldiers, arrived in mid-September in the United Arab Emirates, a staging post for military operations into the region, as part of a 600-strong deployment as Australia geared up to join the U.S.-led campaign.......
From NBCNews:
......Kassig was undertaking a project for SERA when he was captured Oct. 1, 2013, on his way to Deir Ezzour in eastern Syria, a representative for the family said Friday. Since then, he has converted to Islam and adopted the name Abdul-Rahman Kassig, and "the family understands from speaking to former hostages that Kassig's faith has provided him comfort during his long captivity," the family spokesman said.........
The amazing Kurdish women fighting the plague of ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz which has been brought into being by the USA/SaudiArabia/Qatar/Israel/Kuwait/Bahrain/UAE/Turkey/Jordan and other vile countries. These ladies are worth their weight in gold.
From MarieClaire:
These Remarkable Women Are Fighting ISIS. It's Time You Know Who They Are
There's a group of 7,500 soldiers who have been fighting an incalculably dangerous war for two years. They fight despite daily threats of injury and death. They fight with weapons that are bigger and heavier than they are against a relentless enemy. And yet they continue to fight.
They are the YPJ (pronounced Yuh-Pah-Juh) or the Women's Protection Unit, an all-women, all-volunteer Kurdish military faction in Syria that formed in 2012 to defend the Kurdish population against the deadly attacks lead by Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, the al-Nusra Front (an al-Qaeda affiliate), and ISIS..........
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