I found two items at my blog from back in October 2011 relating to the dangerous stuff emitting from this woman. It is indeed a matter of great concern that our Canadian govt. is blind to the unacceptable situation that this lady is creating for non-Muslims.
One is an article by Bruce Bawer writing at FrontPageMag which also links to Barbara Kay's article of that time and another one is by Winfield Myers at American Thinker (all three links below) and Myers article has dozens of links within his piece.
Bruce Bawer writes:
...Ingrid Mattson: A Case Study in Stealth Jihad.
In a recent column for Canada’s National Post, the invaluable Barbara Kay writes about one Ingrid Mattson, a Catholic who was raised in Kitchener, Ontario, converted to Islam, and went on to become a major figure in the North American Islamic establishment. Until recently she taught Islamic Studies at Hartford Seminary, where, as Kay puts it, citing an account by Andrew Bieszad of his experiences as a student there, “Islam and other faiths were held to very different standards in classroom discussions.”
Bieszad reports that when he brought such incidents to the attention of the administration, he was told that he was “intolerant of Muslims,” and that the best solution was a better “understanding of Islam.”
“Not a single classmate, Muslim or non-Muslim, ever spoke up in support of my opinion, even on the principle that different views should be respected,” Bieszad writes..............
Winfield Myers writes:
Academic Pay to Play: Radical Islamists Fund One of Their Own in Ontario.Huron University College (HUC) in Ontario announced Friday morning the appointment of Ingrid Mattson, a professor at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut and former president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), as the first London and Windsor Community Chair in Islamic Studies at its Faculty of Theology.
The move validates widespread concern, as revealed in this Campus Watch article by Canadian journalist Barbara Kay and a letter from concerned faculty and friends at HUC, both published in May, that the support of several Islamist groups in funding the chair would lead to the appointment of a radical Islamist as the first holder. In Ingrid Mattson, the funders' wishes have been fulfilled.
Mattson, an Ontario native and convert to Islam whom the New York Times called, "perhaps the most noticed figure among American Muslim women," has a long history of defending, denying, and obfuscating the true nature of radical Islam in settings both academic and political. She was the first woman and convert to lead ISNA, which has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation, a terrorism financing case that tracked monies funneled to Hamas. Daniel Pipes has written that, under Mattson's leadership, ISNA was "a key component of the Wahhabi lobby." Journalist Stephen Schwartz noted earlier this year that, her tenure at ISNA complete, Mattson was "still advancing radical Islam," as she did in an October, 2001, CNN chat room when she claimed that Wahhabi Islam "really was analogous to the European protestant reformation."................
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