One word characterizes United States foreign policy – counterproductive.
U.S. foreign policy decisions after World War II — Vietnam War, Lebanon
intrusion, Somalia incursion, Afghan/Soviet War, Afghan occupation,
Iraq War, support for Shah of Iran, and Libyan Wars — have been
counterproductive, not resolving situations and eventually harming the
American people. The one-sided relationship the United States has with
Israel is another counterproductive policy that is harmful to the
American public
Persistent attention to Israel and its dubious
position in the world may seem overkill, except this attention is one of
the most important, mortally affecting the U.S. public. Until a
complete report of fatal relations with Israel is placed on the desks of
U.S. congresspersons and they act positively upon the contents,
attention to the issue is incomplete and peril continues. Surveying U.S.
policies that favored Israel collects a horrendous list of American
fatalities, economic havoc, international terrorism, political
misalignment, hatred, and aggression against fortress America.................
US corporate media has maintained a near unanimous support for the
Israeli destruction of Gaza – the home of 2.2 million Palestinians.
While pundits engage in parlor games over what degree of violence is
“justified” by the Hamas attack upon Israel, while public intellectuals
fall in line with the gutless unconditional support of Israeli punitive
actions, tens of thousands of Palestinian people – largely men, women,
and children going about their day-to-day lives– have been killed,
maimed, wounded, or terrorized.
Corruption, racism, and cowardice
come together to produce a rare near-total US ruling-class consensus
behind the brutal action of the ultra-right, ultra-nationalist, and
racist Israeli government.
The enforcement of this consensus is unprecedented and a truly appalling sight to behold.....
....Robert Pape, political scientist at the University of Chicago: “What you are seeing in Gaza is in the top 25% of the most intense punishment campaigns in history.”..................
The West's Defunding Of UNRWA Has Nothing To Do With Oct 7
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is
responsible for aiding the Palestinian refugee population and is
especially vital to the people of Gaza — now suffering an Israeli
imposed famine — has suddenly been defunded by Western nations. The move
to withdraw funding comes as an immediate response to Israel’s
allegation that employees of the agency were involved in the Hamas-led
October 7 attack. However, it is clear that Israel’s claims are
To begin with, UNRWA is an organization that was set
up by the United Nations to specifically provide aid and human
development programs for the Palestinian refugee population that were
expelled from their lands by Zionist militias, between 1947-1949, in
what is known as the Nakba (catastrophe). As per UN resolution 194, the
Palestinian refugees have a right under international law to return to
their homelands — and the organization responsible for keeping track of
those refugees is UNRWA.
UNRWA has registered nearly 6 million
Palestinians as refugees and provides crucial aid to the refugee
population, particularly inside of Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. Its aid
programs in the refugee camps are one of the key pillars that are
keeping the Palestinian refugees inside of the camps in Lebanese
territory afloat, as the population there is mostly impoverished and are
disadvantaged under Lebanese law due to their status as refugees. In
Gaza, roughly 80% of the population there are registered refugees with UNRWA,
of which the majority have been displaced again and lost their homes
due to Israel’s ongoing assault on the besieged territory. At a time
when Gaza is facing “the worst ever”
humanitarian crisis and an Israeli imposed famine, in which mainly
children are the victims of death by starvation on a daily basis, the
withdrawal of funds from the UN agency is tantamount to an act of
collective punishment.......
On Thursday, January 11, 2024 and Friday, January 12, 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague held public hearings in the case brought on 29 December 2023 by South Africa against Israel for the crime of genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.
CNN has long been criticized by media analysts and
journalists for its deference to the Israeli government and the Israel
Defense Forces in its coverage of the occupied Palestinian territories,
and the cable network admitted Thursday that it follows a protocol that
could give Israeli censors influence over its stories.
A spokesperson for the network confirmed to The Intercept that its news coverage about Israel and Palestine is run through and reviewed by the CNN Jerusalem bureau—which is subject to the IDF's censor.
The censor restricts foreign news outlets from reporting on certain
subjects of its choosing and outright censors articles or news segments
if they don't meet its guidelines......
After dismantling a New York Times front page feature
alleging “a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7” by
Hamas, The Grayzone is demanding answers of the paper for its
journalistic malpractice.
The following was submitted to New York Times editors and lead author, Jeffrey Gettleman.
The Grayzone has identified serious
issues with the credibility of key sources quoted in the New York Times’
December 28 story, “Screams Without Words: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on October 7.” Authored by Jeffrey Gettleman, Anat Schwartz, and Adam Sella, the article purports to prove “a
broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7” than even Israeli
authorities have been willing to allege . However, the Times report is
marred by sensationalism, wild leaps of logic, and an absence of
concrete evidence to support its sweeping conclusion.
The Times has come under fire from
family members of Gal Abdush, the so-called “girl in the black dress”
who features as Exhibit A in Gettleman and company’s attempt to
demonstrate a pattern of rape by Hamas on October 7. Not only have
Abdush’s sister and brother-in-law each denied that she was raped, the
former has accused the Times of manipulating her family into
participating by misleading them about their editorial angle. Though the
family’s comments have sparked a major uproar on social media, the
Times has yet to address the serious breach of journalistic integrity
that its staff is accused of committing.,,,,,,,,
s the Israeli attack on Gaza, Lebanon and Syria intensifies, the U.S. public watch on aghast. A new poll
finds that Americans support a permanent ceasefire by a more than 2:1
ratio (including the vast majority of Democrats and a plurality of
And yet, despite this, only 4% of elected members of the House
support even a temporary ceasefire, and the United States continues to
veto U.N. resolutions working towards ending the violence. Walter Hixson, a historian concentrating on U.S. foreign relations, told MintPress News:
Unfettered support for Israel and the lobby consistently
puts the United States at odds with international human rights
organizations and the vast majority of nations over Israel’s war crimes
and blatant violations of international law. The current U.N. vote on a
ceasefire in Gaza [which the U.S. vetoed] is just the latest example.”
Here, Hixson is referring to the pro-Israel lobby, a loose connection
of influential groups that spend millions on pressure campaigns,
outreach programs, and donations to American politicians, all with one
goal in mind: making sure the United States supports the Israeli
government’s policies full stop, including backing Israeli expansion,
blocking Palestinian statehood and opposing a growing boycott divestment
and sanctions movement (BDS) at home.
Internationally, Israel has lost virtually all its support. But it
still has one major backer: the United States government. Part of this
is undoubtedly down to the extraordinary lengths the lobby goes to
secure backing, including showering U.S. politicians with millions of
dollars in contributions. In this investigation, MintPress News breaks down the top ten currently serving politicians who have taken the most pro-Israel cash since 1990......
The train wasn’t scheduled for another 20 minutes, so I had a chance
to contemplate the official sign on the door of the huge elevator
leading to the platform. It said that only four people are allowed in
because we must all practice social distancing. There was a helpful map
of the interior of the elevator with stick figures telling people
exactly where to stand.
Yes, these stickers are still everywhere. I recall when they first
went up, sometime in April 2020. They seemed oddly uniform and appeared
even permanent. At the time I thought, oh, this is a huge error because
within a few weeks, the error of the whole of this idiocy is going to be
known by all. Sadly, my worst fears came true: it was designed to be a
permanent feature of our lives.
Same with the strange arrows on the ground telling us which way to
walk. They are still everywhere, stuck on the floor, an integral part of
the linoleum. If you walk this way, you will infect people, which is
why you have to walk that way, which is safe. As for masks, the mandates
keep popping up in strange places and strange ways. My inbox fills with
pleas for how people can fight this stuff.
Moon of Alabama : "...The only known radar site near Sana'a is at the airport which the Saudis had bombed several times. It was reopened only in 2022, six years after it had been closed, following a UN brokered truce agreement.
Sana'a is some 100 km (60 miles) from the coastline. Why an air traffic control radar in Sana'a should be relevant for marine traffic in the Red Sea is beyond my understanding.....
The International Court of Justice may be all that stands between the Palestinians in Gaza and genocide.
By Chris Hedges /Original to ScheerPost
The exhaustive 84-page brief submitted by South
Africa to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) charging Israel with
genocide is hard to refute. Israel’s campaign of indiscriminate killing,
wholesale destruction of infrastructure, including housing, hospitals
and water treatment plants, along with its use of starvation as
a weapon, accompanied by genocidal rhetoric from its political and
military leaders who speak of destroying Gaza and ethnically cleansing
the 2.3 million Palestinians, makes a strong case against Israel for genocide.
Israel’s smearing of
South Africa as “the legal arm” of Hamas exemplifies the bankruptcy of
its defense, a smear replicated by those who claim that demonstrations
held to call for a ceasefire and protect Palestinian human rights are
“anti-Semitic.” Israel, its genocide live streamed to the world, has no
substantial counter argument.
But that does not mean the judges on the court will rule in South
Africa’s favor. The pressure the U.S. will bring – Secretary of State
Antony Blinken has called the South African charges “meritless” – on the judges, drawn from the member states of the U.N., will be intense.
A ruling of genocide is a stain that Israel – which weaponizes the
Holocaust to justify its brutalization of the Palestinians – would find
hard to remove. It would undercut Israel’s insistence that Jews are
eternal victims. It would shatter the justification for Israel’s
indiscriminate killing of unarmed Palestinians and construction of the
world’s largest open air prison in Gaza, along with the occupation of
the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It would sweep away the immunity to
criticism enjoyed by the Israel lobby and
its Zionist supporters in the U.S., who have successfully equated
criticisms of the “Jewish State” and support for Palestinian rights with
anti-Semitism. ...........
Why are Canadian Taxpayers Subsidizing Israel’s Military?
by Yves Engler / December 30th, 2023
say Israel is an army with a country, but it is the apartheid state’s
supporters who confirm it. Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University has
once again launched an initiative to promote the Israeli military even
though it violates charity regulations and risks the group’s special tax
In a recent end of year fundraising appeal, a group officially dedicated to the “Advancement of Education” sent its members “Supporting Our
Student Soldiers”. The CFHU appeal notes: “The We Are One campaign
provides scholarships and academic assistance to our returning IDF
soldiers who are courageously fighting in the ongoing war. … Let’s unite
to provide education and healing for our IDF warriors, demonstrating
our unwavering commitment to their success and recovery.”
branches in seven Canadian cities, CFHU has instigated a number of other
initiatives to support the apartheid state’s military. In 2018 the CFHU
branch in the nation’s capital “launched the
Ottawa Scholarship Fund in support of reserve duty soldiers studying at
The Hebrew University.” At the event, according to CFHU’s annual
report, “four students shared their inspiring stories from their
military service and explained what it means to be a reserve duty
soldier in the IDF.”
A 2019 story on the website of an organization set up by famed liquor bootlegger Alan Bronfman in 1944.....
Ukraine conducted a major attack inside Russian territory, leaving at least 14 people dead.
The war has escalated over the past week as Ukraine has conducted
strikes inside Russia, and Moscow ordered a missile and drone barrage
against Kyiv.
Russian authorities report
the Belgorod region that borders Ukraine came under missile and rocket
fire on Saturday. Moscow’s state media service, Tass, says at least 14
are dead and over 100 were injured in the attack. The Russian Defense
Ministry says one child is among the dead.
The Kre
mlin reports that several of the Ukrainian projectiles were
shot down. The Russian military slammed the attack as “indiscriminate”
and claimed several of the rockets were cluster munitions.................
Biden Campaign Staffers Protest US Support for Israel’s Gaza Onslaught
In an anonymous letter, 17 staffers called on President Biden to push for a ceasefire and end unconditional aid to Israel
A group of 17 staffers for President Biden’s 2024 re-election have signed onto an anonymous letter protesting the president’s support for the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.
“Complicity in the death of over 20,000 Palestinians, 8,200 of whom are children, simply cannot be justified,” the letter reads.
The staffers said President Biden was losing support due to his
full-throated for the Israeli campaign, noting that 72% of voters under
30 disapprove of his handling of the conflict. Recent polling has shown that the majority of Americans favor a ceasefire in Gaza, an idea the president opposes.
“Biden for President staff have seen volunteers quit in droves, and
people who have voted blue for decades feel uncertain about doing so for
the first time ever, because of this conflict,” the letter reads.....
Western support for genocide in Gaza means the answer is yes
by Jonathan Cook / December 31st, 2023
desperate smear campaign to defend Israel’s crimes highlights the toxic
brew of lies that’s been underpinning the liberal democratic order for
In a popular British comedy sketch set during the Second
World War, a Nazi officer near the front lines turns to a fellow officer
and, in a moment of sudden – and comic – self-doubt, asks: “Are we the baddies?”
many of us, it has felt like we are living through the same moment,
extended for nearly three months – though there has been nothing to
laugh about.
Western leaders have not only backed rhetorically a genocidal war by Israel on Gaza, but they have provided diplomatic cover, weapons and other military assistance.
West is fully complicit in the ethnic cleansing of some two million
Palestinians from their homes, as well as the killing of more than
20,000 and the injuring of many tens of thousands more, a majority of
them women and children......
A bright star in the firmament of justice has gone out. One of the greatest journalists of our era has passed away.
Pilger was always on the side of the oppressed. He denounced
Imperialism and all its violent predations–war, genocide,
exploitation–as well as its endless lies and propaganda. Till his
death, he fought tirelessly for the freedom of Julian Assange, and his last article was a call to solidarity.
Africa is no longer alone in bringing its claim of genocide by the
Israeli government to the International Court of Justice. The Turkish
Foreign Ministry and the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have
announced that they support the case.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Oncu Keceli said Wednesday those
responsible for killing tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza since
Oct. 7 “must be held accountable before international law.”
murder of more than 22,000 Palestinian civilians, the majority of whom
were women and children, in Gaza for nearly three months should not go
unpunished in any way,” Keceli said. “We hope that the process will be
completed as soon as possible.”
I am writing to flag a truly important document
that should be widely circulated and read carefully by anyone interested
in the ongoing Gaza War.
Specifically, I am referring to the 84-page “application” that South
Africa filed with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 29
December 2023, accusing Israel of committing genocide against the
Palestinians in Gaza.1 It
maintains that Israel’s actions since the war began on 7 October 2023
“are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of
the Palestinian national, racial and ethnic … group in the Gaza Strip.”
(1) That charge fits clearly under the definition of genocide in the
Geneva Convention, to which Israel is a signatory.2......
Venezuela Sends 6,000 Troops to Guyana Border, Says They’ll Stay Until British Warship Leaves
Maduro Argues British Violating Deal with Guyana and Disavows ICJ Jurisdiction in Matter
Tensions over the fate of Guyana’s Essequibo region continue to rise with reports Venezuela is deploying some 6,000 troops into the border region
to conduct exercises over the disputed region. The deployment is in
response to Britain’s deployment of the HMS Trent off the Guyana coast.
President Maduro argued the British arrival violates an extent deal
between Guyana and Venezuela and constitutes a threat to both Venezuela
and a violation of Latin American sovereignty.
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 25, 2023
Start of vid watch the she doggie yelping many untruths. Similar yelps come from similar soaked garbage liners and the folks here in the West believe their large intestine's output
My heart hurts me so much right now 😭 israel just committed a massacre in Gaza and killed over 40 innocent people in one hit, the poor girl lost every member of her family, she is screaming for her father but he is dead 😭
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 30, 2023
🚨IDF soldiers force CHILDREN, men & elderly to strip in front of cameras at gunpoint
A soldier yells proudly "We're occupying all of Gaza". He forces them to condemn Hamas & forces 1 of them to make up a story. When others interrupt, soldiers shout "shut up" & a shot is fired🧵
Inspired by my reporting at @TheGrayzoneNews, this brilliant takedown by @propandco provides the strongest and most accessible refutation of the bogus atrocity propaganda Israel concocted to justify its genocidal rampage in Gaza
🇨🇦 tax code has long been used to subsidize projects in 🇮🇱 & pro-genocide groups have received tens millions $ in public grants. While little discussed the “Zionifaction” of charitable status is 🇨🇦 most significant contribution to Palestinian dispossession
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 28, 2023
Somewhere in the vid Russel Brand reads out various statements/remarks made by Israeli soldiers from one of Finkelstein's books. The IDF and the vast majority of the Israeli society is SICK, SICK, SICK !!!
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 27, 2023
There's something titled Sophie under "what's happening" on this platform and it is full of porn pics. I think I saw a minor in one of the pics. I have seen other "can't unsee once seen" porn pics on this platform ...
accounts like mine are made invisible.
Go figure !
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 26, 2023
No, this is not Serbia tonight. This is Macedonia 2015, when soros payed kriminals attacked Macedonia, with violent protests, creating chaos and wounding 8 police officers.
Result: Macedonia was forced to change its name & constitution
Biden can’t stop the Houthis from disrupting global trade. America has never looked weaker in the eyes of the world. The contradiction of military power is that if you over-use it, you squander it. We have been bled dry by optional forever wars.
The city of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, has announced the cancellation of traditional Christmas festivities in “mourning and honor” of Palestinians killed in Gaza.
The globalists of these days are the Bolsheviks of 1917. Both share the same desire to control the world and the disregard for people's lives and freedoms. The globalists just rewrote the Bolsheviks program in fancy words, but they are much more dangerous because they can use a…
Israeli settlers attack the house of Dalal Abu Amneh, a singer and brain researcher, in Affulah after she was released by Israeli police, who arrested her over a post in which she wrote: "There is no victor except God."
If you want to know about how Canada has fallen in the sticky paws of the (( )), glance at 👇.
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 22, 2023
This will have to be updated soon with the two-faced Kennedy guy added on. You know his visit is upcoming in 1-2-3. Surprised I didn't see Trudeau and Freeland amongst the whatshouldwecallit.
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 22, 2023
REPORT: 776 financial entities in the #EU funneled $164.2 billion into the development of illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territory.
These include BNP Paribas ($22.19 billion), HSBC ($14.21 billion), Deutsche Bank ($13.23 billion), Societe Generale ($12.4…
This month, Biden authorized 16000 tank shells to Israel w/o congressional approval
One of them hit young Dounia Abu Mohsen as she lay in her hospital bed dreaming of a future without her leg, her parents, or her siblings – which she also lost to US bombs
The political leader of #Nauru is David Adeang and he came to power on October 30, 2023. Before him, there was Russ Kun. Both are Israel's female dogs and pro-geno-cide of
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 22, 2023
Guess which country has the most obese people on Planet Earth and vote with US, Micronesia and Israel to carry on the geno-cide of human beings in Gaza.#Nauru with a population of less than 13,000 citizens. Shame. via @OdyseeTeam
— MariaS Nunes has "freedom of speech BUT not reach" (@Dodocanspell) December 22, 2023
2021 - Pregnant Mother arrested for failing to provide proof of vaccination
NEVER forget what these disgusting tyrannical scumbags did to so many in the name of "Science", which they never presented or proved
Israel's national broadcaster celebrates the life and crimes of Ezra Yachin, a terrorist participant in the Deir Yassin massacre of Palestinian civilians in 1948
This October, Yachin instructed Israelis, "If you have an Arab neighbor, don’t wait, go to his home and shoot him"
Hey Ritchie, does the fact that AIPAC is your largest donor, contributing $367,994 to your campaign just this year, cloud your judgment in any way?