Wednesday, May 31, 2023
National Citizens Inquiry ........ Part 18 .............. Canadian students speak their mind and Dr Charles Hoffe unloads his grievances about the medical mafia
Friday, May 26, 2023
Articles on Journeying to Crimea, Moscow and St.Petersburg, Extreme risk of the "trans movement", etc
Journey to St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Crimea
by Dan Kovalik and Rick Sterling / May 25th, 2023
At the end of April of this year, the two of us ventured together to Russia. We went with the purpose of fact-finding and also to make a point that we do not believe that Russia should be isolated from the world through sanctions and travel bans.
At this moment, Russia is more isolated from the West than it has ever been, quite possibly in history. As just one example, while V.I. Lenin was able to famously travel from Finland via train to St. Petersburg, even during the height of WWI, the train from Finland to Russia ceased operating after February 24 of 2022. And indeed, it was through Finland that we decided to travel to Russia, simply because there are now very limited ways to travel there. Thus, while for years, even during the Cold War, one could easily fly directly from the US to Russia on Aeroflot and other airlines, that is no longer possible due to sanctions. Now, one can only fly there through Serbia, Turkey or the UAE, but those flights are quite expensive.
And so, we ended up choosing to fly to Helsinki, Finland and have a Russian friend who has a non-Russian passport (Russians with only Russian passports cannot travel to Finland) drive from St. Petersburg to pick us up. This turned out to be more easily said than done as our friend’s car broke down at the Finnish/Russian border. And so, we took a very expensive, three-hour cab ride to the border, met up with our friend and crammed ourselves into the cab of a tow truck to drive the remaining three hours to St. Petersburg – a quite inauspicious beginning to our journey..........
Always an informative show from Ryan Cristian. I haven't watched it yet but will in due time. Plenty of links you can access for additional info if the show is a bit too long for you.
Author Ryan Cristián
The Extreme Risk Of The “Trans Movement”, Its Domestic Terror Link & The Criminalization Of Freedom
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Interesting reading material on the irrelevant G7 and the plight of Julian Assange ............ May 2023
The Group of Seven Should Finally Be Shut Down
by Vijay Prashad
During the May 2023 Group of Seven (G7) summit, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, near where the meeting was held. Not doing so would have been an act of immense discourtesy. Despite many calls for an apology from the US for dropping an atomic bomb on a civilian population in 1945, US President Joe Biden has demurred. Instead, he wrote in the Peace Memorial guest book: ‘May the stories of this museum remind us all of our obligations to build a future of peace’.
Apologies, amplified by the tensions of our time, take on interesting sociological and political roles. An apology would suggest that the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were wrong and that the US did not end their war against Japan by taking the moral high ground. An apology would also contradict the US’s decision, backed fully by other Western powers over 70 years later, to maintain a military presence along the Asian coastline of the Pacific Ocean (a presence built on the back of the 1945 atomic bombings) and to use that military force to threaten China with weapons of mass destruction amassed in bases and ships close to China’s territorial waters. It is impossible to imagine a ‘future of peace’ if the US continues to maintain its aggressive military structure that runs from Japan to Australia, with the express intent of disciplining China......
................. G7 leaders stand before the cameras pretending to be world representatives whose views are the views of all of humanity. Remarkably, G7 countries only contain 10 per cent of the world’s population while their combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is merely 27 per cent of global GDP. These are demographically and increasingly economically marginalised states that want to use their authority, partly derived from their military power, to control the world order. Such a small section of the human population should not be allowed to speak for all of us, since their experiences and interests are neither universal nor can they be trusted to set aside their own parochial goals in favour of humanity’s needs.............
Visits of Justice: Stella Assange’s Plea to Australia
by Binoy Kampmark
It certainly got the tongues wagging, the keyboards pressed, and the intellectually dead aroused – at least for a time. Given how many of those in the Australian press and media stable have been, for the most part, unconcerned, and in some cases celebratory, regarding the prosecution of Julian Assange, it was strikingly poignant to have his wife, Stella, present at the centre of Australia’s press epicentre: the National Press Club in Canberra.
For those familiar with the ongoing prosecution of the WikiLeaks founder by the United States via the extradition processes of the United Kingdom, a brutal carnivalesque endeavour that continues to blight that legal system, there is not much to be said. Stella had to get her point across to a pack of the uninitiated – most of them, anyway – and state the obvious fact that her husband is facing gloomy prospects across the pond for spilling the beans on the US National Security State. Once the doors open to such a prosecution on US soil, bets are off on the subject of publishing national security information in the public interest. For the first time in US legal history, a journalist, defamed and harassed, will be conveyed into the bowels of a carceral state so revolting it makes Belmarsh look like a modest retreat.
The method, however, lay in the personal touch, one that draws out Assange as the dedicated, loving, and intellectually stimulated everyman. There is talk about the “fledging rainbow lorikeet” that her husband reared when he was on Magnetic Island off the coast of Townsville in Queensland. Remembering the “chestnut coated mare which he would ride when he stayed in the Northern Rivers.” There was also surfing in Byron Bay in his teens, and beekeeping in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria..............
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
National Citizens Inquiry ........... Part 17 .............. Dr Eric Payne, Pediatric Neurologist
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Saturday, May 20, 2023
National Citizens Inquiry ...... Part 16 ............ Witness Dr Jonathan J Couey, Academic Neurobiologist
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Wednesday, May 17, 2023
National Citizens Inquiry ....... Part 15 ......... Regina Goman, Nadine Ness, Angela Tabak, Drue Taylor and Jennifer Curry are just a few of many witnesses at the Red Deer hearings.
Regina Goman was a member of the Solidarity Movement in Poland resisting Soviet Russia and she thinks what we are seeing in Canada today is not unlike what was happening in Poland under Communism.
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Reading material of interest ....... May, 2023
Ukraine - Air Defense Lessons (Updated)
Updated below
This is factual:
Patriot Missiles Won’t Save Ukraine - National Interest - May 9, 2023
Patriot systems are limited to pinpoint defense of major assets and are designed to operate in tandem with air defenses engaging targets at higher and lower altitudes. Without these additions, Patriot will have too many threats to engage and the result will either be porous coverage that doesn’t protect its defended assets, or coverage that quickly subsides when Patriot runs out of interceptors.Moreover, Patriot systems are themselves vulnerable. Operating a Patriot radar system gives away its location, making it an open target for Russian attacks. This means that Patriot is not a one-stop-shop for defending Ukraine’s military assets or its people.
Those facts were proven last night..............
ACLU Represented Transgender Terrorist, Diaper Fetishist To Secure Gender Self-Identification In NJ Women’s Prison
In 2019, an ACLU lawsuit against the New Jersey Department of Corrections resulted in a settlement which required the state to allow violent male inmates to self-identify into the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women. The lawsuit was launched on behalf of a transgender male inmate who sought transfer but had been denied. That inmate was anonymized in court records, referred to only as “Sonia Doe.”
Reduxx has learned the identity of the anonymous inmate the ACLU represented in their fight for prison gender self-identification, and can name him as unhinged convicted terrorist Danielle Demers.
Demers, born Daniel Smith, was investigated by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office for attempting to sell ammunition and pipe bombs...............
The forever war on Julian Assange
America’s relentless persecution of the WikiLeaks founder is threatening the freedom of thought globally.
Imagine, for a moment, that the government of Cuba was demanding the extradition of an Australian publisher in the United Kingdom for exposing Cuban military crimes. Imagine that these crimes had included a 2007 massacre by helicopter-borne Cuban soldiers of a dozen Iraqi civilians, among them two journalists for the Reuters news agency.
Now imagine that, if extradited from the UK to Cuba, the Australian publisher would face up to 175 years in a maximum-security prison, simply for having done what media professionals are ostensibly supposed to do: report reality.
Finally, imagine the reaction of the United States to such Cuban conduct,.....
David Miller
Late last year, my name was added to a blacklist published online by the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation. I joined over ninety others deemed to be “speakers who promote narratives consonant with Russian propaganda.“
These included Manuel Pineda and Clare Daly, both leftist Members of the European Parliament (MEP); Also counted are people on the right, such as Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute, neocon and former IDF officer Edward Luttwak, a slew of rightist MEPs; Ex CIA officer, Ray McGovern; former military and intelligence figures such as Scott Ritter and Douglas McGregor, as well as academics such as John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs. Journalists on the list included Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson and Eva Bartlett, Roger Waters from Pink Floyd, and even actor Steven Seagal................
The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)
The wealthy, powerful, and sometimes very weird Pritzker cousins have set their sights on a new God-like goal: using gender ideology to remake human biology
One of the most powerful yet unremarked-upon drivers of our current wars over definitions of gender is a concerted push by members of one of the richest families in the United States to transition Americans from a dimorphic definition of sex to the broad acceptance and propagation of synthetic sex identities (SSI). Over the past decade, the Pritzkers of Illinois, who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker, appear to have used a family philanthropic apparatus to drive an ideology and practice of disembodiment into our medical, legal, cultural, and educational institutions.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Jimmy Dore talks to Prof Desmet Mattias on the strange madness that takes over people enmasse, what we now know as “mass psychosis”
Some recent articles worth reading.
I have gone back to reading books and articles these days. Being on Twitter and other social media platforms is not productive, especially when one is censored mercilessly. Below some of the reading I have done the last couple of days.
Ukraine SitRep: Explosion in Khmelnytsky - Bakhmut Evacuation - Longer Range Missiles
In the early morning of last Saturday two large explosions (video) destroyed a large ammunition depot near the city of Khmelnytsky in west Ukraine..............
Wow! Quite revealing. I had no idea that when a young female takes puberty blockers she starts getting an Adam's Apple. So that's why we don't see a prominent Adam's Apple in the young boys who transition to women !!! If puberty blockers bring on male features to females, then puberty blockers must be doing away with the Adam's Apple in young males.
Adam's Apple used to be the one feature we thought, at least I thought it to be, that could distinguish the only openly distinguishable part to recognize a male pretending to be female.
Del sits down with Luka, an advocate for protecting kids from gender medicine, who herself medically transitioned as a teen before transitioning back to a female. Hear her trying journey telling of how the medical and trans communities have turned their backs on her............
Meet the Urban 7, the bridge from ‘global cities’ to world-governance policy circles
You’ve naturally heard of the Group of Seven Nations, or G7, that holds regular summits on “shaping the global economy,” “food and energy security,” “climate and health,” “advancing gender equality,” “foreign policy cooperation”, and similar grandiloquent goals.
But how about the U7, or Urban 7? As far as this writer can ascertain, the U7 arrived on the scene rather quietly, under the proverbial radar. However, strictly speaking, the U7 is not acting conspiratorially, since it has a website publicly available and publishes reports and announces summits, among other means of publicity.....
US-backed Military once again Targets Deposed Pakistani PM Imran Khan
Imran Khan poses the greatest threat to Pakistan’s military monopoly on political power.
The arrest of former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and leader of the Pakistan Movement for Justice (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, or PTI) caused thousands of Pakistanis to take to the streets and protest. However, Pakistan’s Supreme Court ordered on May 11 his release, offering a significant victory for the onetime leader responsible for bringing Islamabad closer to Moscow and away from US dominance until his removal from power.......
U.S. Calls for Bombing Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry… Nord Stream Sabotage Redux
Taiwan is facing the curse of being an ally of Uncle Sam in the same way that Germany and the rest of Europe have.
Taiwan has been obliged to give its American ally an extraordinary warning: don’t even think about blowing up our semiconductor industry.
The warning follows growing calls by U.S. politicians and military analysts that Washington should destroy the island’s vital technology sector in order to purportedly prevent China from gaining control of lucrative exports and as a way of damaging China’s economy.
Congressman Seth Moulton is the latest American voice airing such drastic action. Referring to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Moulton said that the U.S. should “make it very clear to the Chinese that if you invade Taiwan, we’re going to blow up TSMC.”............
Dr Daniel Nagase is a good guy. He tells the truth the way he sees it and damn the consequences. Whether we want to take his predictions or opinions to heart, is up to us.
A deadly day in the ER
My thoughts on a patient's deadly ER visit.
First off I would like to apologize to my subscribers for my 6 week hiatus. On March the 26th, I found out from my children aged 8 and 11 that my ex wife had injected them with the Covid mRNA experiment. Despite being a a registered nurse, and herself suffering side effects from the shot, she forced our kids, who knew that their father was against the “vaccine”, to take it. The worst outcome of a divorce that started shortly after I told my wife I lost my job after saving 3 lives in Rimbey Alberta came true.
My children are not the only ones who have suffered at the hands of people committing injustice in the name of covid. My journey defending the principles of medicine has brought me into contact with many women and men who have endured unconscionable acts. The case of one family who lost their 47 year old father is my substack today. He died not from a viral pneumonia, but from the intentional actions of doctors at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton.............ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
National Citizens Inquiry .... Part 14 .......... Lawyer Jeffrey Rath on how the unelected bureaucrats grabbed power over the people and what the CPHO Theresa Tam has been implying about "weather" in relation to "health"
Monday, May 15, 2023
Leader of the People's Party of Canada (PPC) Maxime Bernier will be running in the by-election in Portage-Lisgar, Manitoba
On Rumble👇
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) May 15, 2023
I need an army of volunteers to help me get our message out, and knock on every door across Portage-Lisgar.
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) May 14, 2023
If you live in or near Portage-Lisgar and are able to help out, please become a volunteer in my campaign!
J'ai besoin d'une armée de bénévoles pour m'aider à diffuser notre message et à frapper à toutes les portes de Portage-Lisgar.
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) May 15, 2023
Si vous vivez dans ou près de Portage-Lisgar et que vous êtes en mesure d'aider, devenez bénévole dans ma campagne!
“The spotlight will be on the constituency of Portage-Lisgar as the leader of the People's Party of Canada has announced he will be running in the upcoming by-election.”@PortageOnline_
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) May 14, 2023
Saturday, May 13, 2023
National Citizens Inquiry ... Part 13 ... Dean Beaudry and Lt. Col. David Redman, two experts on Risk Management at the Red Deer hearings.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo If only the government of Canada had paid heed to the advice coming from experts in Risk Management and followed proven strategies for untoward events including pandemics!! The incompetent people we call our representatives in the government had closed their ears to a second opinion once they were given their orders by their bosses, the puppet masters. Critical thinking was thrown out the window. Tyranny took its place.
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Friday, May 12, 2023
The Invisible Army of Contractors
I found the article pretty informative.
The Private Soldiers Who Fight in America’s Name.
By Andrea Mazzarino / TomDispatch
The way mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin and his private army have been waging a significant part of Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine has been well covered in the American media, not least of all because his firm, the Wagner Group, draws most of its men from Russia’s prison system. Wagner offers “freedom” from Putin’s labor camps only to send those released convicts to the front lines of the conflict, often on brutal suicide missions.
At least the Russian president and his state-run media make no secret of his regime’s alliance with Wagner. The American government, on the other hand, seldom acknowledges its own version of the privatization of war — the tens of thousands of private security contractors it’s used in its misguided war on terror, involving military and intelligence operations in a staggering 85 countries.
At least as far back as the Civil War through World Wars I and II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and the first Gulf War, “contractors,” as we like to call them, have long been with us. Only recently, however, have they begun playing such a large role in our wars, with an estimated 10% to 20% of them directly involved in combat and intelligence operations...............
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
National Citizens' Inquiry .... Part 12 .... Testimonies from Pharmacist Ann McCormack, Substitute Teacher Katrina Burns, entrepreneur Zoey Jebb and dedicated employee Jody McPhee
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Conservative-in-name-only (CINO) Jason Kenney, the then premier of Alberta, had set up a "snitch line" in Alberta and he and his ghouls encouraged nazi-like Albertans to snitch on their fellow citizens. Check what happens to pharmacist Ann McCormack who got snitched on by one such nazi.
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Conspiratorial writings? Really?
If you are a "conspiracy addict" like myself and your imagination works overtime, like mine does, you will want to read the articles below. The author of the last one gives "conspiracy theorists" the thumbs down but inadvertently or not, his article would give some readers like moi further material to look into, like checking into the movie "The Shining" and wondering if Stanley Kubrick had indeed passed on some messages about the "moon landing" to any "eyes wide shut" awaken in the audience.
By Jim Quinn
".......... I’ve always had a skeptical nature and knew in my teens that JFK was not killed by a lone gunman in the Book Depository building, but the hustle and bustle of life kept me from examining so called “conspiracy theories” on a deeper level. Through the 90s I was busy raising a family, working long hours, paying a mortgage, auto loans, tuition bills, and sports fees for my three boys. There was no time to breathe, let alone examine the truth behind how the world functioned.
9/11 changed all that. Something didn’t add up. Somehow the 341- page Patriot Act, creating a new agency and numerous new unlawful governmental powers, was supposedly written, and voted on within four weeks of 9/11. Only three Republicans voted against the bill – including Ron Paul, who I had never heard of at the time. The unwarranted invasion of Iraq in 2003 based on lies and propaganda, led by Cheney and Rumsfeld, was the straw that broke the camel’s back.........
Ex-Russian Space Boss Finds 'No Proof' Americans Landed On Moon In 1969
Russia's former head of the Roscosmos space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said he went on a quest about a decade ago to find concrete proof that the Americans landed on the Moon in 1969. After finding little evidence, he questioned whether the Apollo 11 Mission reached the lunar surface.
"About ten years ago, when I worked in the Government, I sent an official request to Roskosmos to provide me with documentary evidence of the Americans' stay on the moon, which at that time was still at the disposal of the federal agency," Rogozin said in a post on Telegram on Sunday.
He continued, "I was painfully embarrassed by the fact that the Soviet cosmonauts returning from multi-day expeditions could barely stand on their feet and underwent a long recovery after such flights, and the Americans crawled out of their lunar ships like cucumbers from the garden. "................
How Stanley Kubrick Staged the Moon Landing
By: Rich Cohen
Have you ever met a person who’s been on the moon? There are only four of them left. Within a decade or so, the last will be dead and that astonishing feat will pass from living memory into history, which, sooner or later, is always questioned and turned into fable. It will not be exactly like the moment the last conquistador died, but will lean in that direction. The story of the moon landing will become a little harder to believe.
I’ve met three of the twelve men who walked on the moon. They had one important thing in common when I looked into their eyes: they were all bonkers.......................
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Some articles on recent topics you might like to read
Please go to links provided below to read the items in their entirety.
Cable Guy Gone…..But Not For Long!
Written by David StockmanWe are not sure what the Murdochs were smoking last Monday morning when
they shot the immensely profitable Fox News Channel in the kneecaps, but
we do know that Tucker Carlson was one of a kind among commentators in
the vast journalistic wasteland otherwise known as television news.
Indeed, on issue after issue in recent years Tucker treaded
forthrightly where his MSM competitors in both print and broadcast media
feared to go. Perhaps that was because he was deeply informed,
historically read and literate and possessed of an incisive, open,
inquisitive mind that was not about to play passive stenographer to
either the Deep State or the lobbies and corporate interests that
suffuse the Washington beltway.
Accordingly, Tucker has been
nearly alone in smoking out the big issues of our time with a unique
breadth, edge and consistency that neither Republican shills like Sean
Hannity nor DNC conduits like Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow could
hope to approach.
Thus, unlike the GOP’s neocon war-lovers......
Report 69: BOMBSHELL – Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.
The batch of Pfizer clinical trial documents released in April 2023 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under court order contains a shocking, eight-page document titled, “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review.” The data in the Cumulative Review span “…from the time of drug product development to 28-FEB-2021.” A Pfizer employee, Robert T. Maroko, approved the Review on April 20, 2021. (p. 8)
This document is among the most horrifying yet to emerge into public view. It reveals that both Pfizer and the FDA knew by early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies.....................
If you're a regular Corbett Reporteer, then by now you're aware of the danger to human health caused by water fluoridation. But are you aware of the chlorine and other potentially toxic and carcinogenic substances in your tap water? And are you aware of your options for filtering your water and how to test to make sure you're getting all of the particulates out? Join James today as he talks to a water expert and answers some basic questions about testing and filtering your water.....................
Can the U.S. Adjust Sensibly to a Multipolar World?
by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies
In his 1987 book The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, historian Paul Kennedy reassured Americans that the decline the United States was facing after a century of international dominance was “relative and not absolute, and is therefore perfectly natural; and that the only serious threat to the real interests of the United States can come from a failure to adjust sensibly to the newer world order.”
Since Kennedy wrote those words, we have seen the end of the Cold War, the peaceful emergence of China as a leading world power, and the rise of a formidable Global South. But the United States has indeed failed to “adjust sensibly to the newer world order,” using military force and coercion in flagrant violation of the UN Charter in a failed quest for longer lasting global hegemony.
Kennedy observed that military power follows economic power. Rising economic powers develop military power to..............
8 Killed, 7 Wounded In Mass Shooting At Texas Mall - Cop Kills Gunman
A gunman in tactical gear exited his sedan in the parking lot of an Allen, Texas shopping outlet Saturday and started shooting at everyone in sight, killing eight people and wounding seven more. The wounded range in age from 5 to 61. A police officer who was already in the vicinity on another call shot and killed the murderer before he could take more lives.
The shooting began shortly after 3:30 pm local time in the northeastern suburb of Dallas. Dashcam apparently taken by a civilian captured the shooter parking in the middle of a lane, exiting his car outside an H&M store and opening fire: ..........................
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
National Citizens Inquiry ... Part 11 ... Dr Magda Havas on the dangers of 5G and its relation with Covid
This is an important watch. Dr Havas also gives options that one can take to minimize the impacts of 5G. I am posting at this blog testimonies that I find informative and useful for all of us. There are also so many emotional and heartbreaking testimonies from Canadians and I really hope you will find the time to listen to the hardships citizens have endured and are still enduring so we don't ever forgive nor forget what our government and its doctors and media did to us. Please go to NCI website to check out all the other vids. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Drone attacks inside Russia
Today, May 3, we heard of a drone attack, 2 drones were supposedly used on the Kremlin. However, the Kremlin and its residents remain unharmed.
The article below was published on May 2 and will give you an insight into the big picture related to earlier drones, its suppliers and instigators. Perhaps those same actors are responsible for the latest attack on the Kremlin, or perhaps it's Zelensky and NATO making the attacks look like they were carried out by non-State elements.
Will the latest drone attack on the Kremlin itself which probably hoped to assassinate Putin, escalate the NATO/Russia war even further? Of course. The next few days, don't be surprised if you see major strikes on Kiev. Tit-for-tat ... and Russia is good at that game.
Ukrainian banker offers cash for drone terror in Russia
Days before a failed drone assassination targeting Putin, Ukrainian banking baron Volodymyr Yatsenko offered a $500,000 bounty to any weapons maker able to land a drone in Red Square during Moscow’s upcoming Victory Day parade.
On April 23, a Ukrainian drone laden with 30 Canadian-made C4 explosive blocks crashed near Rudnevo Industrial Park in Moscow. Ukraine-based operators deployed the 37 LB arsenal in a failed bid to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was scheduled to visit Rudnevo that day.
The drone ultimately failed to hit its target, crashing roughly 12 miles from its intended destination. Russian media reported authorities discovered three similar unmanned aircrafts in the surrounding area. By the time the Canadian-manufactured bombs arrived in Moscow, the government in Ottawa had provided Kiev with nearly 6 billion dollars worth of aid to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s military...........................
National Citizens Inquiry ....... Part 10 ..... Alberta lawyer Leighton Grey on the failure of the Justice System to protect We the People during the covid hell
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo