#Panopticon https://t.co/kGfbCFsMu2
— Zapsavvy (@Ambera88371847) August 15, 2021
This needs to happen here. https://t.co/1vxIRHSGVo
— The Rick - Live Free and Die A Patriot (@rickballistic) August 16, 2021
#israeli occupation army murders four #Palestinian young men in a dawn raid in Jenin today. It still holds the bodies of two of the victims. #IsraeliCrimes. #FreePalestine
— Hanan Ashrawi (@DrHananAshrawi) August 16, 2021
If you want to know what's happening in Afghanistan as invaders beat a hasty, totally disorganized retreat and throw collaborators, not under buses, but under military planes. Behold the dead empire hobbling!! #cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 16, 2021
I’m speechless 💔 pic.twitter.com/urykZgUsRN
— LADY AMINA (@Alpha_Mind7) August 17, 2021
The next time you see someone argue that US soldiers occupying a country actually makes its people more secure & improves their lives, show them this video. This is exactly the kind of sadistic & arbitrary destruction they partake in habitually with glee. pic.twitter.com/1Aw3BYWNmR
— Louis Allday (@Louis_Allday) August 17, 2021
Wanna know what the British did when they invaded and occupied Afghanistan from 1839-43? The Brits and the Americans, they share the same bloodline. Blood and gore loving warlords, almost all of them.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 17, 2021
Read the horrifying thread👇#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/pHYQ8yKcAm
To the “horrified” corporate media pundits shocked about the “chaos” at the airport in Kabul: the US dropped 15,000 bombs on Afghanistan in the last 2 years. More than 71,000 civilians have been killed directly from the US war since 2001. Where is your outrage about any of that?
— Brian Becker (@BrianBeckerDC) August 17, 2021
Here is what the letter looked like before they took it down. pic.twitter.com/BIgIE89L5X
— Brian Lilley (@brianlilley) August 16, 2021
Without Health Canada approval, provincial governments are illegally vaccinating 11 year olds without any clinical trial evidence that it's safe or effective.
— Patrick Phillips MD (@DrP_MD) August 16, 2021
Will they also be exempt from parental consent like the 12 year olds? https://t.co/Ozl8aQoOvt
Liberty Report on Afghanistan and
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 18, 2021
Biden's Afghan Speech #cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/tGs4Ak9iKD via @YouTube
Scott Horton: "...The ease of the Taliban’s victory over America’s installed puppet government in Afghanistan proves that the whole war was a fool’s errand all along. That regime never had the support of the population..#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 18, 2021
Did Justin Trudeau issue a threat to Canadians?
— Dr.Virginia Johnson aka "What's My Name? Booyah" (@LovesCanada8) August 18, 2021
Americans with PhDs are the most RELUCTANT to get vaccinated against COVID, study findshttps://t.co/2PD9Sefg1T
— Dr. Simone Gold (@drsimonegold) August 15, 2021
He's ok with experiments but not ok punishing those who don't want the experiments.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 18, 2021
"Federal election 2021: Union criticizes party leaders’ promises to discipline unvaccinated government workers /via @globeandmail #cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/JUiglnPRrY
What Afghanistan's Saigon moment teaches us about America's 'Humanitarian wars' - My Oped for RT. Looking back on 20 years, the lies that sold the Afghan war and how they're still being pushed today. https://t.co/X9QFh7a5Le
— Syrian Girl 🇸🇾🎗 (@Partisangirl) August 16, 2021
First the earthquake, then the storm. Haiti has to deal with both.#earthquake #Haiti #Stormshttps://t.co/u7KupfABEl
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 18, 2021
Great tourism ad for Australia 2021. Some1 please make one for Canada too.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/fCIBc7OdN5
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 18, 2021
Can't understand these kind of parents. How cud they subject their 2yr old 2this torture by the airline? The Nazi mentality is an alter ego just a whisper away fm surfacing n taking hold of people who like power over others#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/wybfgJVM9o??
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 18, 2021
Dr Zelenko tries to save his Jewish people who will never believe that their own can do them the most harm, like the capos during the Hitler era.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 19, 2021
"Dr Vladimir Zelenko Testifies before Rabbinic Court in Israel"#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpolihttps://t.co/whPnrJQzOD via @BitChute
One of the results when u let a warp speed, $ss making, DNA changing, experiment into your body.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 19, 2021
"...the true number of women with period-related vaccine side effects could be far greater than the 30,304 documented ...#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #vaxhttps://t.co/gj9ekgAArV
Governments lie... ALWAYS !!
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 19, 2021
Glenn Greenwald, on Fox, on Two Decades of US Government Lying about Afghanistan #cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/j4qrrqanLk
MP @RickNichollsCKL is correct.
— Kulvinder Kaur MD (@dockaurG) August 19, 2021
Legal/ethical requirement of ALL medical interventions—informed voluntary consent w/out ANY coercion/restriction
"Under no circumstances will I, nor should any Ontarian, be forced/coerced to do something against their will"pic.twitter.com/w1toNTUdip
— Erich Hartmann (@erichhartmann) August 18, 2021
The AAP is actively *deleting* entire sections from their website re early childhood development & the importance of facial cues for learning. They are memory holing decades of known & accepted medicine, all bc they have embraced forced masking of our nations children.
This is very telling of our present times. #cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #Totalitarianismhttps://t.co/wS6mcE6buK
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 20, 2021
2/2 ..would give them immunity to HIV. ...
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 20, 2021
.....AIDS has now been controlled and its devastating consequences a nightmare of the past. Why create babies immune to HIV? What is the real goal? ...#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #MadScientistshttps://t.co/IatsAm5c8k
2/2 ..in 2013 I developed curiosity about the power of this group to force this development.A year later, when Time magazine announced a transgender tipping point on its cover, I had already begun to examine the money behind ..#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/1EuqUagDsz
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 20, 2021
Worth a listen.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 21, 2021
ICU NURSE: "You're being lied to about COVID." #cdnpoli #tcot #USpoli #CollectiveCorruptionhttps://t.co/KaycGLEIYz
Governments that fire rubber bullets at their citizens must be dismantled now. The police are supposed to protect the people not assault and abuse as they have done in #Melbourne #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #NoMoreLockdowns #australiaprotests #Melbourne pic.twitter.com/6uQ2dDZyis
— Gillian McKeith (@GillianMcKeith) August 21, 2021
3 kids presumably die after getting jabs in #Australia.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #Totalitarianism #Nazismhttps://t.co/nPxynu6Pky
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 22, 2021
— ArnesshpA (@ArnesshpA) August 21, 2021
Yup... trust the Germans to know how to. They have had plenty of practice with the yellow stars.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 22, 2021
Australia is shooting dogs, gassing citizens and shooting them with rubber bullets - to protect them….#AustraliaHasFallen pic.twitter.com/LX5ZZsqDuI
— Tristan Flynn (@TristanCPDT) August 22, 2021
"..Israeli missiles put two passenger airplanes in #Syrian and in #Lebanese airspace at risk, particularly the 130 civilians and flight crew on a Middle East Airlines #flight coming from Abu Dhabi to Beirut. Flight trackers show..#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpolihttps://t.co/el9WBzXqUp
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 23, 2021
"..Pfizer bullied governments to put up federal bank reserves, embassy buildings or military bases as a guarantee against the cost of future legal cases stemming from the adverse effects of its COVID-19 vaccine. This would mean..#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpolihttps://t.co/UOHE9CJ3px
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 23, 2021
Anti-vaxxer.... pic.twitter.com/fBan4xVL1O
— Osler (@osler78) August 22, 2021
The bank balances of many a crook at the FDA must be grinning gleefully today. 😃
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 23, 2021
If politicians can be bribed, you think FDA folks are above it all????#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #bribedhttps://t.co/Fra0JdHs0z
The soothsayers report.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #Afghanistan #MadWorldhttps://t.co/xz7TCnOaOZ
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 23, 2021
If the compromised politicians making up the governments in the West had not declared that the hospitals wud get those thousands of $ss per patient, covid wud have said goodbye long ago.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/yXXxozmqNm
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 24, 2021
Look at these dipshits trying to figure out how to sell "the stupid rubes" on getting "vaccinated". These are people who majored in advertising trying to claim some intellectual high ground. They are cretins, scumbags, and human garbage. Go back to hawking toothpaste, assholes. https://t.co/fyEqG2XOna
— EtTuSheds (@EtTuSheds) August 24, 2021
There is editing. And then there is cutting out info to manipulate entire context.This isn’t editing. Not, by a long shot. @JustinTrudeau @cafreeland https://t.co/QbkrbJknGe
— Alex Pierson (@AlexpiersonAMP) August 23, 2021
UNVERIFIED ACCOUNT: Twitter flags Chrystia Freeland's misleading video of O'Toole talking health care as 'manipulated media' https://t.co/oaIoHZEMcA Via @brianlilley #cdnpoli #elxn44 pic.twitter.com/6YBHlWF5gb
— Toronto Sun (@TheTorontoSun) August 24, 2021
"Cerebral Venous Thrombosis" ... what is that ???#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/SkRTidtX4V"
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 24, 2021
Exploitative Viral PR Photos Of Military Invaders With Afghan Kids
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) August 24, 2021
"Mainstream news and social media cannot get enough photos of imperial invaders posing for photographs with small children in Afghanistan."https://t.co/JfZsVVGXL1
The shock from those images stems from the fact that Americans weren't prepared to see them: because of those lies.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) August 24, 2021
Americans have been telling pollsters for a decade that they wanted to leave. 3 Presidents won by promising it. I think the outcome is different with the truth.
The Bourke pound dogs and newborn puppies were shot. Since then, the council has shamefully tried to deflect the blame onto self-funded rescue and rehoming volunteers.https://t.co/XsCNc883rB pic.twitter.com/lWld9JMVYp
— Animal Liberation (@AnimalLibORG) August 25, 2021
Vaccine Mandates and the 'Great Reset'https://t.co/G3qTtGndUD pic.twitter.com/Hb3PTUzwVl
— Ron Paul Institute (@RonPaulInstitut) August 25, 2021
Good take on the situation at the Kabul airport.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 25, 2021
BTW, as NOT-expected, Biden seems to be remaining firm on getting out. Trump in spite of his rhetoric and bravado wud have succumbed to the neocon warlords.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/8JTKRROd0s
US VP Kamala Harris delayed her China cold war tour by several hours because some US diplomats reported imaginary brain injuries that were actually mass hysteria and/or mating cricket sounds https://t.co/cL6P9rcZxp
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) August 24, 2021
These war criminals are taking pictures with Afghan babies like they haven’t spent the last 20 years bombing and massacring Afghan men, women and children. https://t.co/8jHM0Lm9Y9
— Sarah Abdallah (@sahouraxo) August 25, 2021
On the left is a current member of the Board of Directors of Pfizer.
— OntarioDoctor (@DoctorOntario) August 25, 2021
On the right is the former FDA Commissioner in charge of regulating Pfizer.
See how this works? pic.twitter.com/UrT5FLPmyz
Freedom of Information Requests and responses#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #Health #Virushttps://t.co/5Dku0T9rtm via @grtvnews
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 27, 2021
Uh ... when has the US ever done anything in its own interest or in its own citizens' interest??
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 27, 2021
All wars and invasions have ALWAYS been in the interest of the warlords and the war industry.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/MIKQpvaYsn
Hate Speech pertaining to any group in society is EVIL…
— 🇨🇦🇺🇸Canadian 1stMovement🇺🇸🇨🇦 (@DarylChristoff1) August 27, 2021
This is gaslighting & pile on mentality that insights rioting & violence.
Will your beliefs in your #Religion be next ???
I will NEVER 👎 buy this paper again!#cdnpoli @fordnation #onpoli #Ontario #Canada @cbc #ctv pic.twitter.com/qILosE0MC9
"...Politicians’ anti-Covid recommendations increasingly resemble frightened soldiers shooting at any noise they hear in the dark....
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 27, 2021
"Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net"#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #mandates
NEW by Pepe Escobar: The #Kabul Airport bombing shows shadowy forces keen to disrupt a peaceful, post-US, #Afghanistan transition. But what about US intel's own 'Shadow Army,' amassed over 20 years? Who are they & what is their agenda? via @TheCradleMedia https://t.co/2GK3VAaaMe
— Sharmine Narwani (@snarwani) August 27, 2021
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 28, 2021
...Saab was forcibly removed from the plane by Cabo Verdean police who did not have an arrest warrant.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #injusticehttps://t.co/dD8u7XbwS1
"...The noisiest group of Afghanistan stayers are the neoconservatives resentful because their bit of political real estate is getting away...
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 28, 2021
"The Neocons Speak: Afghanistan as Political Real Estate"#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpolihttps://t.co/Dy7mT5QA8Q
People have lost their damn minds. https://t.co/V6MVs6TIoH
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) August 27, 2021
ABSOLUTE CHILD ABUSE RIGHT HERE 🤮🤢😡🤬 pic.twitter.com/shhf4w4dsF
— Pharmakeia & Pedophilia = Profit (@3PsOfEvil) August 28, 2021
Revealing vid for those who were kids 20 years ago and have not bothered to read up on US endless wars.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 28, 2021
“US goal is an endless war, not a successful war” – WikiLeaks Co-founder Julian Assange #cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/cr3htGdYBO
Hmmm ... me thinks things are not going as planned for "vaccine passport required" lover Trudeau. Sad eh??
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 28, 2021
"Canadian PM Trudeau’s campaign rally axed over ‘safety reasons’ after irate protesters descend on event (VIDEOS)#cdnpoli #TOpoli #onpoli https://t.co/RBZhjYVbEC
Yup, I knew that a weak person like @fordnation wud give in 2the loudest noise makers, the teachers' union n other unions who want tons of taxpayer $ss n return least work output. What else is new??#cdnpoli #TOpoli #onpoli
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 28, 2021
EVIL gets done efficiently and without any pesky questions asked when you label it with that beautiful word "philanthropy"#cdnpoli #USpoli #UKpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/XFN1t2YhaB
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 28, 2021
I'm going! pic.twitter.com/88FROGBWKK
— j Can 🍁🇨🇦 (@JcandaceJ) August 28, 2021
There is a great new fb page called Ontario businesses against the V pass. It only started a few days ago & it already has over 20,000 members. It’s a great place for businesses to advertise that they don’t discriminate against unvaxxed & for us to find them. #novaxpassports
— Sickofitall🇨🇦 (@kimmieM1973) August 28, 2021
Annecy France 🇫🇷 Anti WAX Passport, Anti Everything 💥 The Only Way out is UNITY 💥👊 pic.twitter.com/UyfLdrb10o
— 𝙇𝙏𝙍𝙉8 𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙉 (@ATLEASTDIETRYN) August 28, 2021
Warmongers Keep Raging About The Phrase 'Ending The Forever Wars' And We Should Laugh At Them
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) August 29, 2021
"They're literally using that phrase, 'ending the forever wars', and then saying it's a bad thing. I mean, what a bizarre hill to die on."https://t.co/ZoFKDtb0fg
Deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. Almost every1 is going willingly, but there are quite a few of us fighting the ghouls trying to drag us to the loony bin they luv so much.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli #madnesshttps://t.co/g3E6NOpwAq
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 29, 2021
As happened two years ago, some media organizations are contacting us to get a list of our candidates who are women, POC, LGBTQ2S+, etc. Here’s the answer we give them👇#VotePPC pic.twitter.com/vXFEuiYb1D
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) August 26, 2021
Another member of the corrupt media cartel, @CTVNews, pretends the PPC doesn’t exist.
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) August 28, 2021
They show where the Bloc leader is even though he never leaves Quebec. And where the leader of the imploding Greens is even though she never leaves her Toronto riding. But not me.#VotePPC pic.twitter.com/WpImi1pDVe
Click on the Province to find the PPC candidate running in your district.#VotePPC #cdnpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/24rdvDmk4M
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 30, 2021
Here's what the mandate madness looks like in Australia.#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/K6vH4otreb
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 30, 2021
Good one !!#cdnpoli #TOpoli #USpoli #FollowTheMoneyhttps://t.co/NLELqSjUzV
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 30, 2021
Mini-god @jack dwelling up there on Olympus gets his algos to throw bolts of lightening on #AlexBerenson coz he dared to ruffle feathers on a murder of crows.
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 31, 2021
"Twitter Permanently Bans Former NYT Journalist Alex Berenson #cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpoli https://t.co/H3NnXb1rhD
The three time vaxxed will blame the double vaxxed and so on??? https://t.co/GcjFxCDqvv
— Dr. Urso (@richardursomd) August 30, 2021
So, what really happened in that far away place?#cdnpoli #USpoli #TOpolihttps://t.co/TmM48cv3iH
— MariaS Nunes (shadow-banned every other day) (@Dodocanspell) August 31, 2021