Friday, June 30, 2023

France's migrant and immigrant population along with the Left wing, continues to burn France

By Alex Lantier

Dozens of cities burned across France last night as anger mounted following Tuesday’s police murder, captured on video, of 17-year-old Nahel M. in his car. The protests also spread internationally, as Belgian police deployed water cannon against youth protesting in solidarity with Nahel’s family in downtown Brussels.


Yesterday morning, President Emmanuel Macron held an emergency meeting of his cabinet, which decided against immediately declaring a state of emergency. But despite Interior Minister GĂ©rald Darmanin’s decision to deploy 40,000 cops nationwide to try to crush the protests, the riots are still escalating out of the government’s control.

French police assaulted the silent march yesterday morning of over 6,000 people called by Nahel’s family in his home town of Nanterre, outside Paris. Before the march began, Darmanin announced the deployment of heavily armed Search and Intervention Brigade (BRI) teams in armored cars to the city. During the march, police fired tear gas at the mourners, who held signs calling for “Justice for Nahel” and “Never again.”.......




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