Monday, July 10, 2023

Some items on the state of our world ....... July 2023


Written by: Yves Engler

Some self-described leftists are seeking to cancel events calling for peace. In their hostility to criticism of Canadian foreign policy, they even blamed a NATO critic for anti-queer violence.

On June 19, Dimitri Lascaris began a cross country speaking tour on “Making Peace With Russia, One Handshake At A Time.” A cabal of US and Canadian military funded figures such as Marcus Kolga and Jean-Christophe Boucher, as well as the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and Ukrainian Embassy, campaigned to shut down events seeking to end the violence and danger of nuclear war. Despite requiring advanced tickets and only revealing the locales at the last-minute, five venues buckled to pressure and canceled.

A segment of the “left” openly supported the remarkable cancel campaign. Alongside calling Lascaris a ‘Putin puppet’, Russian funded or a ‘tankie’, some ‘progressives’ even blamed Lascaris for recent violence targeting a University of Waterloo gender studies class.

Amidst the bid to cancel Lascaris’ tour The A.C.E.R.B.I.C. Nerd Twitter handle (purportedly former leftist activist and current actor Jonah Hundert) built an extremely tenuous case for de-platforming him. While criticizing Lascaris for a multitude of purported misdeeds, they focused on his associations, notably individuals they considered anti-trans. At one point the account even argued that leftists shouldn’t criticize moves to de-platform Lascaris since trans activists have employed this tactic in the past.....



Chris Hedges: Journalists Abandoned Julian Assange and Slit Their Own Throats

The failure by journalists to mount a campaign to free Julian Assange, or expose the vicious smear campaign against him, is one more catastrophic and self-defeating blunder by the news media. 

LONDON: The persecution of Julian Assange, along with the climate of fear, wholesale government surveillance and use of the Espionage Act to prosecute whistleblowers, has emasculated investigative journalism. The press has not only failed to mount a sustained campaign to support Julian, whose extradition appears imminent, but no longer attempts to shine a light into the inner workings of power. This failure is not only inexcusable, but ominous

The U.S. government, especially the military and agencies such as the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and Homeland Security, have no intention of stopping with Julian, who faces 170 years in prison if found guilty of violating 17 counts of the Espionage Act. They are cementing into place mechanisms of draconian state censorship, some features of which were exposed by Matt Taibbi in the Twitter Files, to construct a dystopian corporate totalitarianism.  

The U.S. and the U.K. brazenly violated a series of judicial norms and diplomatic protocols to keep Julian trapped for seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy after he had been granted political asylum by Ecuador. The CIA, through the Spanish security firm UC Global, made recordings of Julian’s meetings with his attorneys, which alone should invalidate the extradition case. Julian has been held for more than four years in the notorious Belmarsh high-security prison since the British Metropolitan Police dragged him out of the embassy on April 11, 2019. The embassy is supposed to be the sovereign territory of Ecuador. Julian has not been sentenced in this case for a crime. He is charged under the Espionage Act, although he is not a U.S. citizen and WikiLeaks is not a U.S.-based publication. The U.K. courts, which have engaged in what can only be described as a show trial, appear ready to turn him over to the U.S. once his final appeal, as we expect, is rejected. This could happen in a matter of days or weeks. ................



Christianity’s Survival in Israel Is Under Attack
Extremist government headed by Netanyahu promotes de facto ethnic cleansing

Israel’s new government is still taking shape, but some of the policy changes being promoted are so Jewish-centric that they will inevitably impact disproportionately on minority disadvantaged communities like the Palestinian Christians and Muslims. The government itself is already being described in the press as the “most extremist or right wing in Israel’s history,” though what exactly that means is left to the perception of the reader. Several government ministers have even at times been excoriated for some of their extreme views inclusive of encouraging homicidal genocide or even the complete removal of all non-Jews by force from the country and occupied territories.

The Joe Biden Administration, in which nearly half of all senior appointments are Jews, as well as nearly everyone who deals with foreign policy, is doing its part to comply with traditional White House submission to Israel’s perceived interests. Israel is in the driving seat, and Biden knows it, declaring himself to be personally a Zionist. Much has been made of the fact that Biden has not invited Netanyahu to the White House to congratulate him on his latest electoral victory over concerns relating to the proposed judiciary changes and increasing settlement expansion, but it is clear that Israel and America’s Jewish Lobby are fully in control of both the White House and Congress................









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