Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Interesting reads to catch up on the happenings of June, 2023


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 June 26, 2023

The real casualties of Russia’s ‘civil war’: the Beltway expert class


Numerous serious casualties were incurred during Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin’s supposed “coup.” The Grayzone offers an in-depth look at the massacre carried out by some of America’s top Russia experts against their own credibility.

When Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin launched a supposed revolt against Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 23, sending his forces on a march toward Moscow following a series of tirades against the country’s defense establishment, Washington’s expert class overflowed with an orgy of regime change fantasies. 

For just over 12 hours, everyone from former US ambassador to Russia and noted Hitler apologist Michael McFaul to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to neocon pundit Anne Applebaum exploded with seemingly libidinal excitement about a supposed “civil war” that was certain to feature “Russians…killing Russians,” along with “lots of casualties” and Putin “probably hiding somewhere.”

It was as though the Soviet Union was collapsing all over again, and Prigozhin, a character named on the FBI’s most wanted list whom the US government has sanctioned for leading what it described as a “transnational criminal organization,” was suddenly a white knight storming into Moscow to liberate Russia from “the Putin regime” on the back of a tank. Move over, Juan Guaido.....................





By Declan Hayes

June 23, 2023

The facts indicate that Zelensky’s Ukraine is guilty of Eichmann-like crimes, Declan Hayes writes.

This article addresses the claims of Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova et al that Zelensky’s Ukraine is a major criminal hub in the global trafficking of human body parts, and with children into the white slave trade, as well as recent European Union claims that all such “Russian” assertions are mis-information.

Because of the seriousness of such allegations and denials, this preliminary exploration is written in a quasi-academic style and is divided into a number of sections to help interested authorities bring the culprits, from whatever side of the lines they may be on, to account.

Thus, section 1 surveys the global trafficking trade in human organs and child prostitutes to establish that such lucrative industries do exist and, ergo, that, as with Jeffrey Epstein’s Orgy Island, some individuals, organised crime gangs and institutions must be guilty of being involved in such trafficking. Section 2 looks at the pivotal role Ukraine has historically played in such trafficking to hypothesise that there may well be large numbers of Ukrainians currently active in such criminality. Section 3 establishes that, because the West has long been aware of such crimes, those crimes are not the result of Russian dis-information or any such spurious figment. Section 4 concludes by arguing that the onus is on the Zelensky dictatorship and its Western backers to open Ukraine’s morgues and hospitals to reputable investigators and that the Russian authorities are likewise bound to surrender copies of whatever pertinent documents relating to these Ukrainian crimes they have to those same reputable authorities.

1. Global Child Sex and Organ Trafficking Industries

The American National Kidney Association estimates that the illegal organ trade is worth in excess of $1 billion annually. The Gurgaon kidney scandal, whereby poor Indians had their kidneys harvested for Indian and foreign customers is but one of very many scandals showing that this is an organised, global and very lucrative industry that would attract the interest of all unscrupulous criminals in a position to exploit relevant opportunities.............






Preliminary Autopsy of a Botched Coup in Late June


This was top tier lols for me after an extremely stressful 36 hours. Putting “go to Belarus” in quotes is killer lol for some reason, and putting it alongside the ad being ripped down quadruples the effect.

In the final analysis, it seems that Prigozhin was drunk, and by the time he sobered up, he said “ugh.”


The criminal case against Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) founder Evgeny Prigozhin will be dropped and he will leave Russia, the Kremlin announced on Saturday evening.

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov revealed that Prigozhin, a Saint Petersburg tycoon who made his initial fortune in catering, “will go to Belarus.”

He added that Wagner’s fighters will not be persecuted, taking into account their efforts on the frontlines of the Ukraine conflict. Peskov explained that President Vladimir Putin’s team “have always respected their exploits.”

PMC contractors who refused to take part in the mutiny – and whole units did not – will be allowed to sign contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry, Peskov stated.

“Always respected their exploits” is another very funny line, resulting from both a weird translation and Peskov’s particular brand of dry humor (he is sort of like the reverse Donald Trump, in terms of deadpan delivery).

I’m 100% in agreement with not charging any of the troops, as they aren’t responsible for the decisions of their commander. They also didn’t necessarily even know what was going on, and a lot of them bailed once they figured it out.

That said, I think any military or FSB officers that collaborated should be executed. No one has explained to me how Prigozhin was able to waltz right into Southern Command in Rostov, nor has anyone explained why none of the FSB agents around him neutralized him.......................



Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates


Authored by Matthew Horwood via The Epoch Times

Around 330 active or former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who say they were harmed by COVID-19 vaccine mandates have filed a class-action lawsuit against high-ranking members of the Canadian military, asking for some $500 million in damages.

The CAF shirked its own purpose and rushed an untested product onto its members, mislabeled this experimental gene therapy a ‘vaccine,’ knowingly made false statements of safety and efficacy, and facilitated its mandate with no option to refuse except for mandatory permanent removal from service,” reads the statement of claim filed with the Federal Court on June 21.....................



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