Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Proxy war in Libya

We are in WW3 and have been for the last so many years. When historians write about this period, they will probably call it the longest world war.  It started on September 11, 2001 and 13 years on it has enveloped almost the entire Middle East, and covertly the Americans are doing their best to bring things to a boil in Venezuela and God alone knows where else.  They tried in Cuba and failed.  Ukraine is broken. Russia is playing the doublespeak game of the Americans and enjoying it and China is ready and willing for any kind of war games if USA as much as dares to utter a "boo" her way.  

Hannah Strange writing at VICE;
The incoming United Nations envoy for Libya warned against foreign intervention today, as the country plunges deeper into civil conflict. On Monday, US officials accused the United Arab Emirates and Egypt of secretly conducting air strikes on Islamist militias who have seized control of Tripoli airport.

Washington has expressed alarm over aerial attacks last week on positions around the airport, claiming that they were carried out by Emirati jets using Egyptian bases. US officials reportedly said they were not consulted over the strikes, which threaten to turn the already disintegrating country into a battleground for a regional proxy war.......

.........On Monday, US officials told the New York Times that the UAE had provided the military aircraft and crews for two sets of air strikes: the first on August 18 on a weapons depot and other militia positions, and the second on Saturday, targeting rocket launchers, vehicles, and a warehouse controlled by the Misrata alliance.

The officials told the newspaper that the attacks had been conducted by the two US allies without the knowledge of the US. "We don't see this as constructive at all," one senior official said.

The US, UK, France, Germany and Italy issued a joint statement condemning "outside interference" in Libya, which they said "exacerbates current divisions and undermines Libya's democratic transition.".......

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