Tuesday, August 26, 2014

On Guatemala, "pivot to Asia" and Rand Paul ....

all somewhat connected one way or another.

From AP:
The Guatemalan government has declared a state of emergency in 16 of the country's 22 provinces because of a drought that has caused major agricultural losses in Central America.
Agriculture Minister Elmer Lopez said Monday that as of last week more than 236,000 families had been affected mainly in western and central Guatemala.
The state of emergency declaration has to be approved by lawmakers so the government can provide funds to those who have lost their crops, and to stabilize food prices...........

Bernie Quigley writing at TheHill:
As a second carrier heads across the Pacific, I suddenly realize that I missed the discussion in Congress. Or maybe that's because it occurred in 1952.

Is a Rand Paul presidency in 2016 a possibility? A Paul presidency is a possibility which should come to mind whenever one of those MIA-POW black flags that fly in every small town in America comes into view. They form a tragic permanent shadow which marks a generation of 47,424 American warriors betrayed, abandoned and left to die a sweltering death in a foreign, impenetrable jungle.

Paul, Republican senator from Kentucky, should begin his campaign for the presidency in American Legion halls, veterans' gathering spots and at every Rolling Thunder memorial tribute to the fallen in America. Three words can bring a Paul presidency in 2016: "Pivot to Asia."

Both parties have fully signed on now. It is a slam dunk, brought to being years ago when Americans were distracted elsewhere. Brought to action now by treaties signed a decade before Rand Paul was born.

And is the pivot to Asia even constitutional? If not, states and regions might legitimately chose non-participation based on Jefferson's "Kentucky Resolutions"; a trend started here in northern New England at the beginning of the invasion of Iraq. It became prelude to the Tea Party movement when New Hampshire State Reps. Dan Itse (R) and Paul Ingbretson (R) brought the same strategies in opposition to ObamaCare and over 30 states immediately followed suit. They might do so again. Paul might call on Judge Andrew Napolitano for consult.........

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