Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fog of War .... US Drones in "Surveillance Flights" over Syria

US drones are now over Syria in surveillance flights assessing the lay of the land, supposedly mapping out the enemy pockets. But, which enemy are the drones getting a gage on, is it Assad or the actual menace? If in the near future you hear that a drone or a jet has been shot down,  it won't matter that all the manpads and more that the USA and her allies have been showering on the "opposition to Assad" aka ISIL//ISIL/IS/xyz  in Syria might be actually responsible for the downing because the foregone conclusion is that the whole thing will be blamed on Assad's regime so the US then gets an excuse to regime change and wreak more havoc.  

I am surprised that so many people are naively thinking that the USA is going into Syria to get at ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz and ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz only.  Are you kidding?  Do you think the US wants to help Assad do away with his enemy? Not a chance.  The US will somehow try to create new borders between a broken up Syria and Lebanon and the partitioned areas will go to "opposition to Assad" ....wait and see.  Unless, Assad has something up his sleeve, USA's evil plans will be put into action. 

Will Obama need approval from Congress before dropping bombs in Syria?  Well, at least one senator thinks so.

Martin Matishak writing at TheHill:
Dem senator: Obama must prove Syria strikes ‘only alternative’ left.

Democratic Sen. Jack Reed (R.I.) said President Obama must convince lawmakers that airstrikes in Syria are the “only alternative” available for defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria before expanding military operations.

In an interview on CNN Tuesday, Reed said Obama “would have to make the case and make it compellingly that this represents the only alternative we have in the face of a very grave and serious threat.”

President Obama has authorized military strikes against the al Qaeda offshoot in Iraq and is weighing expanding those attacks to the group’s foothold in Syria.
Reed said Obama had made “the right step” in authorizing surveillance flights over Syria to assess the threat posed by ISIS.

“Because without the facts, with the good analysis, I don’t think you could get that kind of automatic, instantaneous, reflexive support” in Congress, he said.

But Reed, who would lead the Armed Services Committee if Democrats hold on to the Senate next year, joined a growing chorus of lawmakers who say Obama needs congressional approval before military action in Syria. ...........

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