Sunday, July 27, 2014

Several more human traffickers deported from Canada

The investigation is likely going to ferret out more of these slave traders .... at least, I hope so.

From CBC:
....A man who was lured into what has been called the largest human trafficking ring in Canadian history says he’s thrilled the individuals who forced him to work in deplorable conditions have been deported — because he was afraid they would come after him again.

“I feel very good about it. Now they won’t bother me again,” Tomas Miko told CBC News on Wednesday. “If someone did it to me once, perhaps they’d do it again.”

Miko was one of 19 Hungarian men who were falsely lured to Canada by the Domotor-Kolompar criminal organization with the promise of work in the construction industry and thousands of dollars in pay. Instead, they were kept in basements, forced to work from dawn to dusk and fed table scraps........

..........The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) deported 20 people from May 2012 to May 2014 at the end of their prison sentences. The nine deportations publicly announced Tuesday were:

Krisztina Csaszar.
Ferenc Domotor Jr.
Gizella Domotor.
Jozsef Domotor.
Ferenc Karadi.
Attila Kolompar.
Gizella Kolompar.
Gyozo Papai.
Janos Szanto.

A Canadian escort back to Hungary
The CBSA even went so far as to send an escort to ensure the nine arrived in Hungary.
“Generally, if the CBSA has reasonable grounds to believe that an individual could pose a danger to the public during a flight, officers will be deployed to escort the individual to their point of finality,” CBSA spokeswoman Antonella DiGirolamo told CBC News.........

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