Sunday, July 27, 2014

"Put not your trust in princes"

Rex Murphy's warning will be similar to the prediction of Lord Grey's at the onset of WW1 which he quotes in the article below:  
“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”

From NationalPost:
.....“Put not your trust in princes” is not Eliot, but the Psalms. The “princes” of 1914 we now see for what they were — befuddled, arrogant and above all careless of consequences. Who has optimism that today’s leaders are any more wise or ready? Looking at events since the destruction of the twin towers in September, 2001, the inaugural deed of the current crises, who can draw coherence or logic from them. It has been a scramble and a tumbling from one event to the next since that awful day. And by one of history’s “subtle confusions,” as Eliot had it, Afghanistan and Iraq are tending now (and in Iraq’s case, is already there) to a condition more threatening than when the vast effort here in the West to confront terrorism began.....

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