Sunday, July 27, 2014

Libya, the Utopia of NATO warlords, in total chaos

The warmongers of NATO  responsible for the Libyan fiasco of 3 years ago must be feeling a bit of relief these last few days because the world's attention is on the Israel/Gaza war and the Ukraine's ethnic cleansing of Russians from East Ukraine by blowing up passenger planes, separatists and civilians mercilessly. With so much mayhem going on elsewhere, nobody is pointing fingers at what the NATO numbskulls have done to Libya by their wanton desire for regime change here, there and  everywhere where they perceive the rulers of targeted countries not falling on their faces before the sacrosanct NATO feet.  

From all news and indications so far,  Afghanistan is going to go the way of Libya, just like Iraq has already done. The world would have been saved from all this misery if only Saudi Arabia had been bombed out of existence after 9/11.

Ignore the prophecy nonsense spouted  in the last few seconds of the vid below. Everything else is pretty accurate.

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