Saturday, May 17, 2014

Turks on warpath again against their dictator ....

but the dictator is an ally of the West .... so shhhhhhhhhhhhh shut up.  Don't you know our allies can do no wrong?

From  Gul Tuysuz, Ivan Watson and Laura Smith-Spark at CNN:
.....The search for victims  of this week's coal mine fire in Turkey is now over, with a final death toll of 301, Turkish government officials said Saturday.
Authorities believe they have now recovered the bodies of all the workers who perished in the Soma mine when the fire erupted Tuesday.........

..........Amid a rising tide of discontent, local authorities have banned protests in Soma and apparently clamped down on those taking part.
Lawyers' representatives told Turkish broadcaster DHA that eight lawyers and 25 other citizens were detained Saturday. The lawyers were in town to try to help represent families of the dead miners.
Abdurrahman Savas, the governer of Manisa province, where Soma is located, declined to say how many people had been detained over the protests.
But he told reporters that the authorities took the decision Friday to ban rallies and demonstrations in Soma in order to maintain peace and security.
He said that "this is not to prevent freedom of expression."
Distrust of the government is running high in certain sectors of society, with some voicing doubts about the official count of those missing, while others question the fact no one has yet taken responsibility for the tragedy.........

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