Saturday, May 17, 2014

NATO planning a false flag operation for pretext to move into Ukraine?

Anything is possible when men have lost all trace of humanity. Haven't we been seeing plenty of evidence of that lately  from not only those holding power in Ukraine but also from those empowering them?
What if what is claimed in the article below is true? Was the nuclear plant indeed under threat of being taken over by a gang of  (fill in the blank) ... because I am still confused by the meaning of Neo-Nazis or Right Sector or whatever labels some groups in Ukraine are given.  All I can see is one side made up of the genuine grassroots Russian speaking citizenry against the coup govt and their paid killers.

Tony Catalucci writing at GlobalResearch:
.....Reports allege    that some 20 members from the armed Neo-Nazi front, Right Sector, attempted to storm the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, in Energodar city, Zaporizhia province. The Voice of Russia reported in an article titled, “Right Sector attempts to seize largest NPP in Ukraine,” that:
Policemen of the city of Energodar have detained 20 activists of the Right Sector, who tried to seize the Zaporozhye NPP. According to the leader of the Zaporozhye branch of the organization, the militants were afraid that the city would fall in the hands of supporters of federalization.........

.......Whether NATO is in fact attempting to intentionally create threats to Ukraine’s nuclear power plants as a pretext to intervene more directly in Ukraine or not is irrelevant. It is directly supporting the regime in Kiev that had organized and continues to perpetuate Right Sector who is currently creating such threats. However, withNATO being behind the chemical attack in Damascus, Syria in August of 2013 - the idea of NATO fabricating a similar pretext in Ukraine is not beyond the realm of possibilities.........

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