Saturday, May 17, 2014

Look who's back after being executed by firing squad

This is the reason why I tend not to believe our Western media's tales about countries the MSM loves to demonize. 

At this rate, can we really and truly believe the kind of stuff South Korea tells us about their sworn enemy? Remember how that American basketball player was ridiculed when he said he had seen the ex-girlfriend even after reports of her execution?  Turns out there wasn't anything wrong with his eyes.  I wonder if the supposedly executed uncle is also alive and well.

Jack Simpson writing at IndependentUK:
....The ex-girlfriend of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un who was thought to have been executed by firing squad last year has appeared back on state television smiling and talking.

In what is a miraculous turn of events, singer Hyon Song-wyol seems to have come back from the dead after being interviewed during a state broadcast.

Last year, reports from newspapers in neighbouring South Korea reported that Hyon had been one of a group of musicians arrested and then machine gunned down after charges of pornography were brought against her.

According to the reports, the singer, along with band members of the Unhasu Orchestra, the Wangjaesan Light Music Band and the Moranbong Band were accused of filming themselves having sex with one another and then selling the recordings.

Up until now, Hyon was thought to have been dead for almost a year.

This was corroborated by the South Korean intelligence chief, Nam Jae-Joon, who said in October that he was aware of an execution.....

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