Sunday, March 23, 2014

France's Marine Le Pen is in high spirits ....

as her party is picking up seats here, there, everywhere.  

From GalliaWatch blog:
....Le Figaro has announced a major victory for the Front National. Steeve Briois, general secretary of the party has been elected mayor of Hénin-Beaumont on the first round, garnering over 50% of the votes. There will be no second round.

The FN is doing very well in other cities:

Béziers - Robert Ménard leads with 44.7% of the votes

Avignon - Philippe Lottiaux has a small lead over the left-wing coalition with 29.4% vs 27.5%. The right-wing coalition received 22.3%. 

Fréjus - David Rachline is well ahead with 40.2% of the votes.

Perpignan - Louis Aliot, vice-president of the FN leads with 34.4% of the votes

Forbach - Florian Philippot obtained 35.75% of the votes while the incumbent mayor received 33%. 

Note: Many of the above cases will be "triangulations" in the second round next Sunday, where three parties present themselves. Sometimes, there are coalitions formed by two of the three to stop the Front National. A better word would be "strangulation"............

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