Sunday, March 23, 2014

Air Canada's gibberish in denying compensation to bumped passenger: “miscommunicated seat assignments due to operational constraints,”

When in doubt whether to side with your fellow citizens or with big corporations, always side with your fellow citizens because you never know when you too might be in a similar situation having to deal with a corporation who retains dozens of lawyers to shaft you even if you are in the right and you can't do much about it.  Air Canada agreed to compensate, BUT ONLY AFTER they were taken to Small Courts.  How many people have the time, the money to hire their own lawyers, or the inclination to take matters that far?  Corporate lawyers know that and so they continue to crush the little people every time they can.

I stand with Dan Lachance of Nova Scotia.  Well done sir!

From YahooFinance:
....A Waverley, N.S., man has taken Air Canada  to small claims court after he says the country’s largest passenger airline refused to compensate him when he was bumped from a flight last month.
Dan Lachance sometimes flies to other cities to teach computer classes to corporate clients. In early February, he was bumped from a flight in Vancouver while on the way from Halifax to Whitehorse.
He and another passenger had tickets for the same seat. Lachance was told he had to wait for the next Air Canada flight to Whitehorse, which wasn’t for another eight hours. 
He arrived in Whitehorse just before midnight — a total travel time of 24 hours from Halifax.
"Exhausted, tired," Lachance said. "I had hoped to make contact with who I was doing work with in Whitehorse that afternoon, but that had to wait to early the next morning instead."
According to Air Canada’s tariff, it must pay a passenger $800 if they are bumped for more than six hours. The airline, however, refused to pay..............

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