Thursday, February 27, 2014

Assad's Syrian army sends hundreds of jihadis to humping heaven

170  jihadis,  multiply by 72 virgins for each jihadi = 12,240 virgins.  Now, just picture those bloody and torn jihadi body parts all over those pristine virgins humping away somewhere in those cottony clouds up above.  No wonder we had that snowy thunderstorm kind of weather today over here.  Too much humping going on up there resulting in dislodging all those snowflakes on us down here.

From LiveLeak:
170 terrorists from different nationalities  killed in Eastern Ghouta today near the Otaybah lake.
A Syrian Army military source said that an army unit eliminated scores of terrorists of 'Jabhat al Nusra' and the so-called "Islam battalion" according to intelligence information in an ambush in the Eastern Ghouta in Damascus Countryside.
It added that 175 terrorists were killed, clarifying that most of them Saudis, Qataris and Chechens.
A field leader said that this operation is an outcome of the cracking down on the armed terrorist groups in the Eastern Ghouta and the preparation of army units to prevent terrorists from infiltrating ....

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