Friday, February 28, 2014

Terrorism by Laser Beams in Canada but our law makers and law givers are fast asleep

I have been throwing light (pun intended) on this danger from way back 2009 but who gives a damn about what a dodo has to say, eh?

Listed below are my previous posts on the terrorist tactics employed by terrorists but our ostrich-government keep treating these terrorist acts as "youth mischief."  Don't the numbskulls in the areas of "serve and protect" know about how  terrorists in Syria are using children as soldiers?  Don't they know about how well Palestinian children are well-trained in rock throwing? Children, especially well-trained youngsters, can be as dangerous and many a time even more so than adults.
My post dated Aug 2009  
My posting of Oct 2009  
My post of Oct 2010  

Now, here's what I don't understand.  Read the article below and see for yourselves.  Three Muslims have been caught and fined for aiming laser beams at a helicopter in Edmonton.  Fined $3000 each.  Does that make sense to you? This was a terrorist act and yet our justice system didn't see it as such?  What's wrong with Canada?

Otiena Ellwand writing at LeaderPost:
....Three young men were each fined $3,000 for pointing a laser at the Edmonton police’s Air-1 helicopter in September, an unprecedented fine in Alberta.

Mohamed Cheikh-Mohamad, 19, Khaled Ahmad Safi, 20, and Mohammed El-Mustapha, 19, pleaded guilty to endangering the safety of an aircraft under the Federal Aeronautics Act in provincial court on Tuesday.

On Sept. 7, 2013, police were flying above 153rd Avenue and 117th Street in the Castle Downs area just before midnight when the pilot saw a flash of green light, Crown prosecutor Breena Smith told court. He put on protective glasses and was able to pinpoint the source. Police on the ground arrested the three men, who beamed the laser at the helicopter for two minutes.

Smith said the laser could have damaged the pilot’s retina or left him with a temporary loss of vision.

It was a “continuous and relentless attack,” Smith said. “It could have been catastrophic.”............

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