Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ukraine: news, recent developments, analysis, propaganda and what-have-you

Do you get the feeling that Ukraine might sink into a civil war?  Who knew that there were millions of Tatars (Muslims by another name) in Ukraine, and they hate  Putin and his admin for what they are doing to their terrorist brothers in the Northern Caucasus. Have you ever known any region of the world where these aggressive-natured people have not demanded that things go their way and their way only? Now, take the Tatar element in Ukraine and mix it with the Nazi ingredient (which is also another surprise ... who knew, eh?) and see what you get.  Tatars, as is their nature, hate everybody who is not of their book ... that includes Christians and Jews.  On the other hand, the Nazis or skinheads or the extreme right,   hate Jews, Muslims and anybody and everybody else who dare to go around in skin not as white as theirs.... so my guess is, we have to wait and see how the mess in Ukraine becomes a bigger mess and might even lead to the big war everybody is expecting but hoping they won't get.

What's gonna happen when Ukraine joins EU and French-Africans and Malmo Muslim gangs drop there for a visit? Fun times ahead.  

Alessandra Prentice writing at Reuters
.... Taking matters into their own hands, separatist-minded protesters at a rally on Sunday voted to appoint Alexei Chaly, a Russian businessman, as the de facto mayor of Sevastopol in a show of hands.
The next day the presence of a large crowd on the streets outside a meeting of the city administration ensured his appointment could not be blocked.
The chaotic events, followed by more protests on this week, and more calls for secession, underline how difficult the transition of power may be in Ukraine, especially in Crimea......

....Rumours that protesters from Kiev's barricades might be on their way from the capital to put down separatist moves have prompted some Crimeans to create informal self-defence units.
Around 3,000 men have signed up in Sevastopol alone, with military veterans and former members of the Berkut riot police training the younger recruits, the organisers say.....

Michael Petrou writing at Macleans:
....“We’re here to protect Sevastopol,”  said one of the men who stopped our car on the road south from the Crimean capital of Simferopol to the more famous port city he claimed to be guarding.

He and his friends stomping their feet around a campfire wore the same ramshackle outfits as the “Self Defence” units guarding barricades throughout central Kyiv: military surplus camouflage and ratty balaclavas. They held anti-riot shields and even gave themselves the same name Self Defence name as their Kyiv counterparts.
The most visible difference, and one that spoke volumes, was the flag affixed to a military-style truck parked nearby. It was not the blue and yellow of Ukraine, but the red, white and blue tricolour of Russia........

Andrei P. Tsygankov writing at MoscowTimes:
There is no question that to Russia, the revolutionary transition of power in Ukraine constitutes a major geopolitical defeat. All the talk about a non zero-sum nature of Ukrainian transformation in the interest of the "people of Ukraine" is little more than a smoke screen covering the West's ambition to have the final say in Kiev. To think otherwise is to pretend that international politics does not exist...... 

Intriguing to note that an USA oil company had  a big foot inside Ukraine.

Was the 10 Billion deal signed with Chevron US last year, still on or gone sour?

Uwe Klubmann at Spiegel:
....The situation in Ukraine remains volatile -- and presents Russian President Vladimir Putin with a difficult conundrum. Should Ukrainian nationalists continue to gain power, pressure will grow on the Kremlin to take action...........

If you have a mind to listen to the Nuland "fuck EU" conversation, the whole thing is in the tweet below. Nice clear cut evidence of the USA playing god as usual.  

Paul Craig Roberts at his blog:
....Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Declare that Power Comes Out of the Barrels of their Guns.  
....Members of President Yanukovich’s ruling party, the Party of Regions, have been shot, had arrest warrants issued for them, have experienced home invasions and physical threats, and are resigning in droves in hopes of saving the lives of themselves and their families. The prosecutor’s office in the Volyn region (western Ukraine) has been ordered by ultra-nationalists to resign en masse .

Jewish synagogs and Eastern Orthodox Christian churches are being attacked.

To toot my own horn, I might have been the first and only to predict that Washington’s organization of pro-EU Ukrainian politicians into a coup against the elected government of Ukraine would destroy democracy and establish the precedent that force prevails over elections, thereby empowering the organized and armed extreme right-wing.
This is precisely what has happened. Note that there was no one in the Obama regime who had enough sense to see the obvious result of their smug, self-satisfied interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine.....

Israel Shamir at his blog:
.....Their great neighbour, Russia,  does not appear overtly concerned with this ominous development. Both Russian news agencies, TASS and RIA, didn’t even place the dire Ukrainian news at the top, as Reuters and BBC did: for them, the Olympics and the biathlon were of greater importance, as you can see on these print screens....
This “ostrich” attitude is quite typical of the Russian media: whenever they find themselves in an embarrassing position, they escape into showing the Swan Lake ballet on TV. That's what they did when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. This time it was the Olympics instead of the ballet.....

....This hands-off approach could have been expected: Russia did not interfere in the disastrous Ukrainian elections 2004, or in the Georgian elections that produced extremely anti-Russian governments. Russia gets involved only if there is a real battle on the ground, and a legitimate government asks for help, as in Ossetia in 2008 or in Syria in 2011. Russia supports those who fight for their cause, otherwise Russia, somewhat disappointingly, stands aside.

The West has no such inhibitions and its representatives were extremely active: the US State Department representative Victoria “Fuck EC’’ Nuland had spent days and weeks in Kiev, feeding the insurgents with cookies, delivering millions of smuggled greenbacks to them, meeting with their leaders, planning and plotting the coup. Kiev is awash with the newest US dollars fresh from its mint (of a kind yet unseen in Moscow, I’ve been told by Russian friends). The US embassy spread money around like a tipsy Texan in a night club. Every able-bodied young man willing to fight received five hundred dollar a week, a qualified fighter – up to a thousand, a platoon commander had two thousand dollars – good money by Ukrainian standards........

From RT:
The Supreme Council of Ukraine's Autonomous Republic of Crimea passed a no-confidence motion dismissing the regional government, on Thursday in Simferopol. The local parliament has also voted in favour of holding a referendum to decide the future of Crimea on May 25. The vote will reportedly concern the autonomous status of Crimea and the scope of its powers.

The announcement triggered a positive reaction of the crowd outside the Crimean Parliament. Despite the demands of the pro-Russian protesters being met, many remained on site in the hope of bringing the referendum forward in time.

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