Sunday, January 19, 2014

Immigrants to Canada used to be made of strong stuff ....

now we have whiners and government-teat-suckers everywhere you turn.  There was a time in Canada,  I am told by friends whose grandparents came to this country in the late 1800s, that the government would warn prospective immigrants that life was hard in this Northern land  but hard work and determination would give them a better future than they have at present.  The new immigrants of those days could either lease or buy farm land which was anywhere from approx.3 -7 British Pounds an acre. Immigrants had to grow their own food. Above all. the government left you alone in peace. It was up to you to either survive or die. Those immigrants survived and how they survived!!  They not only produced produce they also produced the next generation of people with strong backbones and work ethics like the lady below. Now we have a government who insists on taking care of you from birth to death .... which death is far sooner because of the government's interference.

From CTVNews:
...No one was searching for Verna Zwarich, 89, as she lay on the floor of a farm shed with a broken hip for three nights in freezing temperatures.
But the Saskatchewan woman never lost hope.
“I just thought about good things,” she told CTV Saskatoon. “I thought how nice and warm it would be to be home.”

Zwarich left her family home in Hanley, Sask. on Oct. 9 to do yard work at her farm, which she has been managing by herself.
While cleaning the yard, she fell and broke her hip. She crawled to her truck and tried to lift herself into the vehicle, but the pain was overwhelming. She was helpless and alone, with no cell phone and no family nearby.
She waited as cars drove by on a nearby gravel road, but no one stopped to help her.
“I thought surely somebody’s going to stop,” she said. “But they go so fast.”
Temperatures dropped as the day went on, and Zwarich managed to drag herself to a nearby shed where she stayed from Wednesday night until Saturday morning.
She found two thin blankets, but no food and no water. She fought off mice with a stick and listened as coyotes howled in the yard...........

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