Saturday, January 18, 2014

Christians are being beheaded by those the West has given logistic support, training, weapons and funds

If the West had not supported the Syrian "rebels" against the legitimate government from the get go, the world would not be facing the unprecedented horror of the atrocities going on unbridled in that land and there would not have been the refugee crisis of today ... the kind the world has not seen in several decades .. if ever. Was there ever a time, even during WWII  where such a large number of people were displaced?  I don't think so.

Who or what is responsible for the conflict in Syria and for "rebels" killing Christians for wearing crosses around their necks?  The governments of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany and the rest of the EU .... and we should never forget that.  This is the biggest mistake that our overlords have made and if justice prevailed they would all be put behind bars ... but when have we seen politicians made to suffer for their crimes or getting their due rewards? 

From FidesNews:
....Young Christian killed and beheaded by jihadists.  
Islamist groups have killed and beheaded a young Christian man, seriously wounding another. The incident, which occurred on 8 January, was reported to Fides only now by a priest in the diocese of Homs. The two, Firas Nader (29), and Fadi Matanius Mattah (34), were traveling by car from Homs to the Christian village of Marmarita. A group of five armed jihadists intercepted the vehicle and opened fire on the car. Upon reaching the car, militiamen, noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, beheaded him. They then took money and documents, leaving Firas on the ground wounded, believing he was already dead. Firas instead managed to escape, reaching the town of Almshtaeih on foot and was then transferred to the hospital in Tartou. Some of the faithful were able to recover the body of Mattah, bringing him to Marmarita, where the local Christian community expressed strong indignation for the horrible act carried out.
According to a statement sent to Fides by Aid to the Church in Need" (ACN), violence against Christians in Syria, is becoming "one of the worst persecutions endured by Christians in this part of the third millennium". According to the latest reports, more than 600,000 Christians - a third of the total Syrian faithful - are internally displaced or living as refugees in neighboring countries. Christian leaders confirm the massive exodus of Christians from Syria, which could seriously jeopardize the future of Christians in the nation............


  1. Terror should be fought with terror.
    If I had my druthers, I would slow cook those two bearded smug mf's over a pit barbecue.
    The Christians are at a disadvantage, apparently nobody is sending them weapons.

    1. I agree.
      Unfortunately, the stupid Christians are not asking for weapons. That's the whole sorry business of it all. Christianity makes idiots more idiotic because being a Christian means you go to pains not to kill another human being.
      I am a militant Christian. Very few of us around but too many of the meek kind.
      If given a chance I would cut those in the pic into small tiny pieces and feed those pieces to dogs and pigs.

  2. Nice touch about the pigs. After slow roasting the bearded bastards, they would be, still screaming, fed to the hungry pigs.
    It would be filmed for the internet and sent to the terrorists sites.
    Well I can dream, can't I?

    1. hahahahaha! Yes, I dream too of committing untold kind of atrocities on this type of scum.


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