Sunday, January 19, 2014

Good Move

Can't critique the Israeli PM for this.  This is how it should be every single time. How about calling in the  nitwits at the UN too. They scream louder than most.

Herb Keinon writing at JerusalemPost:
.......Netanyahu was referring  to the decision by Britain, France, Italy and Spain last week to call in Israel's ambassadors in those countries to protest the recent decision to build 1,400 housing units in the major settlement blocs, and in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood in northern Jerusalem, beyond the pre-1967 lines. 

Israel, in a tit-for-tat move, called in the ambassadors of those countries stationed in Tel Aviv to protest the protest, and say that these countries do not act in a similar manner when the PA incites toward Israel's destruction or its security officers participate in terrorist acts.

"This one-sided approach does not promote peace, but rather pushes it away," he said.  According to Netanyahu, these types of protests against Israel strengthen the Palestinian Authority's refusal to make progress in the negotiations by creating the impression that they will not be held accountable for any of their actions.

Netanyahu contrasted this behavior to that of Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who will arrive Sunday for a four-day visit to Israel, his first ever in the country, and the first visit by a sitting Canadian prime minister in 14 years.
Netanyahu called Harper "a great friend of Israel, also a great friend of mine," and said that under his leadership Canada has reached new heights in standing firm in its moral stand against efforts to delegitimize Israel........

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