Monday, January 20, 2014

Historic speech given to the Knesset by Canadian PM Harper

This one will go down in history ... word for word.  

From David Akin's blog:
The following is a text of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s speech to the Knesset, delivered at approximately 6:30 pm Jerusalem time on Monday January 20, 2014. The following has been adapted from a prepared text distributed to reporters ahead of the speech. The actual speech, as a result, may differ slightly from you see here.
Moreover, I have removed French-language sections of the speech that largely repeated adjacent English-language sections. Any formatting or grammar error are also likely mine introduced in the editing process..........
Shalom.And thank you for inviting me to visit this remarkable country, and especially for this opportunity to address the Knesset.It is truly a great honour.........


  1. Q: How many heads of state of western civilization even came close to uttering Harper's sentiments?
    A: None that I know off.
    Good for him.

    1. I was feeling good about the speech and his sincere sentiments for Israel and Jews but then I read that the guy has committed to giving over a 100 Million of our money to the Palestinians. I am off him again. Politicians!!!


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