Monday, January 20, 2014

Seeking Black Widow, must be Muslim, must like making loud BOOOOOM

Russia is widening the net  and increasing security after fears that one might have already made it past the security ring. Either this is indeed true or the American media is trying to throw a wrench in Russia's tourism industry and the Sochi events. To my eyes, I often view nations behaving like little spoilt brats.  The most spoilt is the USA.

From USAToday:
....A possible female suicide bomber   may have already made it past the ring of security for the Sochi Olympic Games, according to reports from ABC News and NBC News.

Russian security services may be looking for as many as four "black widows" who have been dispatched to disrupt the Olympics, NBC News reported Monday. The suspected terrorist who may be inside the security ring is believed to be a young widow of an Islamic militant killed by Russian security forces last year. She is described as being affiliated with the Caucasus Emirate, the terror group led by Doku Umarov that has threatened attacks against next month's Winter Games in Sochi.
Wanted posters describe the woman as having a limp in her right leg, a left arm that does not bend at the elbow and a 4-inch scar on her cheek. The notices say that Russian security officials have been informed of her possible departure from Dagestan earlier this month.
Militant groups in the Caucasus are known to use "black widows," considered by security experts to be harder to identify because they do not fit the stereotype of an Islamic militant and can easily change their appearance with clothing and makeup....

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