Monday, January 20, 2014

Hundreds of Aussie Muslims and Aussie converts to Islam have become jihadis

Unbridled Muslim immigration to Australia during the era of the Liberal govt. and the influx of Muslim refugees that the lefties cried buckets of tears for during their sessions in parliament,  now coming back to haunt the entire nation.  And, they haven't seen nothing yet.  Imagine what networking can do when these jihadis come back to Australia, get in touch with each other and decide to form their own little terrorist groups on Australian soil. That same scenario will be the new normal not only in Australia but also in Canada, UK, France, Germany and other places.  

Australia is mulling over removing citizenship from jihadis coming back to Australia.Why mull over it? Do it pronto ... as should the pussy Canadian govt.

Greg Stolz, Ashlee Mullany and Chris McMahon writing at TheAustralian:
Amira Karroum was one of many Australians being recruited to fight in Syria.....
...."Everything is temporary," she wrote. And: "Islam is my identity. The burqa is my shield. Jannah (the Islamic garden of paradise) is my destination.''
The husband she called her "lion", and the "man of my dreams" wrote in one of his last posts: "Preparing for the grave".....

.....It is believed as many as 205 Australians have travelled to the battlefield that is Syria since the conflict began in 2011 - part of a contingent of about 11,000 foreign fighters answering what they see as Allah's call to battle.....
...Andrew Zammit from the Monash University Global Terrorism Research Centre said most fighters who returned to Australia would not become a threat, but others "could be very dangerous".
"They can get skills, connections, and may decide to carry out violence," Zammit says.
"Authorities are very worried. They are aware that this is the greatest mobilisation of Australians to fight with jihadist groups that we've ever had.....

.....Despite her education at one of the country's top Anglican schools, St Hilda's in Brisbane, Karroum was always a Muslim - but it was not until a couple of years ago that she started to wear a burqa. On her Facebook page, she described her work as a "Slave of Allah" and her posts became increasingly extreme, condemning America, the war on terror and even democracy.....

Rachel Olding writing at SydneyMorningHerald
... A Sydney man who died in Syria with his wife was allegedly recruited to the battlefield by a radical disability pensioner living in the western suburbs.
Fairfax Media can reveal that Yusuf Ali was one of six men allegedly sent to the frontline by Hamdi Alqudsi, 39, to fight with terrorist organisations in the country's civil war.
Mr Alqudsi, from St Helen's Park, was charged in December with recruiting, funding and organising for the men to travel to Syria to fight with Jabhat al-Nusra and other al-Qaeda affiliates....
...Mr Ali was known as Tyler Hunt and Tyler Casey before he converted to Islam four years ago during a chance dinner with a Muslim man in his Gold Coast apartment block.
He was born into a large Christian family in Colorado, in the US, where his parents and siblings were in mourning on Thursday.....

From GuardianUK:
....Australians fighting in Syria could lose citizenship, Scott Morrison signals
Immigration minister looking at emulating powers used in UK to prevent the return of dual nationals who go out to fight.
Scott Morrison has signalled the government could seek to remove the Australian citizenship rights of dual nationals fighting in Syria, along the lines of powers being exercised in the UK.
The immigration minister used an interview with Sydney radio station 2GB on Monday to confirm the Abbott government was looking “right now” at strengthening its options to deal with dual nationals fighting in Syria....

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