Sunday, January 19, 2014

Canada's Last Frontier

The Globe & Mail is running editorials on Northern Canada ... started a couple of days back.  Quite informative.  We on the Right can choose to ignore the barbs shot at the PM in some of them and read the stuff for the various items of info provided,  some of which info I found to be eye-opening stuff.

some paras from Editor John Stackhouse letter
.... Letter from the editor:.... 
.....As southern as we, individually, may be, the North has again become a test of nation-building.
But whose nation? And how should it be built?
Those questions are among the most important facing Canada, as we chair the Arctic Council and our federal government charts an increasingly bold northern strategy.
To search for answers, we dispatched a dozen journalists to explore every corner they could reach, fanning across an expanse larger than India. Combined, they travelled 60,000 kilometres, from Iqaluit in the east to Whitehorse in the west, and from the northern reaches of Eureka to Cape Dorset in the south.
Their stories, videos and photographs begin to appear today and will continue to roll out on our website and mobile apps over the next week, along with commentary and insight from Canada’s most influential voices on northern affairs, and debate among our readers......

Nice chart and info here.

Here are 3 pages of great pics from the North 

Here's the twitter hashtag for the G&M's initiative. 

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