Sunday, January 19, 2014

On the number of dead in Kabul restaurant almost doubles and how Karzai shows his gratitude to NATO

First they said 13 were dead, now we have reports of 21 dead of which 13 were foreigners. 
Only because there were Westerners among the dead, we are now getting the actual (actual maybe, maybe not) numbers.  In similar bombings or attacks, do you see the media re-visiting the stories?  

From TheAustralian:
....Foreigners targeted  at Kabul restaurant suicide bombing. A SUICIDE attack on a popular Lebanese restaurant at the weekend was the deadliest assault on foreigners in Afghanistan since Western troops moved in to oust the Taliban 12 years ago.

Survivors described carnage and bloodshed, as details emerged of 21 people, including 13 foreigners, who were killed.
Desperate customers hid under tables on Friday night, local time, when one attacker detonated his suicide vest at the fortified entrance to the Taverna du Liban and two other militants stormed inside and opened fire.
Among the dead were two Americans, two Britons, two Canadians, the International Monetary Fund head of mission, and the restaurant's Lebanese owner, who was killed as he tried to fire back at the attackers.

A female Danish member of the European police mission in Afghanistan and a Russian UN political officer also died in the massacre. The UN said four of its staff had been killed, but did not release their nationalities.
"We heard a big bang and everywhere was dark," Atiqullah, 27, an assistant chef, said by telephone from a funeral for three of the restaurant's guards.
"We used a back door to go to the second floor. Our manager went downstairs. We heard some gunshots and later found out that he had been shot dead.
"There was blood everywhere, on tables, on chairs. Apparently, the attackers had shot people from a very close range."..........

.......A haven for Afghans and expats, The Taverna has been a regular dining spot for foreign diplomats, aid workers and Afghan officials and businessmen for several years. It is across the road from the British embassy compound. It was considered well protected and was one of the few places approved by the UN....

....President Hamid Karzai condemned the attack, but in a sign of growing tension with Washington appeared to equate it with the airstrike. "The war on terror will bear fruit when victims and terrorists are distinguished from each other and the elements of terror are fought against," he said.....

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