Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Aleppo's Franciscan Bishop tries to instill hope in the homeless, displaced, raped and destitute Christians

I am amazed at how the clergy including the Catholic honcho keeps telling the faithful to have patience, have hope, have fuck all .... but never tells them to fight back. These idiots still think that dialogue with the devils killing them in the most horrendous way, is possible.  Commonsense should tell these people when not to turn the other cheek.  Prayers are totally useless in the face of evil.  What Bloody Fools to think otherwise!!!

From ProTerraSancta:
“Have courage brothers,  because each beginning has an end” words of hope from the new Franciscan Bishop of Aleppo....

....... “God was responsible for Paul’s conversion in Damascus from oppressor to preacher of the Gospel. His disciples were called Christians for the first time in Antioch, in Syria. He is able to protect his children and keep the flame of faith alight so that it can continue to be a sign of hope, of dialogue and of reconciliation”.....

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