Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Western instigated unrest ongoing in Kiev

Whatever is happening in Kiev is the result of  Western powers interfering yet again in a foreign country.  Sadly, Canada is also one of the instigators.  The West is playing a very dirty game which can backfire very badly in the near future. 

From TheHindu:
West fomenting Ukraine unrest, says Russia.  As fierce clashes in Ukraine’s capital Kiev continued for a second day Russia’s Foreign Minister accused the West of fomenting unrest that was “spinning out of control.”

“We are aware on the strength of available information that this [violence in Kiev] is being largely incited from outside the country,” Sergei Lavrov said at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday.

Violent confrontation between protesters and police, which began on Sunday, resumed on Monday night and continued till early Tuesday. The Demonstrators hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at police, who responded with tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets.

The scene of the clashes on Hrushevskyy Street in central Kiev looked like a warzone, with burning carcasses of police vans, makeshift barricades and stones dug up from the pavement.

The violence marked dramatic radicalisation of two-month-long peaceful protests against the Ukrainian government’s decision not to sign a key association pact with the European Union and to strengthen instead alliance with Russia....

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