Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Quebec's "Charter of Values" Bill 60

I have my fingers and my toes too, crossed .... hoping this Bill will be passed.  I will even take up French language lessons and mull over the possibility of moving to Quebec if it does.  All those crying buckets over how discrimating the law will be, are downright idiots.  If one does not like the law, move out.  Those like myself in the rest of Canada who throw up every time we see Muslim women in black bags and face masks are happy to see Quebec doing something to retain Quebec as Quebec and not let Muslim immigrants turn it into Saudi Arabia.

Below are some  updates on what's been going on in the last few days:

More here.

Andy Blatchford writing at CP via CTVNews:
....A woman came out  in defence Monday of her parents' controversial testimony during hearings into Quebec's secularism charter, insisting her folks are by no means racist and that even friends of the family are black.
The Caron-Pineault family's pro-charter arguments last Thursday drew a flurry of criticism, so much so that a YouTube video featuring excerpts of their appearance attracted more than 300,000 views by Monday afternoon -- a rare feat for a parliamentary commission.
Manon Pineault said she her parents were misunderstood when they told the public hearings about their experiences from their visits to the predominantly Muslim countries of Morocco and Turkey.
In her testimony, Pineault's mother, Genevieve Caron, recalled how she was stunned to see people on all fours on small rugs while they prayed in a Moroccan mosque. She added how she was taken aback when asked to follow the custom of removing her shoes before entering the building.
Caron's husband, Claude Pineault, said people wearing Muslim veils tried to pickpocket him while he was shopping for souvenirs at a market in Morocco.
He told the commission it would be unthinkable to allow people in Quebec to walk around wearing such disguises.
The family's comments were swiftly chastized on social media as being ignorant, but their daughter, who also testified at the hearing, disagreed with the critics.
"There was nothing controversial (in their remarks)," Pineault said Monday, noting the family is very open to other cultures and that her own children have friends from different backgrounds.
"My daughter is dating a black man and he's very well accepted at our house.
"We're not racist. Not at all -- it's not even a question of that."..........

From CTV:
....Quebec Liberal Leader   Philippe Couillard clarified his party's position on the values debate Tuesday, coming out in favour of allowing public-sector employees to wear religious symbols at work.
The Liberals also endorsed the religious neutrality of the state, the preservation of Quebec's religious heritage and the continued presence of the crucifix in the national assembly.
They came out, however, against the niqab and burka in government offices as well as the chador, a long garment that covers the entire body.
Couillard focused on the chador, telling a news conference the garment is quite different from head scarves that are worn daily in Quebec society.
"This garment translates a message of withdrawal of women -- submission -- and this is not something that, for us, is compatible with public services," he said.
The Quebec government's proposed legislation, Bill 60, would forbid public employees from wearing visible religious symbols including turbans, kippas and bigger-than-average crucifixes.
Couillard said forbidding everything would make Bill 60 inapplicable..........

As you can surmise from above, the Liberals as usual come up with the most nonsensical reasons to make accommodation for religious garb. Their tongues are long and strong as they go on their knees sucking for dear life, hoping for those Muslim votes. Whores!  More disgusting creatures, you will not find. The Lib leader in Quebec is caught between a rock and a hard place and just can't help making a bigger fool of himself while he prances around trying to please everybody. 

Ingrid Peritz writing at Globe&Mail:
.... One man said he wouldn’t want his prostate checked by a female doctor who wore a head-to-toe chador. Another said Montreal is already “strange” to the rest of Quebec and could get stranger. A former nun said she switched cashes at Staples rather than be served by a woman in Muslim head scarf.....

......The PQ minister responsible for the legislation, Democratic Institutions Minister Bernard Drainville, won’t budge on the bill’s only real issue in dispute – the ban on wearing such religious articles as turbans, kippas and head scarves in the Quebec civil service. It’s “an essential and inescapable condition of the bill,” he said as hearings kicked off......


  1. The Caron-Pineault's were merely making accurate observations of their visit to those Muslim countries. I had a female friend and her daughter who visited Morocco recently(unescorted by a male) and said she would never go back to any Muslim country even though Morocco is one of the least crazy of them(thus far anyway). She noticed how men leeringly looked at them and how rude they were. Once they could even get served at a café because they were unaccompanied by a male. I told her it was a good thing she decided not to visit Egypt.

    1. Yes, there are too many stories like the Morocco one.
      If one is not clothed the way they want their women to be draped, then the men think they are sluts. There they want foreigners to abide by their codes ... however, when they get to our shores, instead of our codes of conduct they bring their own cavemen habits and insist on us abiding by those. Worst of all ... we let them get away with it with help from the Judeo-Christian idiots in our citizenry and in our government.

  2. I forgot to put 'not' in the statement "Once they (not) could even get served "


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