Monday, October 28, 2013

Sex Jihad in the depraved cult of islam

Sex jihad in Syria ... the stuff that dimwit journalists are trying to tell us does not exist just because they can't wrap their puny little brains around the idea.  Idiots! 

Sex jihad is  no propaganda.  Reality is stranger than fiction and reality in the cult of islam is beyond the worst of your worst nightmares.  

From BBCNews:
Tunisia's 'sexual jihad' - extremist fatwa  or propaganda?  When Tunisia's authorities announced that a stream of young women had been leaving their homes to provide sexual services to Islamist militants in Tunisia and Syria, the statement was greeted with both shock and scepticism. The BBC's Ahmed Maher went to Tunisia to investigate the reports.
For months, there have been rumours about what the world's media have dubbed a "sexual jihad", but the scope of the practice and its possible links to the conflict in Syria have been shrouded in mystery.
The story is rooted in the Jebel ech Chaambi (Chaambi mountains) area of western central Tunisia, on the border with Algeria.
This remote region has witnessed fierce battles between the Tunisian army and militants linked to al-Qaeda since December 2012.
The authorities say they have arrested a number of girls and women in cities around Chaambi, whom they accuse of having sex with battle-weary militants as part of a campaign to improve morale......

......In April, the most senior Muslim religious authority in Tunisia, Mufti Othman Batikh, caused an uproar in the media when he alleged that Tunisian girls were visiting Syria to take part in a sexual jihad.
Three months later, he was sacked by President Muncif Marzouk. Mr Batikh says that was in punishment for speaking out..........

.....Another prominent Muslim scholar in Tunisia, Sheikh Fareed Elbaji, told the BBC he personally knew families who had discovered that their daughters had gone to Chaambi and Syria to offer sex in support of the militants, apparently in obedience to fatwas or religious edicts issued on the battlefields of Syria.

"Those extremists base their malicious fatwas on the rule that necessity allows forbidden things - in this case temporary marriage to meet the sexual needs of the rebels.
"Islam forbids this practice, which amounts to voluntary prostitution," he said.
In largely secular and liberal Tunisia, the idea of sexual jihad comes as a shock. Many dismiss it as a politically motivated hoax.
But others, already alarmed by growing extremism in the country, say it cannot be so easily ruled out.....

1 comment:

  1. Man, those militants have it good. In addition to getting 72 virgins after they are killed, they get to enjoy young women(girls) even before they get well deserved bullets to their carcasses.


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