Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cavemen country of Saudi Arabia arrests 12 women, fines 6 others for defying driving ban

This country is our ally;
This country was recently chosen to sit on the UN's security council;
This country has  been praised by France and Denmark, along with  82 other countries (mostly Muslim nations) for "progress in Human Rights"   (Please don't laugh ... this is a serious matter!) 
This country arms and funds terrorists around the world;
This country floods schools and universities in the West with billions  of dollars in exchange for holding Islamic courses and  sessions in those bribed institutions in order to brainwash our young;
This country is NEVER criticized by either the USA, UK, Canada and other Judeo-Christian countries for the harm the cavemen are doing all over the world.  

In the news item below, see how the women are considered to be non-entities without a male vouching for them even when it comes to signing a paper at the police stations.  

Slavery is very much alive and well in Saudi Arabia.  We might have eradicated the plague, smallpox, polio (unfortunately the Taliban are bringing it back) and many other diseases .... but slavery in Saudi Arabia is written in stone and the world turns a blind eye because  the greed for Saudi oil and Saudi neverending money in bribes to everybody everywhere addictive.  Truly vomit inducing!!

From MetroUK:
Saudi women arrested and fined  for daring to defy ban on female drivers.  A group of women who deliberately ignored Saudi Arabia’s ban on female drivers have reportedly been arrested and fined for driving their cars.
More than 60 women claim to have taken to the road on Saturday as part of a day of protest against the ban.
The capital’s deputy police spokesman, Colonel Fawaz Al Miman, said six women were stopped in Riyadh and each was fined 300 riyals (around £50).
According to Channel 4 News, the women – along with a male guardian – were made to ‘sign a pledge to respect the kingdom’s laws’.
It has also been claimed as many as 12 women were arrested across the country for taking part in the demonstration.
Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive but campaigners claim the ban is not enshrined in Saudi law but is instead an informal ruling.
Religious leaders in the country have condemned the day of action but the protest has received widespread praise and coverage among western nations.

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