Monday, October 28, 2013

The story of Maria, the albino child

How could Maria's real mom, the woman from Bulgaria just give her child to a stranger she met in Greece?  I am with the authorities who want to try her and her husband for the crime of child trafficking, because in spite of her tears and Oscar winning performance,  the couple definitely accepted money in return for selling the kid to a complete stranger. This is just one of the reasons that the future will have "Licence to Birth" regulations. Wait and see.

Fiona Govan writing at Telegraph:
Maria's mother tearfully denies selling child. 
Sasha Ruseva claims she gave up her daughter to woman she met in the street in hope she would have a better life
The biological mother of Maria, the little blonde girl found living in a Roma settlement in Greece earlier this month, has tearfully denied selling her daughter and insisted she gave her up in the belief the child would have a better life.

Sasha Ruseva, 35, the impoverished Bulgarian woman who was identified as Maria's mother by DNA testing, admitted that she had given up her child - to a woman who approached her in the street, not the Roma couple who she was later discovered living with.
"I met a blonde lady one day and we started talking and she told me, 'why don't you leave this kid to me, I don't have kids and I have a comfortable place and the kid can live better with me than the way you live'," Mrs Ruseva claimed during an appearance with her husband Atanas, 38, and three of their children, on private Bulgarian television station TV7 Sunday.
She claimed that leaving her daughter in Greece, where she and her husband had been working picking olives, had been a mistake and that she would do anything to get her back.
"I had to return to Bulgaria to take care of my other children when my eldest daughter, who was caring for them, got married," Mrs Ruseva said. "But we had no money and then I had another two children.......

....A lawyer came forward last week claiming to have information that Maria had at one time been in the care of a businessman seeking to adopt but that he had rejected her after discovering she had congenital eye defects – most likely related to the albino condition she shares with five of her nine siblings.........


  1. Albino? Well that clears up the mystery I was pondering on how that dark skinned Bulgarian could have given birth to such a blonde child. She is really an albino. Heh, and I was suspecting she was kidnapped from Swedish parents.

    1. Yes, I was also sure that the kid was kidnapped from a North EU country. Child trafficking is more rampant than ever before and more in the EU's constantly shifting population and poor policing. Over here in North America, human trafficking in the Native communities is alive and well because our glorious government does not want to interfere in the communities' policing with their own police force.


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