Monday, October 21, 2013

Rex Murphy on the New Brunswick protests

The stuff happening in New Brunswick is indeed "a rude dismissal of Canada's generosity" as he says.  But then why is the government not doing away with that generosity?  That generosity is the root of  evil on the reservations.  

It's a long article and you will have to access the link to read it in full as the National Post has become a bully enforcer and prompts with "Obtain a License?" every time I try to copy and paste.  What brought that on NationalPost? Don't you want free advertisement of your brand name in blogs even if bloggers  don't want to subscribe?  Sheesh!!!

Access and read the article and  some of the thousands of comments too.  Some are so acrid, it's like as if I wrote them.  HAHAHAHAHA

Here's one comment that has accumulated almost 600 "likes"
Delphicorc • 3 days ago −
As well as Rex might so eloquently describes this latter day confrontation between native and government authority he appears to run out of space to delve into the issue of why. The fact of the matter is that First Nations (Indians) have been co-opted by very wealthy environmental groups to do the latter's bidding. No white or mainstream protesters could possibly get away with these kinds of violent stunts. As we have recently seen, exhibiting this degree of violence towards police merits getting shot and killed - but not, it seems, if you are native. Hence the need to hire natives (untouchables) to do the really nasty work that the environmentalists might otherwise get shot doing. I am not and would never suggest that the police should shoot in response but I do think in these circumstances when band leadership is violently breaching the law and the civil peace is threatened, that the government should seek the arrest of band leaders and seize control of the band administration. Anything less will inevitably lead to anarchy.
Rex Murphy writing at NationalPost:
There was a very disturbing confrontation  between police and native protestors in New Brunswick on Thursday.
It was a violent clash, there were reports of several shots fired, police vehicles were set on fire, explosive devices were found, Molotov cocktails were hurled. All of which will now be bundled up into the usual charges from activists of settler brutality, the iron fist of the colonialists once again turned against peoples.

Protests that end up with Molotov cocktails, the torching of police vehicles, improvised explosive devices exposed, and in tense standoffs between mobs of protesters and ranks of police, can only rarely be seen as justified protests at all. Most times they are righteousness on a rampage. They work against any cause for which they are set in motion.......

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