Sunday, October 20, 2013

Whom do you blame for the craziness of the Canadian Indians?

I blame the government for anything and everything that is a mess with Native Indians, their protests, their lifestyle, education, standard of living,etc.etc.  just like  I blame the government for anything and everything that is a mess because  of shariah-desiring Muslim immigrants.  Why?  I'll tell you why  ... at least in the case of Indians.  The other problem  is an ongoing, never-ending subject of almost all my posts at this blog.

If the Canadian government, both provincial and federal, had not let the Ontario Indians rampage for months on end in Calendonia   without lifting a finger to either arrest the hooligans or draw up a law to prevent them from harassing citizens of Caledonia,  the Indians would be wary of trying similar tricks that we see today in New Brunwick. 

If the Canadian government had stopped giving free money to the Indians and instead made them work for their money and invested our taxpayers' money in more programs to get them to educate themselves, got social workers visiting their reservations every single day to check on their young people to prevent the rampant incest and human trafficking going unabated in those communities ..... instead of sending taxpayers' money overseas to other countries .... perhaps a bigger percentage of the Indian community would have bettered themselves. 

We have a government in place to protect the laws of the country which laws were put in place for the sole purpose of protecting the citizens and the citizens' property from just such troublemakers.  So, why didn't the cursed Dalton McGuinty, the ex-premier of Ontario do his duty?  Liberals can never answer difficult questions and Conservatives have never learnt how to keep repeating the questions until they are answered truthfully. The losers in these situations are always the ordinary people like us.

When a gardener is blind to small unwelcome shoots showing up where they shouldn't and neglects to uproot and destroy the  potentially thorny poisonous growths, then the gardener deserves to have his prized orchids infested with a bacteria that can spread to the rest of the garden.  Such willfully blind gardeners, in a world not gone blind on the whole, would be fired or thrown in prison and the keys dropped in the deepest end of the ocean.  Sadly for all us commonsense citizens, our world has gone crazy and our crazy gardeners in the halls of power are in charge of our crazy world.

In my opinion, the biggest mistake made with regard to the Indian issue was the fiasco in Ontario.  That and that alone has lead to what's happening now in New Brunswick and spreading to other places.

From CanadianPress via YahooNews:
Tensions at a shale gas protest in Rexton, N.B., remained high on Saturday as a small group of protesters seized vehicles and equipment from two news agencies while others blocked a highway.
Jim Haskins, news director for Global News in New Brunswick, said journalist Laura Brown was at the site of an ongoing shale gas protest around noon when about five protesters confronted another media outlet and seized a vehicle on Route 134.
Haskins said Brown got into her vehicle and locked the door, but was threatened by the protesters.
"They knocked on the window and demanded that she get out of the vehicle and leave it," said Haskins. "At first she refused, but the situation she felt was unsafe and unstable so reluctantly she locked the vehicle, left and started walking away.

RCMP Const. Jullie Rogers-Marsh said police had taken statements from the media and was investigating.
Haskins, who is based in Halifax, said Brown was able to retrieve her vehicle and equipment just after 4 p.m. with the help of some First Nations people. He said no equipment was damaged.
CTV News reported that one of its news crews was also told by the protesters to leave behind their satellite truck and equipment while filming in a warehouse parking lot. Wendy Freeman, the president of CTV News, said in the email the network had no other immediate comment......... 

Ezra Levant writing at his blog:
....Foreign money is radicalizing Canadian Indians.  Thursday’s riot in Rexton, N.B., was an act of eco-terrorism. 
Terrorism is defined as the use of violence, or the threat of violence, to achieve political objectives. 
Anti-oil and gas extremists have not been able to stop perfectly legal, perfectly safe seismic trucks from exploring for natural gas in New Brunswick. So if they can’t convince their fellow Canadians with arguments and facts, perhaps they’ll terrorize them into submission. 
Or maybe even kill them. 

Why else would the rioters have had a cache of high-power weapons at their encampment, including enormous stores of bullets, Soviet-style assault weapons, and even Iraq-style IEDs? 
And these brave “warriors” brought women and children with them. Why? As cannon fodder? As human shields? 
Let us take a moment to praise the RCMP, who took out this large terrorist encampment and made 40 arrests without the loss of life. .......

From CTVNews:
....Hundreds of people have gathered for a meeting  in New Brunswick to talk about an ongoing protest over shale gas exploration.
One speaker at the community hall in Elsipogtog First Nation has apologized to media who had their vehicles and equipment seized by some protesters Saturday.
The apology sparked a standing ovation from the crowd of 300 community members and protesters.
Grand Chief Derek Nepinak of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs is in Rexton to show his support for the protest and arrived at the meeting with Elsipogtog Chief Arren Sock.
The protesters want SWN Resources to stop seismic testing and leave the province..........

From TorontoSun:
...A Sun News Network reporter and four other journalists were swarmed by Native protesters Saturday near a shale gas exploration site in New Brunswick.
Sun News reporter Kris Sims said about eight people threatened her, a Global News journalist, a CTV reporter and two other crew members while they were filming six burned cop cars that were set ablaze by protesters during violent anti-fracking protests Thursday near Rexton.
Sims said a man dressed in camoflouge shouted, “Get the f--- out of here or I’ll break your f---ing cameras! All you tell are lies!”
The same protester then threatened to destroy their cars, vans and video equipment.
“Get your vans out of here before I seize it. Get it out of here right now before I seize it and that’s going where the f---ing other cars were going,” he said while gesturing to the razed RCMP cars.
As the journalists grabbed their cameras and tried to leave, the group surrounded them and demanded that they exit their cars, Sims said.
One woman blocked Sims’ car and threatened to drag her out, she said.
When she was asked who she worked for, Sims said she identified herself as a reporter.....

From GlobalNews:
....A Global New Brunswick reporter and other journalists had their vehicles and camera equipment seized while covering the ongoing shale gas protests in Rexton, N.B.
Hours after a threatening confrontation at the site of an ongoing anti-shale gas protest in northeastern New Brunswick, a Global News reporter was able to safely retrieve her vehicle and camera equipment.
Members of a local Mi’kmaq First Nation community who were at the site of the Rexton, N.B. demonstration were able to escort Global‘s Laura Brown to her vehicle late Saturday afternoon....

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