Monday, October 21, 2013

Female terrorist, suicide bombs in bus in Volgograd, Russia

What happens to female jihadists after they die killing several innocent people?  Do they also get 72 virgins? 

The link below has a video taken from outside the bus and seems to show the moment of the  blast.  However, I can't make sense of it because after the blast one can see only parts of metal debris and no bodies. Some reports say that there were more than 40 people in the bus and if  6 have died,  where are the injured people? Conclusion: Either a fake video or a video of another blast....however, it's a must see.

From NewsRussia (Google translation)
...Terrorist attack in Volgograd, wherein the explosion of a passenger bus killed six people committed suicide bomber Naida Asiyalova, officially declares the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on its website . In the published web video explosion captured by the registrar, as well as photographs of 30-year-old suicide bomber and her common-law husband, who joined gangs to Dagestan, underground and wanted for the bombing in Makhachkala.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expresses deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims of the terrorist attack in Volgograd, the press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. He also wishes a speedy recovery to the victims of the tragedy.

Peskov also said that Putin was "immediately reported" the terrorist attack in Volgograd. According to him, currently the Russian leader "get detailed information about the incident from the special services", ITAR-TASS reported.

According to the latest information in a suicide attack in Volgograd, six people were killed and 33 injured, 28 of whom were hospitalized, according to ITAR-TASS. Among the victims is a child. In the bus had about 40 people.

A full list of the victims of the blast published in the official Governor and the Government of the Volgograd region.

A female suicide bomber blew herself up at 14:05 (local time coincides with Moscow) in a public bus N 29 near the bus stop "Lesobaza" reports "Interfax" . "Body bomber Asiyalovoy Naidu is on the site of an explosion in a highly mutilated condition," - Life News writes in his Twitter . As established experts in the explosive devices were TNT blocks, two grenades and submunitions: screws and chips.

According to intelligence reports, Asiyalova and common-law husband, Dmitry Sokolov studied together in college, and then she drew the student to Islam. Suicide bomber, according to official figures, and not so long ago she became a Muslim. Kavkazpress publishes photos of suicide: one girl with her ​​hair and bare-headed, and in another frame - scan of her passport - a girl in a hijab.

On the same site you can find pictures of her beloved Dmitri Sokolov. They appear to be taken from an earlier article Kavkazpress , which reports that Dmitry Sokolov was born in 1992, his nickname - Giraffe, Islamic name Abdulzhabar............

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