Tuesday, October 29, 2013

If you are a dog lover, this is the most heartbreaking story you will read today

And while you are reading this gruesome tale,  let a parallel thought also run through you.  Our damned politicians in the West are in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood.  Whether the MB is Egypt-linked, USA-linked, Canada-linked, Australia-linked .... their ideology and their goal remains the same.  Don't ever forget that and always be on the look-out to see which of your MPs are meeting with members of the Muslim Brotherhood .... because believe you me,  those MPs are compromised and rendered useless to be true patriots.  They should be avoided like the plague.

CBS too had a story on the rescued dogs with a vid, but their link seems to be broken now, maybe hopefully it will be fixed later.  Unless, the Muslim Brotherhood-USA, with  probably a member sitting on the CBS BOD got them to remove the video and the link.  

Ari Yashar at IsraelNationalNews:
'Puppy Bombs' Rescued from Egyptian Violence. Two puppies rescued after nearly being used as living firebombs by Muslim Brotherhood.
Two puppies from Egypt were rescued just moments before they were to be used by the Muslim Brotherhood in their protests as "puppy bombs" dipped in gasoline and set on fire.

The revelation about the Brotherhood's cruel tactic used two weeks ago at Tahrir Square during demonstrations against the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi's was made known by Robyn Urman, a pet rescuer in Tenafly, New Jersey, as reported by CBS 2.

Urman, who works with Pet ResQ Inc., was contacted by Mervat Said, an animal rescue volunteer in Egypt, and flew the puppies to New Jersey to find homes.

This is not the first case of dogs being rescued from animal cruelty in Egypt.  On June 14, 2013, NECN reported about a litter of seven orphaned puppies who were rescued by Egyptian movie star Phaedra Al Masri.  Al Masri also serves as a spokesperson for PETA, and took the dogs in after hearing their mother was poisoned when the puppies were only two weeks old.

In conjunction with the Egyptian Society of Mercy for Animals, Al Masri posted about the dogs through social media sites, and found homes for them in Canada and America.

Protests have shaken Egypt since Morsi was deposed in July, and clashes between police and Brotherhood members have been a frequent occurrence. Just last Friday saw thousands of protesters take to the streets throughout Egypt..........

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