Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nuttier nuts in Iran fear their weekly curse hurling at Big Satan and Little Satan might be taken away

Iran's new guy orders removal of anti-American posters from the streets of Iran.  What does he get in return?  Hard-liners scream "not fair."  Of course the Iranian government is at fault for the behaviour of the brainwashed people. Wasn't it  the govt. itself encouraging the people to have their weekly Friday "curse" marches where the nuts curse Big Satan (USA) and Little Satan (Israel)?  Now,  with all the kissy-kissy sessions between Iran's honchos and the Obama regime, the haters  fear the govt. might take away those enjoyable social gatherings.   

Just like how we don't understand why our honchos are arming and funding our enemy Al Qaeda,  the Iranians are befuddled at how Big Satan, their favorite toy might be taken away from them.   
Politics and Politicians!!!  

Jason Rezalan writing at WashingtonPost:
....Supporters of hard-line conservative policies   faced a rare public rebuke this week as authorities ordered that anti-American billboards be removed just days after they went up, sparking a fresh round of debate over relations between Tehran and Washington.

Since the relatively moderate cleric Hassan Rouhani took office as president in August, he and his foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, have made several unprecedented gestures toward the United States, including a phone call between Rouhani and President Obama. It was the first direct contact between presidents of the two countries since Iran’s 1979 revolution ousted the shah.

Such diplomatic outreach and the new government’s apparent attempts to quiet anti-U.S. rhetoric have confused and angered supporters of hard-line conservatives who call the United States the “Great Satan” and see any overture to Washington as a betrayal of the principles of the revolution........

From MiddleEastInstitute:
The Tehran municipality   has removed anti-American posters from the streets of the capital which questioned US honesty in nuclear talks with Iran, media reported on Sunday.....

From Reuters:
....Ehsan Mohammad-Hassani, head of the Owj Cultural    Organisation which produces anti-American material, said on Sunday his group had put up the posters with the permission of the municipality, the Fars news agency said.
He said they had nothing to do with the policies of new President Hassan Rouhani, and had been designed before he took office in August. Hardliners are skeptical of Rouhani's efforts to engage with the West.
"The 'American Honesty' designs do not indicate an opposition to the negotiations of Iranian statesmen with America," Mohammad-Hassani was quoted as saying.
Lurid anti-American graffiti and posters have adorned Tehran and other major Iranian cities for decades. The site of the former U.S. embassy in Tehran depicts the Statue of Liberty with a skull for a face.....

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