Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Joe Pennachetti, City of Toronto Mis-Manager

This buffoon said the following about the offensive jihadi mural:
We are satisfied with the responses that have been provided during our preliminary inquiries into your concerns and do not believe that the mural is contrary to City policy or Canadian law.

No wonder, Italy ...  from where according to his last name this man hails from or his ancestors did ...  has many of their church compounds and grounds allocated to Muslims for their prayer times.  With this mis-manager in charge of the City of Toronto,  you can well expect the same to happen here too.

The idiot has not heard about Taqqiyah and the might of Muslim Oscar winning performances in same.  Either that or he is not fit to be the manager of the City of Toronto.   The mural is an insult to Torontonians and it has to be flushed away.  

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