Saturday, October 12, 2013

Guess who's in charge of Libya ....

if you guessed Muslim Bastardhood, you win the prize.  The prize is additional commonsense to add to your already keen capabilities to gauge what's going on in the world.

And, you know that it was the Western govts. along with the sheikhdoms who are responsible for handing Libya on a blood soaked platter to the MB, don't you?  Yup ... we are all proud to have elected such great leaders.  Hurray for us!  

The government in Libya is just a front for the MB.  By kidnapping the prime minister and then releasing him,  the MB has demonstrated its power and might ... something he might have been  forgetting in the giddy high of being a prime minister.  Did he go down on his knees and swear to the MB that he did not give the USA any details of the guy they kidnapped recently?  Yup ... I bet he did exactly that and they believed him and let him go with a warning this time.  Just like the Mafia used to be .... only worse.

From TheGuardian:
...Libya's prime minister has failed, says Muslim Brotherhood leader.Mohammed Sawan says parliament is searching for an alternative to PM Ali Zidan who was kidnapped by militia.
The leader of Libya's Muslim Brotherhood has said the prime minister, who was briefly abducted by militia members this week, has failed and needs to be replaced.
Mohammed Sawan said on Saturday the Libyan parliament is "seriously searching for an alternative" to Ali Zidan, who was seized from his hotel room on Thursday........

From BBC
Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has said his brief kidnap this week was an "attempted coup", blaming his political opponents for the attack.
In a TV address to the nation, he said an unnamed political party in the congress was behind the abduction.....
....."A political party", he said, was behind what he described as the "criminal and terrorist act".
Referring to his political opponents as a "dangerous minority", the prime minister said they had tried to secure enough votes in the congress to have him dismissed.
"When they failed to bring down the government through democratic means, they resorted to the use of force," he added.........

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